pflp salute british students occupying universities in solidarity with gaza
global struggle | 16.02.2009 01:43 | University Occupations for Gaza | Education | Palestine
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine commends the students of Britain for their movement of occupations in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and calls for the continuation and expansion of the movement, said the Front in a statement on February 12, 2009.
The PFLP commended the students at Manchester University and over 20 other British universities, who have responded to the call of the Palestinian people for support and solidarity in the face of the massacres and aggression against our people in Gaza, and the complicity and involvement of the British, US and EU governments and officials in the siege on our people and the attempt to subjugate and suppress our rights.
Rather than allow themselves to be complicit, these students have jumped to the forefront, occupying university buildings and demanding that the universities act toward breaking the siege against our people in Gaza, as follows (From the University of Manchester students' demands):
"1) University of Manchester should issue a formal statement condemning Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip, acknowledging particularly the effects on educational institutions such as the bombing of the Gaza Islamic University and expressing concern about war crimes allegations.
2) Support a day of fundraising across campus with the proceeds going to the DEC Gaza appeal.
3) University to publicise DEC advert in any way possible (including banner on the website) and put pressure on the BBC and sky to show the DEC advert.
4) All furniture & surplus supplies from buildings that are being renovated to be sent to Gaza on the Viva Palestina convoy.
5) Join the BDS movement through stopping sales of Israeli goods on university premises, the University should also stop buying any campus supplies from Israeli companies.
6) That the university divests from all companies directly involved in the manufacture of weaponry. We also demand that the university takes the issue of transparency in their investment seriously.
7) That the university publicly supports its students’ right to protest, such as occupations. That in line with this, the university will provide its facilities for a “Students for Palestine” conference, second week of April 09.
8 ) To send a public message of solidarity to the Islamic University in Gaza, whose campus has been virtually destroyed, and publish it on the university website and distribute it to the university wide e-mail addresses.
9) To give at lease five scholarships for Palestinian students as well as providing at least five scholarships for Israelis who refuse to serve in the IDF.
10) That the university make a module on the history of Palestine available as an optional module for any University of Manchester student.
11) That home fees apply to Palestinians students wanting to study at the University of Manchester.
12) No victimisation for those taking part in the Occupation, and free movement in and out of the occupied spaced."
The struggle of the Palestinian people for liberation is a confrontation with imperialism and Zionism at Palestinian, Arab and international levels, and these direct actions of solidarity are a critical part of our struggle to achieve our national rights of self-determination, sovereignty and return, and to break the stranglehold of imperialism and Zionism around our people.
Furthermore, when the level of NATO and European involvement is being raised in order to further the siege against our people and suppress our national rights, the struggle of these students to break the siege on Gaza and instead, internationally isolate Israel, is particularly important.
We particularly commend the students of the University of Manchester for passing a resolution to boycott Israel at its general meeting, involving over one thousand students, and send greetings of solidarity and support to all of the students and others struggling in Britain and around the world for the liberation of Palestine.
Rather than allow themselves to be complicit, these students have jumped to the forefront, occupying university buildings and demanding that the universities act toward breaking the siege against our people in Gaza, as follows (From the University of Manchester students' demands):
"1) University of Manchester should issue a formal statement condemning Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip, acknowledging particularly the effects on educational institutions such as the bombing of the Gaza Islamic University and expressing concern about war crimes allegations.
2) Support a day of fundraising across campus with the proceeds going to the DEC Gaza appeal.
3) University to publicise DEC advert in any way possible (including banner on the website) and put pressure on the BBC and sky to show the DEC advert.
4) All furniture & surplus supplies from buildings that are being renovated to be sent to Gaza on the Viva Palestina convoy.
5) Join the BDS movement through stopping sales of Israeli goods on university premises, the University should also stop buying any campus supplies from Israeli companies.
6) That the university divests from all companies directly involved in the manufacture of weaponry. We also demand that the university takes the issue of transparency in their investment seriously.
7) That the university publicly supports its students’ right to protest, such as occupations. That in line with this, the university will provide its facilities for a “Students for Palestine” conference, second week of April 09.
8 ) To send a public message of solidarity to the Islamic University in Gaza, whose campus has been virtually destroyed, and publish it on the university website and distribute it to the university wide e-mail addresses.
9) To give at lease five scholarships for Palestinian students as well as providing at least five scholarships for Israelis who refuse to serve in the IDF.
10) That the university make a module on the history of Palestine available as an optional module for any University of Manchester student.
11) That home fees apply to Palestinians students wanting to study at the University of Manchester.
12) No victimisation for those taking part in the Occupation, and free movement in and out of the occupied spaced."
The struggle of the Palestinian people for liberation is a confrontation with imperialism and Zionism at Palestinian, Arab and international levels, and these direct actions of solidarity are a critical part of our struggle to achieve our national rights of self-determination, sovereignty and return, and to break the stranglehold of imperialism and Zionism around our people.
Furthermore, when the level of NATO and European involvement is being raised in order to further the siege against our people and suppress our national rights, the struggle of these students to break the siege on Gaza and instead, internationally isolate Israel, is particularly important.
We particularly commend the students of the University of Manchester for passing a resolution to boycott Israel at its general meeting, involving over one thousand students, and send greetings of solidarity and support to all of the students and others struggling in Britain and around the world for the liberation of Palestine.
global struggle
Hide the following 17 comments
10 is pointless
16.02.2009 02:32
yeah, like thats going to help me get a job. About as successful as selling salads in McDonalds - about 0.001% of people will use it. If people wanna find out about the history of palestine, they've got the whole Internet at their fingertips.
pflp inconsistent with IMC guidelines/ethos
16.02.2009 04:03
only me
and the pro-zionist trolling machine continues
16.02.2009 05:45
why should this post be hidden? because mainstream media and history books always
say resistance movements are 'terrorists' ? should articles linking mainstream news sources
or government sources also be banned? the uk government and it's military wing have killed thousands more civilians than what has been alleged the pflp have done.
more likely the pro-zionist trolls and the spooks who haunt these sites are freaked out by the
fact that non-violent student occupations, rallies and acts of solidarity to the palestinian cause are starting to make an impact. the recent stopping of a us arms shipment from docking at a greek port recently was the result of a call for solidarity from the pflp. troll away, you are on the wrong side of history - your cold war era games of divide and conquer and your cointelpro techniques no longer are effective.
not HISstory
16.02.2009 11:04
Obviously the PFLP is both a political party and hierarchically structured. Or does it not apply because they're Palestinian?!
Is this going to be hidden or not?
17.02.2009 00:53
Is there a special exemption for 'organizations who punish Jews if Jews do things that they shouldn't'?
only me
17.02.2009 01:24
Being anti-zionist / pro-palestine is fashionable at the moment. You must follow the crowd. Anything you so or do that opposes this breaks the guidelines. Anything that supports this is exempt.
Free thinking is strictly forbidden
mazhoon saignant
pflp website
17.02.2009 01:51
all seems on the up and up to me. i understand they have a military wing - quite acceptable if you are a country being illegally occupied methinks. i also note in the news section that they have met with the greek left and the french doubt all these people are jew-hating neo-nazis too!
bagel scoffer
well obviously there is free speech here
17.02.2009 01:52
"quick the palestinians are getting heard! make them hide it! waaaaawaaaaa!"
free speech
so very sick of your brute selfishness
17.02.2009 11:03
If it's good for zionist israel it must be true and seen by everybody who uses any form of media - which we bombard, forcing the issue to be represented at face value without further comment or correction and far in excess of the numerical support it actually has.
If it's bad for zionist israel it must be untrue and seen by nobody on any form of media - which we bombard, forcing the issue to be condemned and misrepresented without any further comment or correction and fall short of the great numerical support it actually has.
It is precisely this dynamic that is rapidly sinking the international zionist project to just a handful of zealots, hasbara operators and those too ignorant or craven to offer objective understanding.
We understand this dynamic, hate it, and dispise those who have used it against us in the past - and will strongly oppose it in the future.
We will also take note of who is using it and seek to take measures against such.
not only me
People are missing the point
17.02.2009 12:40
But I think my point stands: the PFLP is a party, it is hierarchicaly structured, and someone is posting all of its releases on the newswire...
Like I said...
Oh well I thought
17.02.2009 15:18
Well I was thinking of making a couple of interesting posts on completely unrelated non-corp topics, like I used to, don't think I will now.
only me
you cheeky f***
17.02.2009 18:23
On the other hand if you want to indulge yur fantasy of victimisation, don't think you can ride on the backs of moronic claims of misrepresentation that you can't be bothered to counter, even though you can be bothered to say so!
I've watched you, and your megaphone colleges, attempt to disrupt things here (and elsewhere); I've read the letters you send to magazines, web hosts, editors and moderators of all manner of inclination - from, frankly, moronic rightwing nuts to outstanding researchers; I've seen with my own eyes - and through the eyes of lens around the world - the lengths and depths you will go and plunder to slander and silence any and all that oppose your narrow, bigoted and selfish agenda.
So, I know you are a bullshitter. You haven't the guts or the brains to put together cogent criticism of the awakening of the world to the true nature of zionism and of those that willingly and unwillingly do its bidding. You are lost in meaningless ranting without GIYUS.
I'm glad you will not be posting any of your 'views' here anymore, we don't need you to 'interpret' anything for us thank you.
not only me
17.02.2009 18:36
>>> We will also take note of who is using it and seek to take measures against such.
It sounds like you've just cut&paste this onto the end of your rambling post.
Take note of whom? Seek what measures? Doesn't make any sense. Just mindless twaddle.
To Only Me
18.02.2009 12:57
ta ta
Not Only Me
18.02.2009 13:02
Never mind.
"If it's good for zionist israel it must be true and seen by everybody who uses any form of media - which we bombard, forcing the issue to be represented at face value without further comment or correction and far in excess of the numerical support it actually has.
If it's bad for zionist israel it must be untrue and seen by nobody on any form of media - which we bombard, forcing the issue to be condemned and misrepresented without any further comment or correction and fall short of the great numerical support it actually has."
That is what is known as a dynamic. I, and and great deal of others, oppose it.
Take note of those that use such dynamic in their political dialogue and take measure to counter it (with a measured response along the lines of; 'no, there is no parity with the crimes of the zionist state and those seeking justice and peace in their ancestral homeland' etc).
Simple enough for you?
not only me
got it
18.02.2009 21:03
You support palestine, you oppose israel and spend some time telling people about it.
Its not exactly plain english. The sentence structure is appalling.
Well Goodness!
19.02.2009 10:29
Next time I will endeavor to write in 'plain English', using words of fewer syllables. Perhaps this site might like to load up 'crayon for open source' for you also.
And (I know, one should not begin sentances with 'and'!) what exactly is your point here?
Couldn't (I know, another gramatical error!) be that you are reading from the 'hasbara student book for beginers'? ... 'Lesson 2: make pointless diversions, point out spelling mistakes and bad grammer'.
That would be me being 'paranoid' he he!
The Governess