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REMINDER solidarity demo outside Danish embassy 4pm onwards today!

Climate activist | 17.12.2009 11:05

There will be a mass demonstration outside the Danish Embassy in London in solidarity with those unlawfully arrested and detained in Copenhagen during the Climate Summit protests. Today on Thursday the 17 December from 4pm onwards. The address of the embassy is :- 5 Sloane Street, London SW1X 9SR. Nearest tube Knightsbridge.

As many people as possible need to turn up to protest at the Danish state's appallling treatment of climate protesters and its denial of free speach. Spread the word far and wide! We need to tell the Danish government that we will not be intimidated by their violence against protesters.

Climate activist


Display the following 2 comments

  1. please, — annoyed anarcho rebel
  2. The mechanism of the police state in Denmark — hamlet-reincarnated