Calling all artists! 'Alternative Trafigura Art Prize' launches today
Richard Wilson | 18.10.2009 15:32 | Ecology | Free Spaces
Don’t Get Fooled Again is delighted to announce the launch of the ‘Alternative Trafigura Art Prize’. This prestigious new contest will celebrate the contribution to UK political life of the oil-company and serial litigant Trafigura, and will run concurrently with the official Trafigura Art Prize competition.
Submissions are invited from all artists and artistically-minded folk worldwide, and may address any subject, with the term “art” being understood in its broadest possible sense.
Our learned panel of judges will reveal the winners of this fiercely-contested prize on November 3rd, via this blog:
Entry is free, and the overall winner will receive a mouth-watering selection of banana-themed baked goods.
Instructions: Simply upload a copy of your artwork to Tweetpic, Flickr or Youtube, and post the link as a comment here:
Our learned panel of judges will reveal the winners of this fiercely-contested prize on November 3rd, via this blog:
Entry is free, and the overall winner will receive a mouth-watering selection of banana-themed baked goods.
Instructions: Simply upload a copy of your artwork to Tweetpic, Flickr or Youtube, and post the link as a comment here:
Richard Wilson
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Cynthia Corbett sucks Satan's cock
18.10.2009 16:05
If this arts prize is awarded then I for one will consider anyone associated with the prize, including Cynthia Corbett, any of the competitors, and any artist, gallery or artwork associated with them to be a valid target for defacement and destruction.
For fucking grand doesn't buy a lot of security Cynthia. You lot cannot kill Africans and call it art without your own corpse being used as a 'still life' later. Disassociate yourself from TransDisFigura, perhaps take a whip-round for the winner this year, or be prepared to drink in the toxic waste your sponsors shit onto others.
Please no silly threats - it's wrong and it totally undermines the issue
18.10.2009 20:51
A lot of people are very angry about this but threatening anyone doesn't help and just plays into the hands of Trafigura, Bell Pottinger and Carter Ruck - they can then play the victim. Far more effective to fight sleaze with mockery. I've been told (unconfirmed) that a number of artists have actually turned down the prize, and my feeling is that this is something we can win through persuasion. If you want to talk more about this please contact me directly - richardcameronwilson AT
Richard Wilson
18.10.2009 21:37
If you think you can mock these idiots out of this crap sponsorship by the time of the prize then please do. Maybe you could even offer the actual entrants a cash or some other reward to withdraw from that contest and enter your one, or maybe you can think of something else.
I don't have much of a sense of humour when it comes to corporations like that or the idiots who give them good press for petty lucre. You've known about this prize and thought about your response, I've just heard about it and I'm still fuming. I won't email you unless I do calm down, thanks for the offer.
I once met the artist for 'The Sun' newspaper, the guy who drew cartoon crime scenes and such crap. He had his paintings lying around his house like any other artist, not great paintings but good enough. The Sun gave him several tens of thousands of pounds for prostituting himself during the day. I slagged him but he was okay, at least he did minimal damage compared to these corporate white-wash whores. I'm the crappest artist, but I would never sell myself so cheaply. The winning artist gets £4000. That's dole money! How much did the killer corporation donate and who got the rest of it if not Cynthia? FOI?
You might want to warn these entrantrants that they are not in Kansas anymore, people are angry at what their patrons do. They have sunk themselves from artist to prison warden, polluter, poisoner. Tell your blog readers about Saatchi's level of involvement. Blair is still untouchable, so far, but Saatchi is emminently slappable.
Heart of Darkness
19.10.2009 15:50
African Mask, the Ron Mueck entry in the Trifigura art prize
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