No Borders clarification
phatts | 31.10.2008 18:41 | Anti-racism | Globalisation | Migration
Reading about the No Borders camp this summer and events held for related campaigns, there is one aspect that bothers me.
I ask this question not as an attack, nor as a trolling exercise, but to reflect the view I always hear expressed by people outside 'the movement', who dont't necessarily hold racist views.
Namely : if we did open the borders to the UK or to Europe, wouldn't there be a massive influx of people hoping for a better life? If so, how would this be managed to prevent starvation or the emergence of a fascist dictatorship in reaction?
Put simply, as things stand if someone wants to come and make a better life in the rich areas of the world, they have to sneak in and then live a shadowy existence fearing a knock on the door at any moment...
If one rich country or region announced an end to the restrictions making life so difficult, I suspect there would be literally millions of migrants in a mass movement of hope and adventure. And when they got here? Assuming there weren't millions of job vacancies and empty homes, how would that work out?
Am I missing something? Does this make me a nazi? I hope not, and would appreciate an account of how it would happen.
I ask this question not as an attack, nor as a trolling exercise, but to reflect the view I always hear expressed by people outside 'the movement', who dont't necessarily hold racist views.
Namely : if we did open the borders to the UK or to Europe, wouldn't there be a massive influx of people hoping for a better life? If so, how would this be managed to prevent starvation or the emergence of a fascist dictatorship in reaction?
Put simply, as things stand if someone wants to come and make a better life in the rich areas of the world, they have to sneak in and then live a shadowy existence fearing a knock on the door at any moment...
If one rich country or region announced an end to the restrictions making life so difficult, I suspect there would be literally millions of migrants in a mass movement of hope and adventure. And when they got here? Assuming there weren't millions of job vacancies and empty homes, how would that work out?
Am I missing something? Does this make me a nazi? I hope not, and would appreciate an account of how it would happen.
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no borders - anywhere
31.10.2008 19:16
climate refugees are likely to be an increasing fact of life. when bangladesh sinksbecause of western produced carbon emissions - whats your reaction going to be?
no borders - anywhere
31.10.2008 19:19
climate refugees are likely to be an increasing fact of life. when bangladesh sinksbecause of western produced carbon emissions - whats your reaction going to be?
Quick reply
31.10.2008 19:29
1) Nobody wants to go where there is mass starvation. Historically, everywhere, the influx of migrants has been influenced by the availability of jobs, housing etc. When the house is full, people stop coming. No country has ever sunk under the weight of too many immigrants.
2) Why don't you ask why the UK and the other European countries keep pillaging other countries' resources? Why are they fuelling wars, making life impossible or at least very miserable for millions, selling weapons and torture equipment to the worst dictators, contributiong to climate change etc.? Don't you think many people would rather stay home with their families and friends rather than take long and perilious journies to contries they never seen but where they hope they can make a life? Considering most immigrants to the UK come from Africa and Asia, why would they leave immensely rich continents to come to a small island in the North that has nothing to compare? Does the world colonialism ring any bell?
Chiara from No Borders
31.10.2008 19:36
Chiara again
what would you do
31.10.2008 19:52
Thanks for your question - I think it is something alot of people are asking and something No Borders Network would need to present a clear idea on.
another from No Borders
31.10.2008 20:04
One of no borders
1884–85 ? Bridges not Walls & “the land of upright people,”
31.10.2008 22:00
Afrika in 1914
The Berlin Conference 1884 -85
Since we all lives in nations and states in competion against eachother we also have a dying concept of free-market and free-trade > . You then got
the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA).
Look at what Karl Marx is saying about FREE TRADE : >
Ok, while he sees that free trade COULD hasten the social revolution ( in 1848 maybe... certenly not now !!!) he compares FREE TRADE with EXPLOITATION ...Free trade is not that much different from wage slavery, and the free trade of goods happened within nations... goods are taxed on the borders ...
In the history (middle age) our word SALARY is actually coming from the word SALT, just because in the ancient "route of salt" the goods (the salt) had to pay a tax when crossing borders...
Later in history, in the name of FREE TRADE you had boats full of slaves, insured by Lloyds, crossing the ocean from Africa to the Carabbiens... That was the same time that all the European kings called one of the first European Congress and sit down all together at a table in Berlin between 1884–85 regulated European colonization and trade in Africa and set up on paper all the borders that currently we see in Africa.
That's why in between for example Ghana and Togo there are villages that are litteraly divided in two... on one side they speak ENGLISH and on the other side they speak FRENCH ?
So if you want to have borders and you want to implement the same neo-imperial policies where actually us european find their own roots then you want to go to the EU agency in Warsaw that conducts migrant hunting operations, trains border guards and special units to hunt down people crossing so-called "national borders" and which helps to coordinate and implement EU immigration policy. All under a project called FRONTEX
The notion of NOBORDERS , I think, want to put an historical criticism to the period that started in 1884-85 (the Berlin Conference ) and never ended.... (it is currently in Afghanistan and Iraq) ...
It doesn't want to promote precarity and wage slavery as the solution to the to poor immigrants that leave their land and countries to arrive to europe and struggle even more... but on the other hand, should be better able to question not only the notion of borders in our fortress europe but help promoting and disseminating a stronger notion of "self-reliance" and social solidarity.
The same model that , with Independently driven development policies and an anti-colonial political platform (like noborder), Thomas Sankara in 1983 started a revolution....
To conclude, in the same time that the Sans Papier in Paris are legalizing their dossiers in order to become european, and adopt our decadent and dying neo-liberal political status... we want to question the very root of the diaspora and why there is more immigration now than 20 years ago... and what happened after 10 years of IMF structural policies in Afrika, together with Tony fucking Blair and the Bono&Golf-dog spectacle of "poverty history"... That same debt ( the IMF and World Bank one) that is now at the root of the credit crunch !!!
So let's be proactive and help people to get out ot the fucking DETENTION CENTRES !!!! and then we can talk with them about our future together in this fucked up society !!!
"The question of debt is the question of Africa’s economic situation, as much as peace; this question is an important condition of our survival," Sankara said as president.
"The debt cannot be repaid. If we do not pay, our creditors will not die. We can be sure of that. On the other hand, if we pay, it is we who will die. Of that we can be equally sure."
quote for comment above
31.10.2008 22:47
chinese boat
from :
For example, Karl Marx wrote in The Communist Manifesto, "The bourgeoisie... has set up that single, unconscionable freedom -- Free Trade. In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation." However, Karl Marx later reversed such a position, and began supporting free trade, saying in a speech in 1848: But, in general, the protective system of our day is conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade.
same as above
good question - we need to speak to the average person, not politicos
01.11.2008 11:57
It seems to be two complaints:
1) basic lack of space, with green belts being eaten up for housing.
2) "preferential" treatment for new arrivals - people thinking they are all put to the front of the queue and housed in mansions.
You can talk abstract political theory all you want but I think it needs to be dumbed down to speak to the average Sun reader. The problem is that the mass media have so much power that countering their propaganda is very difficult.
There is possibly a racist element but I think that is mainly due to the fact that most white immigrants are professionals from places like the US, South Africa and Australia - there aren't many white economic or political migrants. East Europeans are seen as "non-white" in this context. So I think the discrimination is mainly class-based, which happens to coincide with skin colour.
It is really a symptom of a larger problem, which is global inequality. People in places like the UK don't want to think they have to give up their consumerist lifestyle in order that people in other countries can raise their standards of living. But this isn't an easy argument to "sell" to people, since it goes against their own self-interest.
What I like to say to people who agree with borders is why stop at nations? How about border controls on each county? Each town? Most people are pissed off at invasive searches and delays at customs so we can point out that borders will make life difficult for them too.
Just some random thoughts, hope someone finds them interesting. I can't see any easy solutions though.
ann archy
don't feed the racist!
01.11.2008 13:53
response to anonymous "don't feed the racist!"
02.11.2008 14:03
I think you are being too knee-jerk with this (maybe you are just trolling, but I don't think so). To me it seems clear that the original article is from someone anti-racist who is just trying to see the issues from the perspective of other people. This is a valuable exercise.
Mass immigration is a complex issue, which has many sides, racism being one. Overpopulation and overcrowding are valid issues, and are independent of racist issues. Racists might use overpopulation as an excuse for their racism, but that doesn't make it any less of an issue.
If I said to you that you had to put up four people from overseas on the floor of your bedroom for the foreseeable future, would it make you a racist if you objected? Were the native Americans racist to object to European settlers colonising their lands?
Personally, I am against all borders and governments, and against all racism. But I can understand that some people see things from a very selfish perspective of how it impacts on their life. Where racism comes in is when people criticise (non-white) immigrants who move here, but not natives who breed like rabbits, or where they criticise non-white immigrants more than white immigrants.
My personal experience has been that most ordinary people are fine with immigrants once they get to know them. It's those in power like politicians and the mass media that want to use racism as a divide and rule tactic.
The problem the original poster asks will solve itself eventually by making the UK less attractive to move to. But understandably, people don't like the idea of their home becoming an unattractive place to live! They don't see, or don't want to see, or don't care, that it is part of global inequality correcting itself.
ann archy
thanks ..
04.11.2008 10:32
Certainly no-one would accuse NoBorders of short-termism!
I still don't quite see how you can maintain the position that checking, processing, detaining etc. are wrong, under the present circumstances (i.e. before capitalism and borders have faded away). Surely, if those repressive measures were withdrawn unilaterally, well we're back to my original question...
Thanks anyway.
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