Sri Lankan president attracts protestors to Lord's
Richard | 21.06.2009 15:04
The hardline president o Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapakse makes a surprise visit to the 20-20 tournament finals at Lord's cricket ground.
Few protesters outside.
Mahinda Rajapakse has been cited indirectly by many global leaders as one of few who should be investigated for war crimes by Sri Lanka in recent times.
Few protesters outside.
Mahinda Rajapakse has been cited indirectly by many global leaders as one of few who should be investigated for war crimes by Sri Lanka in recent times.
I jumped off the bus to inquire what was going (about 2 hrs ago)
There were few Tamil protesters and a lots of police.
Apparently the protest will continue till 6 pm.
A bigger number of protesters were expected. I promised to upload to Indymedia (apologies for being a bit late)
Hope the suffering in Sri Lanka comes to an end sooner than later.
There were few Tamil protesters and a lots of police.
Apparently the protest will continue till 6 pm.
A bigger number of protesters were expected. I promised to upload to Indymedia (apologies for being a bit late)
Hope the suffering in Sri Lanka comes to an end sooner than later.
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I remember"smears"& stories about tamil tiger tactics, this is a good
21.06.2009 16:03
If I lived in London I would be there, there was a demo on radio at Trent Bridge cricket ground recently, I didnt hear about this beforehand via stop the war email or on indymedia, its pretty simple to contact both. The cricket protest is a good idea, it should get coverage on media in worldwide, I didnt watch the cricket on the telly, but at international events like that a handful of people can do more to highlight a situ. Sportspeople often love fairplay & can actually be a v political active bunch& stripper pitch invasions for a good cause are loved by fans.
Are there any Sri Lankan tourist agencies or airlines people can protest against?, I found these: Mr. Sanjika Perera& Ms: Alison Cryer, Representation Plus Tel0208 877 4508 flights to edinburgh, london,glasgow, leeds,teeside,newcastle airports I dont know if this nottingham based company worthwile protesting, but if theres any contacts in Nottingham I can help organise some kind of peaceful protest, I will email my details to any contacts I can find
Buhhdists should be protested to condemn the slaughter, the Dalia lama has called for a truce bubt it is a buhhdist government that is running the army with support from china so any international buhhdist conferences deserve a protest
Green syndicalist
You dopy twat
21.06.2009 17:17
"I didnt hear about this beforehand via stop the war email" - well you wouldn't have, there being no war to stop
"Buhhdists should be protested to condemn the slaughter" - Try Buddhists as well
"the Dalia lama has called for a truce" - not recently presumably, even presuming that you mean the Dalai Lama
Any fule kno that all these Tamil diaspora "protests" are orchestrated by what's left of the LTTE, one of the most wicked and murderrous terrorist groups of all time.
War is over
2nd hand report
23.06.2009 13:57
it's not cricket
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