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Climate Camp Cymru 13 - 16 August

Climate Camp Cymru | 14.07.2009 19:34 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Energy Crisis


Climate activists plan Wales’ first Climate Camp

Direct action camp to open near Merthyr, 13-16th August

Monday 13th July 2009: Climate activists have announced their plans to set up a family friendly ‘Climate Camp’ near Merthyr Tydfil, site of the controversial Ffos y Fran opencast coalmine next month.

The camp is part of a dynamic movement for action on the root causes of climate change. According to campers, the endless pursuit of economic growth on a finite planet is the driving force behind climate change.

Following Climate Camps near Drax, North Yorkshire (2006), Heathrow (2007), and Kingsnorth, Kent (2008), Climate Camp Cymru will draw international attention to UK government hypocrisy on climate change and ensure Wales plays its part in the growing global movement of camps for climate action. Experts agree that globally emissions must peak by 2015 or earlier if we are to avoid runaway climate chaos .

“Coal is nearly all carbon and should be left in the ground” said Angharad Jones, one of the campers. “The opencast coalmine at Ffos-y-Fran is a big black hole in the climate change policies of our governments! The mine supplies coal to Wales' biggest emitter of CO2: the coal fired power station at Aberthaw.”

Every aspect of the camp will demonstrate that solutions to climate change are available right now: from lights and computers powered by wind and sun, to water-less compost toilets and delicious low-carbon recipes cooked on efficient wood stoves. The camp will show how reversing the climate crisis can be mouth watering and fun!

More than your average camping trip, Climate Camp will be full of opportunities to learn. Workshops will cover everything from climate science and direct action techniques to DIY and traditional crafts. A kids’ area will keep younger campers entertained throughout the four days.

“Climate change is already killing three hundred thousand people every year ” Dr. Larch Maxey said, “yet our politicians remain intent on using the most polluting fuels like coal to chase economic growth at any cost. To stop climate chaos we must leave fossil fuels in the ground!”

For more information see

The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report proposed 2015 as the point at which emissions must peak, although this report is out of date, with the latest research indicating that emissions should peak sooner and be brought to zero by 2050. See, for example Public Interest Research Centre “Climate Safety” (2008)

Kofi Annan's think-tank, the Global Humanitarian Forum, recently calculated that 300,000 people a year are already being killed by climate change, which is set to increase dramatically with increasing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. See “Human Impact Report: Climate Change – The Anatomy of a Silent Crisis” (2009) available at


Gweithredwyr Hinsawdd yn cynllunio'r Gwersyll Hinsawdd cyntaf yng Nghymru

Gwersyll Gweithredu Uniongyrchol i agor ger Merthyr, Awst 13-16

Dydd Llun, Gorffennaf 13eg 2009: Mae ymgyrchwyr hinsawdd wedi cyhoeddi eu cynlluniau i sefydlu gwersyll deuluol o'r enw 'Climate Camp Cymru' ger y safle glo brig dadleuol Ffos-y-Fran ym Merthyr Tudful ym mis Awst.

Mae'r gwersyll yn ran o symudiad poblogaidd sy'n gweithredu i atal newid hinsawdd. Yn ôl y gwersyllwyr, yr hyn sydd wrth wraidd cynhesu'r byd yw'r ffaith bod ein llywodraethau ar drywydd twf economaidd diderfyn ar blaned sydd ag adnoddau naturiol cyfyngedig.

Yn dilyn Gwersylloedd Hinsawdd ger Drax, Gogledd Swydd Efrog (2006), Heathrow (2007), a Kingsnorth, Caint (2008), bydd Climate Camp Cymru yn tynnu sylw rhyngwladol at ragrith y llywodraeth ar newid hinsawdd ac yn sicrhau fod Cymru yn chwarae rhan bwysig yn y symudiad byd-eang sy'n gweithredu i atal cynhesu pellach. Mae arbenigwyr gwyddonol yn gytun fod yn rhaid i allyriadau carbon byd-eang gyrraedd eu brig erbyn 2015 neu yn gynt os ydym am atal newid hinsawdd rhag mynd allan o bob rheolaeth.

"Mae glo fwy neu lai yn garbon i gyd a dylem ei adael yn y ddaear," meddai Angharad Jones o Fachynlleth, sydd ymhlith y gwersyllwyr. "Mae'r gwaith glo brig yn Ffos-y-Fran yn cynrychioli twll mawr du ym mholisiau newid hinsawdd ein llywodraethau! Mae'r lofa anferth yma yn cyflenwi glo i bwerdy glo Aberddawan, sy'n allyrru mwy o CO2 dinistriol nag unrhyw ffynhonnell arall yng Nghymru"

Bydd pob agwedd o'r gwersyll yn dangos fod yr atebion i newid hinsawdd ar gael rwan hyn: o oleuadau a chyfrifiaduron sydd wedi eu pweru gan ynni'r gwynt a'r haul, i doiledau compost nad ydynt angen dŵr, i brydau bwyd carbon-isel wedi eu coginio ar boptai pren effeithlon. Bydd y gwersyll yn dangos fod modd cael hwyl wrth gydweithio i atal yr argyfwng hinsawdd!

Yn wahanol i'r gwyliau gwersylla arferol, bydd y Gwersyll Hinsawdd hefyd yn llawn cyfleoedd i ddysgu. Bydd gweithdau at ddant pawb, yn cynnwys sesiynau ar wyddoniaeth hinsawdd, technegau gweithredu uniongyrchol, DIY a chrefftau traddodiadol. Bydd ardal arbennig i blant yn difyrru gwersyllwyr ifanc trwy gydol y pedwar diwrnod.

"Mae newid hinsawdd eisoes yn lladd 300,000 o bobl bob blwyddyn," meddai Dr Larch Maxey o Abertawe, "ac eto mae'r llywodraeth yn mynnu defnyddio'r tanwyddau mwyaf brwnt, fel glo, yn enw twf economaidd. Er mwyn arbed newid hinsawdd di-droi'n-ôl rhaid i ni adael tanwyddau ffosil yn y ddaear!"

Am fwy o wybodaeth gweler:

Mae'r 'IPCC Fourth Assessment Report' yn argymell y dylai allyriadau carbon gyrraedd eu brig yn 2015, ond mae'r ymchwil diweddaraf yn dangos fod angen i allyriadau gyrraedd eu brig cyn hyn a dod lawr i sero erbyn 2050. Gweler, er enghraifft, yr adroddiad "Climate Safety" (2008) gan y Public Interest Research Centre

Mae seiat ddoethion Kofi Annan, y Global Humanitarian Forum, wedi amcanrifo fod 300,000 o bobl eisoes yn cael eu lladd gan newid hinsawdd bob blwyddyn, a bod hyn yn mynd i gynyddu'n ddramatig wrth i'r lefelau nwyon tŷ gwydr yn yr atmosffer godi. See “Human Impact Report: Climate Change – The Anatomy of a Silent Crisis” (2009) ar gael ar

Climate Camp Cymru


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political stage

15.07.2009 03:18

Im sure a lot of people in the no with regards to the camp in August that jill Evans MEP plaid
cymru and others have decided to go along, i see this as some what strange, the idea of camp climate's is the fact that our elected MEP,AM,MP have done bugger all.
I see this if they go in the capacity of being elected as nothing more than a possible vote winner,
i for one shall not be going to the 22 july set up camp or the August.
this is just so outrageous its behind belief.
please have alook at this site , i feel really sorry i shall not be going i have done a lot to spread the word on this open cast mine and have indeed written letters etc etc ,to have it ruined by the political partys stage for fame and votes


Hi Davey

15.07.2009 17:32

We're quite concerned about this in the Cymru media team. Basically we've let politicians know that they are free to attend as individuals, but that we do not endorse political parties and the camp should not be used as a platform for politicians. Requests from political parties to hold a stall at the camp have already been denied.

Ms Anne Thropy


20.07.2009 06:58

I left the UK because it´s got MP´s in it, and continue to boycott it for that reason. . However in August many MP´s are in there third homes abroad: Spain Italy, Barnsly etc ... for the long parliamentary reces. The rest are just taking holidays in the UK in a personal capacity. I know for a fact that Margret Becket is going to a caravan park in Skegness and will be holding a witches covern.

By the way The Third Home scandle has yet to come out, it was covered up. So let me start the ball rolling: Geofrey Robinson MP for Coventry alledgedly claimed Bog Roll for his not unmodest place in Tuscany. I tried to bribe him with this, to get a months free holdiay in it, but he said quote: fuck off you tosser. Charning or What?

I´ll be revealing alledged Third Home Flipping by Jim Cunningham MP another Coventry MP in these pages soon - but I need to have a word with Jim first.

,Anyway, I´ll come to Climate Camp if you can bring dogs and play cricket - Lu Lu´s a very talented cricketer - Amazing but true - and she can sniff out a copper at up to 1KM, her favourite food being pork.

How about inviting Arthur along again to debate open cast mining.

See you there. I´ll bring my cricket bat and you balls.

Harold Hamlet

Harold Hamlet

The way I see it

15.08.2009 11:23

The sun causes the climate to change.

The other planets in the solar system are going through the same changes as earth.

CO2 is not a polutant.

We breath out CO2

CO2 is plant food. Don't we want the plants and trees to breath?

Every single life form on this planet is carbon based.

The elite banking families of the world (mainly the Rothchilds) are trying to tax as many people as possible so they dreamed up the carbon tax. Taxing life itself. David De Rothchild was the money behind Al Gore and the live 8 concerts. He also wrote this book to brainwash childen.

The Rockefella family (working for the Rothchild family in america) is the money behind the green movement. They are trying to make a new religion out of the green movement and it is very very dangerous. I will go as far as to say that the green movement could adopt a lot of the characteristics of the nazis. This may sound like an outragous comment and i certainly don't mean that the green movement are going to start rounding up a certain ethnic group and killing them but the tactics that the nazis used to maintain control through fear are starting to show themselves. Telling on your neighbours if you don't think they are green enough. Fining you if you are not green enough, Councels monitoring bin collections and weighing your recycling bin and household waste bin. Don't get me wrong i'm all for recycling and producing as little waste as possible but this is where it starts and i can see it possibly getting out of control. Again, by design.

If you are one of these people who believes that climate change is man made please do some research into the people telling you this. Ignore the main stream media because they are owned by the big boys who benefit from a tax on carbon. Always read both sides of an argument as much as you can before jumping to conclusions.

These elite bankers are the same people who have bought you the credit crunch, also by design. when i talk about elite banker i don't mean the highstreet banks or wall street or london. I'm talking about the families that own the central banks of the world. The people who print the money and lend it to our governments. These banks are not government bodies they are privately owned banks that exist to control a nation and to make profit for those owners just like a high street bank only on a huge huge scale. Do a bit of reasearch and trust me you will see the bigger picture. The carbon tax is just another tool they have constructed, based on a lie, to aquire more of our wealth.

"Permit me to issue and control the money of the nation and I care not who makes its laws."
— Mayer Amsched Rothchild

YES there are polutants in our air and in our water and in our food. A lot of them put there by desing too (flouride in the water, Aspartame and MSG in most foods) these need to be brought to peoples attention and gotten rid of but focusing on CO2 which is vital for life on this planet is going to end up in

Don't be fooled by it. Think for yourself and alway question what you are told. Even what i'm saying here.

Thanks for reading

Not Gullible