What can No Borders and solidarity campaigns acheive?
durruti02 | 23.07.2009 16:27 | Migration | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World
NB and the current solidarity campaigns achieve nothing.
It is a simple lesson that revolutionaries have had to learn over the years that without power, you and I, WE, can do nothing.
No Borders promises migrants support but actually has no real support to offer.
Maybe you could say that actually NB is a more political group dedicated to propaganda, but in this it fails utterly too, as within all its statements and declarations there is nothing to show it has any understanding whatsoever as to what is needed to get what it wants.
To achieve the victory we need over nationalism and for free movement of people ( as opposed to cheap labour importation that seems to work all to well) it will neccessitate an entirely different society. And that will not be built by these vague alliances but by actually building where people live or work till we have the power we need to take over.
Instead we have fluff about solidarity between activists and migrants. But it is meaningless solidarity as it neither gives migrants what they so desperately need, and in most cases deserve, nor does it help to develop ideas of 'noborders' in the wider movement. In fact it does the opposite as most ordinary people while often sympathetic to the plight of migrants quite rightly fail to understand why uk based activists are more interested in helping those abroad than those next door who are often in serious trouble, and are alienated by this.
NB fills simply a liberal moral concience niche. It does not help migrants and it does not do what it is supposed to do.
Please people .. IF you want to change the world you have to do it where you live and work, with people you may or may not like. IF you want to help migrants first you need to have power to actually get them help. Otherwise it is wasted energy.
And you know what? While @ activists run around helping migrants at Calais, the BNP are recruiting and growing by running around in the very streets many of us live.
Campaigns like NB are a dangerous distraction
It is a simple lesson that revolutionaries have had to learn over the years that without power, you and I, WE, can do nothing.
No Borders promises migrants support but actually has no real support to offer.
Maybe you could say that actually NB is a more political group dedicated to propaganda, but in this it fails utterly too, as within all its statements and declarations there is nothing to show it has any understanding whatsoever as to what is needed to get what it wants.
To achieve the victory we need over nationalism and for free movement of people ( as opposed to cheap labour importation that seems to work all to well) it will neccessitate an entirely different society. And that will not be built by these vague alliances but by actually building where people live or work till we have the power we need to take over.
Instead we have fluff about solidarity between activists and migrants. But it is meaningless solidarity as it neither gives migrants what they so desperately need, and in most cases deserve, nor does it help to develop ideas of 'noborders' in the wider movement. In fact it does the opposite as most ordinary people while often sympathetic to the plight of migrants quite rightly fail to understand why uk based activists are more interested in helping those abroad than those next door who are often in serious trouble, and are alienated by this.
NB fills simply a liberal moral concience niche. It does not help migrants and it does not do what it is supposed to do.
Please people .. IF you want to change the world you have to do it where you live and work, with people you may or may not like. IF you want to help migrants first you need to have power to actually get them help. Otherwise it is wasted energy.
And you know what? While @ activists run around helping migrants at Calais, the BNP are recruiting and growing by running around in the very streets many of us live.
Campaigns like NB are a dangerous distraction
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