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BRISTOL SQUAT RESISTANCE 87 Ashley Road (Unity Home) The occupation continues

Squater Bart | 18.11.2008 01:07 | 2008 Days Of Action For Autonomous Spaces | Free Spaces | Social Struggles

The roof of 87 Ashley road St Paul's Bristol continues to be occupied 120 hours (5 days) after the attempted eviction of the residents. The people on the roof are staying put in protest at the gentrification and destitution of our area. And in defence of homes for all.

We call on P4P Individual Support (the charity which owns the building) to reveal their plans for this building in an open way to the community of St Paul's and everyone who is concerned about the future of our city.

Daily solidarity demonstrations will take place from 4-6pm outside the house.

All are welcome. Hope to see you there.

Squater Bart


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qrva politi

18.11.2008 17:08

Damn . You guys never give up or what. When will you live like normal people do? Grow up. Commit some things to modern society. Why don't you make capitalism support demos for instance, or police repression support demo's. You are mad. What would your mothers say?



20.12.2008 13:21


I am mia from Hungary. I am living in London az a squatter, but now i have got a job in Bristol, so I have to move there. We are in two people, and I hope you can help us! I will go there in january to began the work here .

please contact me, if You have an idea about my part.


mail e-mail:


20.12.2008 13:30


I am mia from Hungary. I am living in London az a squatter, but now i have got a job in Bristol, so I have to move there. We are in two people, and I hope you can help us! I will go there in january to began the work here .

please contact me, if You have an idea about my part.


mail e-mail:

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