keen's house now evicted after attack
rikki | 12.07.2009 01:24 | Free Spaces
after the court case yesterday, squatter's at the MP's empty property in Brentwood held a farewell party last night. misguided thugs from a local estate attacked the party in a gang with pit-bull terriers. the last of the squatters moved out this afternoon.
a sole policeman was standing guard outside the empty home this evening, and told me it was being treated as a crime scene after "an incident" last night. he said the squatters had left this afternoon (saturday). i pointed out it was our money that paid for that house, and he shrugged his shoulders, smiled and said "i know".
later, local residents told us that a party at the house last night (friday) had been attacked by a gang of local youths with pit-bull terriers. it is not known at this stage if anyone was hurt in the attack.
perhaps one of the house residents could post and let us know they're ok?
later, local residents told us that a party at the house last night (friday) had been attacked by a gang of local youths with pit-bull terriers. it is not known at this stage if anyone was hurt in the attack.
perhaps one of the house residents could post and let us know they're ok?
Hide the following 10 comments
12.07.2009 12:57
13.07.2009 11:46
to 'hi'
13.07.2009 12:38
Being violent does not come naturally to a lot of people, it certainly doesn't come naturally to me - and i've been considered quite an up for it activist in the UK scene. Passing judgement on people over their ability to use violence, assuming they are pacifist hippies just cos they got done over, is a cunt thing to do.
also, please tell us about the time you've successfully defended yourself against pitbulls....
You twat.
Bill Stickers
13.07.2009 15:53
Humble Hi
13.07.2009 19:56
Judo and T'ai Chi are better options for self-defence against stronger people imo. Nobody can break out of a decent judo lock no matter and tai chi uses their strength against them.
You are right, a dog won't like it's legs being pulled apart, but it isn't going to kill it just annoy it and distract you - pulling a dogs legs apart to burst it's heart is a myth seemingly:
If a pitbull has locked on to your arm then consider gouging it's eyes before it gets to your throat if you are unarmed. I'd recommend having some home made pepper spray as an alternative to a knife if you are anticipating canine or human assailants. I'm working on a souped up sonic dog alarm but it'll be a while coming if it works.
some update
14.07.2009 00:00
the residents will apparently be issuing a press release shortly
mate, give us a break
15.07.2009 20:16
to hi!
16.07.2009 09:59
In relation to talk about Judo/Tai Chi I agree to a large extent, I actually train in mixed martial arts-the basis is Wing Chun Kung Fu(a lot of similarities with Tai Chi I think) and have done some Brazilian Ju Jitsu so I'd agree strongly that technique is paramount and you don't just want to train brute force though I think there's some sort of balance...
It's inspiring that people took this upon themselves, it makes the ruling class seem less untouchable and that people can still legally enjoy themselves and not just live in fear... Psychological control is one of their most powerful tools and when you get a reaction you know you're having an effect, respect to all those who took risks to act freely, maybe one day we won't be a minority but till then all I want at the very least is us able to protect ourselves and guess regardless of this something on my mind a lot, it's really not about being violent or aggressive, it's amazing the way good training enables you to actually reduce the amount of violence, any way I'll get off my stupid internet soap box, chess boxing any one?...
fair play then "hi" - thats actually a fair comment
16.07.2009 14:06
BUT - its not about being able to fight so much as having people switched on enough to know not to let dodgy cunts in, and if they do get into our scene, that we get together and rain hell on them til they fuck off forever. Generally people who call out the the dodgy crews or individuals at squats or parties are left entirely on their own by people who "don't want any trouble". Great, until your friend is battered and mugged, they steal the lead off your roof (ramparts), or they rape someone.
"understand a little more, forgive a little less"
I can't fight for shit, but i'm happy to weigh in when people stand tofuckingether.
bill stickers
You could start a fight club
16.07.2009 16:16
Sometimes the choice isn't between violence or non-violence but between resistance or death, and recognising that is the most important skill.