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G20 protests : PHOTOS

jR | 05.04.2009 18:24 | G20 London Summit | South Coast | World

Photos of the protests against the G20 are available on the website of [Contre-Faits->]

including photos of the convergence center, climat camp, Bank's protest....



Display the following 13 comments

  1. Who do you think has to pay for the mess you've made? — A Banker
  2. Give the money to the people — Paul
  3. @ A Banker — Non-Banker
  4. @paul — ted
  5. @ A Banker - or Bankster? — George B
  6. Power to the window makers! Back to the bank. 11.4.9 — Post-capitalist
  7. A Response — A Banker
  8. Debt — A body
  9. What? — Ploppy
  10. Another world is possible — A Person
  11. @ A Bankster — George B
  12. British Libertarian — British Libertarian
  13. @ Ted — MonkeyBot 5000