The No Borders demo in pictures.
Guido | 01.07.2009 09:56 | Migration | World
The first road block after leaving the camp.
Those sinister plain clothes CRS discuss their plans... the law banning facial coverings.
Meanwhile on the other side of the barricade...
...the protesters gas themselves to save the Police the trouble.
The clowns keep busy Police helicopter spotting.
The long march to the protest...
...gets regularly held up by cops in fetish gear.
You can only imagine what they get up to when off duty?
The mysterious Calais pie shortage is explained.
At least one Police line is breached.
So those designer cops appear...
...and initiate their public relations strategy.
Which seems to entertain both the locals...
Numerous road blocks ensured that those leaving the camp took nearly two hours to reach the assembly point. The 1,500 riot cops had very little to do except get slowly baked i their riot gear.
The march had a carnival atmospehere. The locals all seemed to enjoy the spectacle. A good event that was well worth attending.
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01.07.2009 11:03
What about the Green issues involved, whilst dressing as Clowns and doing the Samba is a nice way of spending an afternoon it does not tackle all the components of the equation.
You people are mad vote BNP and keep foreigners out!
01.07.2009 16:43
Vote BNP
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