Cop15 Climate Conference: System Change, Not Climate Change
imc features | 23.11.2009 16:55 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009 | Climate Chaos
As the world watches Copenhagen, thousands of people will participate in protest marches, direct action and alternative forums. In Denmark new repressive laws have been proposed [update: now passed] to discourage protests including extending preventitative detention from 6hrs to 12hrs, significantly increasing fines for public order offences under Danish law, and increasing the penalty for not dispersing when ordered to do so by police [see 1 | 2]. Meanwhile in a clear display of political policing, four uk activists on their way to an organising meeting in Copenhagen were detained and questioned under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 [2 | 3].
Despite this hundreds of people from the uk will head to Copenhagen to participate in the protests, actions and the Klimaforum. The uk Climate Camp is organising coach transport and has joined the Climate Justice Action network which is co-ordinating some of the protests, in particular the Reclaim Power! action on 16th December, which aims to push into the conference area and hold a "People’s Summit for Climate Justice". They are supported by a wide range of groups, including members of Climate Justice Now, a network formed in Bali during Cop13 and including many groups and networks from the global south, such as Via Campesina. Other planned actions focus on food sovereignty, migration, corporations and 'business as usual'.
In the countdown toward Cop15, there has been an upswing in direct action around climate change. On September 12th hundreds of people protested and took direct action at Hazelwood coal power station in Victoria, Australia [utube video]. On 26th September, hundreds of protestors in Denmark took direct action, breaching the fences at Amagerværket coal-fired power station (owned by Vattenfall) in an action called "Shut It Down" [reports 1 | 2 | video]. In the uk on 17th October around one thousand people protested at Eon's Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal power station, repeatedly breaching fences [pics]. On 26th October, activists in the uk occupied parts of Npower’s Didcot power station, blockaded an access road at Mainshill Wood where Scottish Coal plans a new coal mine, and climbed onto machinery at Shipley opencast coal mine stopping work [collected reports]. On October 28th activists from the action group Climate Alarm! blockaded the entrance to the Business Europe Copenhagen conference in Brussels [video 1 | 2 | 3 | pics]. At the start of November in Barcelona at the last preparatory session before Copenhagen, protestors marched, blocked roads and blockaded entrances to the meeting, whilst inside delegates from the African bloc staged a walk-out of the discussions [reports 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]. Whilst on 23rd November in Australia around two hundred protestors blockaded Parliament House in Canberra.
Ahead of Cop15, demonstrations are scheduled in Geneva alongside the WTO, and on November 30th the Mobilization for Climate Justice has called for a global day of action coinciding with the 10 year anniversary of the famous Seattle WTO protests. Linking the WTO to the Cop15 mobilisation is the Social & Climate Justice Caravan, with 60 representatives from global movements from the South travelling two routes from Geneva to Copenhagen, arriving 9th December. In London, a large pre-Cop15 protest march called "The Wave" is planned by a coalition of NGOs on December 5th, meeting at the US Embassy before marching off at 1pm to encircle Parliament. Earlier there is a Climate Bike Ride meeting at 10am at Lincoln's Inn Fields, and a Climate Emergency Rally at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park at midday. Update: An action has also been announced by Climate Camp in London: COP OUT Camp Out, to take place after the Wave demonstration.
Listings of Events + Protests: 1|2|3
Latest Logistics (accomodation etc) | Legal Advice / pdf | Medics and Trauma Support | Google Map
Climate Camp UK Coaches (11th-19th Dec) - (Booking deadline 25th Nov) | Other Coaches from European Countries
See coverage at: Indymedia DK | Climate IMC | Imcuk Cop15 Section
Recent: Bolivian COP-15 Delegate's Call Video | 300-350 Show: Civil disobedience for climate justice + legal issues
See also:Why Climate Change is Not an Environmental Issue (pdf) | Deal or No Deal Newspaper (pdf) | 350 Reasons Why Carbon Trading Won't Work (pdf) | Carbon Supermarket Comic by Kate Evans | More Background
imc features
Some more relevant links:
23.11.2009 19:49
Climate Radio:
NTAC Call for action on 12th December:
Operation Bike Bloc:
VIDEO: (and on youtube: )
Climate Justice Fast:
19th Nov: ITALY: Cop15 Action: Biennale of Venice - Protest in the Chinese and U.S.A. pavilion
12th Nov: Naomi Klein: The Seattle activists' coming of age in Copenhagen will be very disobedient
11th Nov: Naomi Klein: Climate Rage:
Climae Justice Now Statement:
The Tar Sands Blow
Plane Stupid's shocking advert is designed to highlight the carbon impact of air travel
Climate Justice: The Copenhagen Moment
Cop15 - what is it and what can you do?
A studio show about the cop15 conference on climate change in Copenhagen and how you can get involved through the climatecamp network.
Policewatch who's a Terrorist
We talk to Chris Kitchen from the Climatecamp about his experience of being stopped under terrorist legislation while on root to a meeting in Copenhagen for the cop15 summit.
COP15 - Call for Protest
Other Web Links:
Feel free to add any more relevant ones...
Video clip COP15 delegate from Bolivia calls for mobilisation
23.11.2009 20:02
Trapese has just finished a successful series of events as part of C-Words at Arnolfini, Bristol around the theme of climate justice. This was part of the gallery's 100 Days countdown to Copenhagen. Thanks for all of you who came along and took part. Now we are gearing up to go to Copenhagen!
Last week at the gallery we arranged to interview Cristian Dominguez, one of the Bolivian delegates to COP 15. Follow this link to watch the interview and hear how he and Yasmine, a woman from Bristol who is going to Copenhagen too, are both calling for a civil society mobilisation to the COP 15 summit.
In Spanish with English subtitles, 18mins
Please forward, link to it, screen it as you like, etc.
Trapese will be doing two workshops at the Klima Forum in Copenhagen on 14th Dec (Climate Change and the Politics of Transition, 13-16h) and 15th Dec (Popular education; building movements that think critically, 10-12h) December. For more details see
trapese at
More Google Maps
26.11.2009 16:49
Klimaforum / transport / station / chemist / infopoints etc
Klimaforum Venues
Climate Camp Action on 5th December, London
28.11.2009 14:34
They’ll cop out so we’ll camp out.
On Saturday December 5th 2009, Climate Camp London will be joining the tens of thousands of people descending on London to help put the spotlight on the failing international climate talks in Copenhagen.
Now is the time to challenge the vested interests, corporations and political systems that are causing climate change - so we’ve got a secret plan to take a space in the city after the wave*.
It’s time to show our 'leaders' how we’re going to take action to reduce emissions ourselves.
additional info
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the desire ...
26.11.2009 13:25
What if we have been manipulated on climate change, specifically evidence of human influenced climate change?
What if data had been 'selected' and 'interpreted' in a manner consistent with the paradigm of anthropic climate change?
What if energy companies and associated business interests had colluded in pursuit of an agenda that afforded them - and their political supporters - great power and influence over a global tax and technology transfer treaty?
There are the beginnings of a massive public debate about the veracity of what we are being told about climate change by those vested interests listed above, with dissenting voices from a broad spectrum of scientific, political and social individuals and groups and with the ratification of a unique and binding global plan for 'action' looming is this the right time for those dissenting voices to be afforded an ear or two now?
28.11.2009 10:55
The earth is a rock cycle, that means the molten metal at the core of the earth will one day make up the stuff that animals in the far off future will be standing on, until another couple of millions years when it will return to the core. That is the basic science behind that earth as a planet.
If there had been no humans ever on the face of the planet, there would still be chaotic, destructive and harmful-to-animal-and-plant-life climate change. That is a fact.
The whole conspiracy about the climate change, is not that people shouldn't believe what the governments are saying/doing about it, because we know not to trust them, its to do with the fact that once you realise we're on a rock cycle planet, it becomes easier to accept that animals wont always be able to live and function on earth due to the changing surface and all the connected factors, like temperature, atmospheric conditions, etc.
The biggest lie ever pushed by the "system" is that we, as a race, could somehow live on earth unmolested by natural forces, as long as we behave with the climate. When the truth is no matter what we do or dont do, the earth will get rid of us and other life as and when it gets to the stage naturally. By then, whoever is in power on the planet will more than likely flee to another planet, with all the technology needed to sustain life, from where a new "civilisation" will be born.
So, my point is, human activity related climate change is real, the temperature is rising because of all the toxins we're pumping into it, but also there is a lot of natural changing going on. Climate Change, and the battle to make it the biggest focus point for everyone's actions and thoughts, is a mixture of human activity related change as well as natural progress of the earths rock cycles.
my point is jackslucid, is that i found you're comment a little patronising to a crowd like us, those who visit indymedia and act in the community, because we know not to trust states and corporate sponsors and backers...we're the converted, as it were, who you are preaching to.......
Rock Cycle
Wrong Date of the COP
01.12.2009 11:56
your date for the COP is wrong! The Summit will be from 7.12. to 18.12. It's in the first line, and there are still a lot of actions after the 14th, so please change it! Otherwise everyone will be leaving before it even gets interesting!
date typo changed
03.12.2009 02:01
a really stupid typo, thanks for pointing it out, it's been changed.
imc schwoops
Climate change moron activists
10.12.2009 23:25
The petrochemical companies promote the climate change agenda
The squawking greens and leftists align with the Gore carbon offset profiteering
The new hitler youth and obama youth scream down what they dont want to hear
The Club of Rome falsifications being fully charged with the help of BP and the like and all the silly environmentalists at the service of the ruling class, shouting give us more give us more
Get real moronic activists! See what you're shouting for. A deal promised by the club of Rome in 1990 and the Iron Mountain crew in 1967
You are all deluded and bought into the nwo agenda
It's bad to watch