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London Palestine solidarity demonstration - photos 1

fil | 28.12.2008 19:22 | Palestine

Gaza Emergency Protest in London


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Photos from Edinburgh demo

29.12.2008 00:08

Sunday December 28th 2008 saw a large number of demonstrations around the world against the Israeli onslaught on the Gaza strip.

Here are 11 photos of the Edinburgh (Scotland) demonstration -

(Included is a link to the London demonstration, which was by all accounts very lively):

Justice for Palestine! Paul, Edinburgh.

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the anti authoritarian mole

28.12.2008 20:45

Once upon a time there was a little mole who believed that the killings of innocent Palestinians by "zionist" Israel had nothing to do with religion or culture and couldnt understand all the fuss these people in the street were making about solidarity with their Muslim brothers. When that little mole was digging its underground network and took a break from all the hard work it realised the fact that the nation-state is a fundamentally racist and fascist construction which does not allow, by its very nature, allow for social inclusion of the minority. The mole contemplated about the fate of the Palestinians and was by this time convinced that even if the Palestinians would have their own State, it would still be a State with all the hierarchies and violence that comes with it. This wretched mole came to this conclusion because it had previously during its travels to Algeria and Turkey and Wales?! witnessed how all previous liberation struggles had subsequently been hijacked by the oppressive state apparatus. The mole then decided to protest against the protesters and put on its dark glasses to make a nice colourful banner which said:

" .......! Stop calling for a Palestinian state ! ........"

ps Make tunnels, not war!?


Hey stupid

28.12.2008 21:18

Much as I think moles are charming creatures, they are well known for their limited vision. What do you mean 'make tunnels not war'? The Palestinians in Gaza made tunnels. The Israelis bombed them. Your point?

Free Palestine!

Victory to the Intifada

Heres to a universalist Isreal, free for Muslims,christains & Jews without

28.12.2008 21:47

oppression from heirarchies & with true direct social & economic democracry rather than corporate representative democracy& the false economy we have today were everyone is pitted against eah other.
Be nice if the good people in the Abrahamic religions were respected rather than the war mongers, dragging everyone into hell.
Yes the Isrealis started it, but they were also under immense pressure from genocide & extreme racism in Europe in WW2 to start their state,
Peace is Possible, if it cant be sorted out by those their, an international force from the UN should be sent to calm the situation

Universal Confederalist

Since when do you need to be able to see to have a vision?

28.12.2008 21:48

Since when do you need to be able to see to have a vision?


where are all the women?

28.12.2008 21:52

where are all the women?


Heres to a universalist Isreal, free for Muslims,christains & Jews without

28.12.2008 22:10

oppression from heirarchies & with true direct social & economic democracry rather than corporate representative democracy& the false economy we have today were everyone is pitted against eah other.
Be nice if the good people in the Abrahamic religions were respected rather than the war mongers, dragging everyone into hell.
Yes the Isrealis started it, but they were also under immense pressure from genocide & extreme racism in Europe in WW2 to start their state,
Peace is Possible, if it cant be sorted out by those their, an international force from the UN should be sent to calm the situation

Universal Confederalist

are you a bit mole eyed jason?

29.12.2008 00:21

there are women, top picture, front row - where were you?


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29.12.2008 08:52



_NA_tiönalist _ZI_önists




29.12.2008 11:53

There were loads of women there!

As for the 'universal state for Muslims, Jews, Christians etc' that you call Israel and want to send the UN to secure... the state is Palestine and if you really think the UN is some impartial force that will guarantee peace and equality, take a deep breath and look in the history book.

Victory to the Intifada

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