Celebrate BP's choice of Fossil Fools Day to celebrate its centenary!
Tony Wayward | 23.02.2009 21:26 | Climate Chaos | Culture | Social Struggles
For reasons unfathomable yet deeply pleasing, BP* has chosen Fossil Fools
Day - April 1st 2009 - to celebrate its centenary.
This will take place at the British Museum, where the not-so-great and the
far-from-good will quaff cocktails, snaffle canapes and watch a
celebratory film.
And we will be there too, between 6-7pm, to say ‘Your party’s over!'
Day - April 1st 2009 - to celebrate its centenary.
This will take place at the British Museum, where the not-so-great and the
far-from-good will quaff cocktails, snaffle canapes and watch a
celebratory film.
And we will be there too, between 6-7pm, to say ‘Your party’s over!'
Bring banners, musical instruments, a sense of climate justice and a
nonsense of foolery.
Meet at 6pm at the British Museum’s Gt. Russell St. gate – don’t be late!
(With any luck, you can help build a Climate Camp in the City of London
from noon that day, at the European Climate Exchange, Hasilwood House, 62
Bishopsgate, EC2N 4AW,
http://www.climatecamp.org.uk/g20, then head over to the British Museum
for this do.)
* BP = Burning Planet, British Plunder, Bloody Profits, Broken Promises,
Boring Parties, Breathtaking Protests and..? Send your unravelled acronyms
Art Not Oil: for creativity, climate justice and an end to fossil fuel
industry sponsorship of the arts
c/o 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
www.artnotoil.org.uk - send us your art!
See also www.climatecamp.org.uk
as well as Climate Indymedia: climateimc.org
PS. To mark this auspicious occasion, the Carbon Town Cryer has written a
song called 'Celebrate This!' Here are the words:
What can you have to celebrate?
I’m just trying to get this clear
Is it to cheer the melt as it accelerates?
To toast a reeling atmosphere?
And the sanctity of your story,
Its stolen power and its suppos-ed glory
We will not glorify
We are here to defy
To testify
I’ll drink to the ailing of the oil age
Not to your Empire of Carnage
To the purveyors of theft and murder
We say celebrate this!
Our fossil fuel-free kiss
Celebrate this resistance!
Ah BP, don’t you know your party’s over?
You’ve stolen your last four-leaf clover
Here’s to climate justice taking over
So you’re parading in bloodstained blacktie
Through your safe house the British Museum
Do you think you can hide behind its whitewashed columns?
Well dream on, BP, deep within your self-delusion,
Deep within your collusion
Don’t you know your party’s over?
I pray for climate justice to take over
These semi-submerged blood-soaked cliffs of Dover
Forgive me for urging your come-uppance
But deep beneath your cummerbund
I think you know what you have done:
A beautifully executed hit and run
So, I wonder: can we rain on your centenary
And dismantle this machinery?
Over 100 years of phony greenery
Can we grow some cleaner scenery?
And celebrate this -
Our fossil fuel-free kiss
Celebrate this resistance!
nonsense of foolery.
Meet at 6pm at the British Museum’s Gt. Russell St. gate – don’t be late!

(With any luck, you can help build a Climate Camp in the City of London
from noon that day, at the European Climate Exchange, Hasilwood House, 62
Bishopsgate, EC2N 4AW,

for this do.)
* BP = Burning Planet, British Plunder, Bloody Profits, Broken Promises,
Boring Parties, Breathtaking Protests and..? Send your unravelled acronyms

Art Not Oil: for creativity, climate justice and an end to fossil fuel
industry sponsorship of the arts
c/o 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES
www.artnotoil.org.uk - send us your art!
See also www.climatecamp.org.uk
as well as Climate Indymedia: climateimc.org
PS. To mark this auspicious occasion, the Carbon Town Cryer has written a
song called 'Celebrate This!' Here are the words:
What can you have to celebrate?
I’m just trying to get this clear
Is it to cheer the melt as it accelerates?
To toast a reeling atmosphere?
And the sanctity of your story,
Its stolen power and its suppos-ed glory
We will not glorify
We are here to defy
To testify
I’ll drink to the ailing of the oil age
Not to your Empire of Carnage
To the purveyors of theft and murder
We say celebrate this!
Our fossil fuel-free kiss
Celebrate this resistance!
Ah BP, don’t you know your party’s over?
You’ve stolen your last four-leaf clover
Here’s to climate justice taking over
So you’re parading in bloodstained blacktie
Through your safe house the British Museum
Do you think you can hide behind its whitewashed columns?
Well dream on, BP, deep within your self-delusion,
Deep within your collusion
Don’t you know your party’s over?
I pray for climate justice to take over
These semi-submerged blood-soaked cliffs of Dover
Forgive me for urging your come-uppance
But deep beneath your cummerbund
I think you know what you have done:
A beautifully executed hit and run
So, I wonder: can we rain on your centenary
And dismantle this machinery?
Over 100 years of phony greenery
Can we grow some cleaner scenery?
And celebrate this -
Our fossil fuel-free kiss
Celebrate this resistance!
Tony Wayward
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g20 as well
24.02.2009 15:23
26.02.2009 11:09
* Beyond Petroleum? BP is working hard to its increase oil and gas
production faster than Shell, Exxon, Chevron, Total et al.
* ‘BP and Shell have discussed with the government the prospect of
claiming a stake in Iraq's oil reserves in the aftermath of war.’
Financial Times, 11.3.03.
* In 2007, BP bought 50% of the Sunrise oil tar sands field in Canada. Tar
sands are the most energy-intensive fossil fuels to bring to market, even
before they have been burned.
‘Fund managers attack BP over tar sands plan’, Times, 18.4.08
* Fossil fuel-induced climate chaos hit Europe in August 2003, killing
tens of thousands of mostly older people in record-breaking temperatures.
150,000 may have died worldwide.
* ‘Exposed: BP, its pipeline, and an environmental time-bomb’, Independent
(26.6.04) on BP’s US-inspired and protected Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil & gas
pipelines, which will produce over 150m tonnes of CO2 each year for 40
years, causing untold damage to the world’s climate; baku.org.uk
* ‘BP doubles corporate ad budget in $150m bid for greener image’, Times,
28.12.05; BP invests 2.6% of its annual budget in solar & other renewable
energy sources, much less than it ploughs into advertising and PR like its
sponsorship of the Tate, NPG, NHM etc.
* ‘Oil gushes into Arctic Ocean from BP pipeline’, 265,000 gallons, to be
more exact. Ind, 21.3.06
* ‘BP slated for 'systemic lapses', FT, 18.8.05; 15 workers were killed
and 500 injured in an explosion at BP’s Texas City refinery on March 23rd
This leaflet is distributed by Art Not Oil, taking creative action on –
and seeking positive solutions to - the root causes of climate chaos.
See also
PS. This information focuses on BP, but they’re all it - there’s no such
thing as a good oil company!
Noisy Joe