London Palestine solidarity demonstration - photos 1
fil | 28.12.2008 19:22 | Palestine
Photos from Edinburgh demo
29.12.2008 00:08
Here are 11 photos of the Edinburgh (Scotland) demonstration -
(Included is a link to the London demonstration, which was by all accounts very lively):
Justice for Palestine! Paul, Edinburgh.
Palestine solidarity demonstration - photos part2
29.12.2008 00:08
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the anti authoritarian mole
28.12.2008 20:45
" .......! Stop calling for a Palestinian state ! ........"
ps Make tunnels, not war!?
Hey stupid
28.12.2008 21:18
Free Palestine!
Victory to the Intifada
Heres to a universalist Isreal, free for Muslims,christains & Jews without
28.12.2008 21:47
Be nice if the good people in the Abrahamic religions were respected rather than the war mongers, dragging everyone into hell.
Yes the Isrealis started it, but they were also under immense pressure from genocide & extreme racism in Europe in WW2 to start their state,
Peace is Possible, if it cant be sorted out by those their, an international force from the UN should be sent to calm the situation
Universal Confederalist
Since when do you need to be able to see to have a vision?
28.12.2008 21:48
where are all the women?
28.12.2008 21:52
Heres to a universalist Isreal, free for Muslims,christains & Jews without
28.12.2008 22:10
Be nice if the good people in the Abrahamic religions were respected rather than the war mongers, dragging everyone into hell.
Yes the Isrealis started it, but they were also under immense pressure from genocide & extreme racism in Europe in WW2 to start their state,
Peace is Possible, if it cant be sorted out by those their, an international force from the UN should be sent to calm the situation
Universal Confederalist
are you a bit mole eyed jason?
29.12.2008 00:21
29.12.2008 11:53
As for the 'universal state for Muslims, Jews, Christians etc' that you call Israel and want to send the UN to secure... the state is Palestine and if you really think the UN is some impartial force that will guarantee peace and equality, take a deep breath and look in the history book.
Victory to the Intifada