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keen's house now evicted after attack

rikki | 12.07.2009 01:24 | Free Spaces

after the court case yesterday, squatter's at the MP's empty property in Brentwood held a farewell party last night. misguided thugs from a local estate attacked the party in a gang with pit-bull terriers. the last of the squatters moved out this afternoon.

a sole policeman was standing guard outside the empty home this evening, and told me it was being treated as a crime scene after "an incident" last night. he said the squatters had left this afternoon (saturday). i pointed out it was our money that paid for that house, and he shrugged his shoulders, smiled and said "i know".

later, local residents told us that a party at the house last night (friday) had been attacked by a gang of local youths with pit-bull terriers. it is not known at this stage if anyone was hurt in the attack.

perhaps one of the house residents could post and let us know they're ok?

- e-mail: rikkiindymedia[@t]gmail(d0t)com


Display the following 10 comments

  1. hi — hi
  2. correction — rikki
  3. to 'hi' — Bill Stickers
  4. ok — hi
  5. Humble Hi — Danny
  6. some update — rikki
  7. mate, give us a break — to hi!
  8. apologies — hi
  9. fair play then "hi" - thats actually a fair comment — bill stickers
  10. You could start a fight club — Danny