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EDL - The day of Reckoning Manchester 10th October

Combat Combat 18 | 22.09.2009 17:56 | Anti-racism | Culture | Social Struggles | Liverpool

EDL - The day of Reckoning Manchester 10th October

The latest splinter group of the white supremacist league is planning a big day

I've no idea who the Daily motion is - sounds like something you do when you have plenty of bran!

The clip shows that great English man 'St George', wasn't he Palestinian? It then goes on to talk about Christians defending Christians.

I guess it will be the same group of disenfranchised white young men from Birmingham looking for a reason to run around the streets shouting abuse at anyone who isn't white, male or appear Christian

Those of you with more patience than I may wish to engage with them in an attempt to discuss racism. Others may choose to spoil their day

Combat Combat 18


Display the following 17 comments

  1. Another clueless twat — Oh for fuck's sake
  2. Yobs — Pete
  3. cant — ballz
  4. Academia in the age of stupid. — British Prole
  5. Poor Manchester, poor Britain. — Geoff
  6. I've seen Pete! — .
  7. get real — petty
  8. Re petty — Me
  9. We are all antifascists — Antifascist and proud
  10. Sequestrate. — Nom de plume.
  11. Pete the not so clever — Argh
  12. @ petty pete — antifascist
  13. idjiot — petty
  14. we aren't bombing all the countries at the moment — petty
  15. Beware neo-Nazi Indymedia Trolls — Troll Destroya
  16. EDL - The new NF — Combat Combat 18
  17. Even the BNP have condemned them — Justthefacts