Microsoft Halts Intelligence Website
Unwanted Publicity | 18.09.2008 21:15 | Repression | Terror War | World
Microsoft recently halted one of its publicly hosted controversial private intelligence websites after 10-years designed to fight online what later amounted to clandestine undercover frauds targeting wealthy global investors. A Microsoft intelligence entailing and entrailing the old spy versus spy game.
Microsoft Halts Intelligence Website
By, Unwanted Publicity
Microsoft recently halted one of its publicly hosted controversial private intelligence websites after 10-years designed to fight online what later amounted to clandestine undercover frauds targeting wealthy global investors. A Microsoft intelligence case entailing and entrailing the old spy versus spy game.
September 18, 2008
A recent case surfaced where it appears the Microsoft Corporation censored and disabled one of its MSN Groups’ websites known as “Unwanted Publicity” that was fighting global financial crime.
The action taken by Microsoft in late August 2008 appeared to have been taken on behalf of international fraudsters representing the Knights Of Malta sanctioned by the U.S. government to clandestinely conduct undercover operations protected under a little-known-about U.S. Congress mandate governing these types of secret operations where innocent investors become victims unable to collect damages for their financial investment losses because of the secrecies involved.
The Microsoft decision to censor the 10-year old website involved eventually having been forced to dismantle what amounted to a private financial intelligence website acting as global watchdog over multiple networks of business financial investment fraudsters propagating intelligence sanctioned fraud schemes kept secret from North America public investors whom, instead of being warned and alerted, were targeted by multiple highly complex international financial investment crimes for decades.
Microsoft, for having hosted the privately operated Unwanted Publicity website platform online from Microsoft’s MSN Groups, was hit with lawsuit letters from attorneys whom represented the website named global fraudsters. It wasn’t until later that the Unwanted Publicity website began being hit with similar legal threats but only subsequent to Microsoft having disabled the entire Unwanted Publicity website.
Wondering just whose side Microsoft was on, the public might be able to decide from what Intelligence Briefs were displayed at the Unwanted Publicity website from late December 1998 until late August 2008. Only a limited peek from Google’s search engine cache revealed a few of what some of those reports the briefs were pointing to online elsewhere:
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Dungeon Spies: Left Hand Of Law Doesn’t Know It’s Right - 21JUL08 - Spy versus spy, classified alibi defenses, two (2) spies working separate missions, both targeted for assassination, and imprisoned where they were left to rot as U.S. government sacrifices, until one revealed the other was an ongoing threat to U.S. national security. Full report, click: [ ]
Global Mafia Club Network Targeting Wealthy - 23JUN08 - 5th generation Mafia fraudsters join other organized criminals in the secret network of "1888 Clubs" conducting convention center conferences targeting high net worth individuals and their asset wealth worldwide. Secret crooks in business suits claim connections to Knights of Malta using false documents. Milano, Italy anti-mafia squad handles a Mafia kidnapping where they never realized a Swiss-Italian business member of the secret 1888 Club. Full report, click: [ ]
CIA Malta Talons Hold Trusts In Golden Triangle - 18JUN08 - Secret group of trusts, Knights of Malta gatekeepers, government intelligence protectors, unclean asset conversions from China legacies, international settlements, Central Banks, Swiss and other correspondent bank-to-bank double-blinds, multi-billion dollar financial instruments issued under international treaties, war wealth holdings, bank trading accounts hiding true benefactors, perennial trading profit secrets, and more. Full report, click: [ ]
Israel Anthrax Fueled Iraq War Intelligence - 06JUN08 - Secret government TELEXs reveal Israel pharmaceutical firm supplied anthrax to Iraq, names Western friendly nations hiding anthrax delivery, and exposes CIA informant that made British intelligence case for Iraq War. Full report, click: [ ]
Intelligence Pros, Cons, And Those Caught In The Middle - 16MAY08 - Intelligence operatives coursing through the veins of independent offshore banks in Grand Cayman and other island tax havens, spies exposed by supreme court justice, forensic accounting firm mystery, and more. Full report, click: [ ]
Pirates Of Caribbean Bank See Dentist Drilled - 28APR08 - Nebraska dentist, turned independent offshore bank founder, gets drilled - with his bank depositors - out-of millions by a man claiming to have worked for the U.S. National Security Agency ( NSA ). Full report, click: [ ]
Knights of Malta 100,000 Metric Ton Gold Bullion Scheme - 20APR08 - Knights of Malta gatekeeper issues 100,000 metric tons of gold bullion mandate to former U.S. Presidential appointee - turned Knight - negotiates with global investment scheme fraudsters. Full report, click: [ and ]
Kings of the Nuclear Jungle - 16APR08 - Iran nuclear war plans using individual nuclear terrorists funded by global fraudsters. Full report, click: [ ]
Prime Fraud Trading Program Representations - 25MAR08 - Secret trading programs, prime bank paper financial instruments, and millions taken by king-pins who walk away while their middlemen promoters get prosecuted. Full report, click: [ ]
Economic Terrorist Tea Party: Restoration Project Fraud Unpunished - 10FEB08 - Global fraud and money laundering economic threat to U.S. national security. Full report, click: [ ]
Economic Terrorist Network: The Dominion Of Melchizedek - 16JAN08 - Global economic terrorist network laughs for 20-years because U.S. federal law enforcement too busy going after middlemen fraudsters. Full report, click: [ ]
Melchizedek: Mr. Sandy Winick & Quathemetin: Michael C. Richardson - 25DEC07 - Network of shell companies, tied to international fraud and money-laundering, trading stock on grey-market exchanges protected by financial intelligence concerns. Full report, click: [ ]
Dominion Of Melchizedek Network Deals - 06NOV06 - Fraudulent business financial investment deals using lawyers, due diligence specialists, insurance company underwriters, and licensed stock brokerages yet investors were still defrauded from a sophisticated fraud and money-laundering schemes using electronic metal currency exchanges and more. Full report, click: [ ]
Dominion Of Melchizedek Stock Market Frauds & Business Thefts - 01NOV06 - Dominion Of Melchizedek network cloaks its affiliates financial business investment fraud and money-laundering operations worldwide. Full report, click: [ ]
Uganda General Money-Laundering 2000 - 2006 - 06AUG06 - Uganda President Yoweri Museveni appoints brother General Salim Saleh as Microfinance Minister involved in money-laundering $43,000,000.00 (USD) fraud funds. Full report, click: [ ]
Free Trade Zone Corruption - 02AUG06 - Uganda Lake Victoria Free Trade Zone Governor Beenunula Eyenunula Nunumisa uses his FOREXAFRICA.COM LTD. firm to money-launder $43,000,000.00 (USD) in fraud funds through GLOBAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT LCC ( New York, USA ). Full report, click: [ ]
U.S. Robin Hood In Serbia - 12JUL06 - No medieval tale of Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest, but Bosnjane, Serbia saw fraud and money-laundering e-mail arrows stuck into victims by American claiming he helped poor people in Serbia while distributing his Christian Bible translations. Full report, click: [ ]
Talon Holdings Intelligence - 23JUN06 - TALON HOLDINGS INC. U.S. non-official cover foreign agents pumping fraudulent high-value asset instruments into international business companies since 1998. Full report, click: [ ]
Golden Triangle Caught In FBI Bank Fraud Evidence - 28MAY06 - FBI airlifts millions of files to Dallas, Texas from an offshore Grenada bank that included prime bank paper financial instruments and contracts valued at hundreds of billions where two (2) DAI ICHI KANGYO BANK checks valued at $3,800,000,000 billion (USD) were laundered through a down payment of $120,000,000 million in three (3) BANK OF CHINA checks via AMENASIA SDN BHD from SYT RICHSTAR HOLDINGS LTD. held assets in CITIBANK N.A. ( Bangkok, THAILAND ) linked to a China Family Triad legacy with the Golden Triangle. Full report, click: [ ]
Spies Use IMF Fraud Overseas - 28MAY06 - Non-Official Cover government foreign intelligence agents target independent foreign currency exchange investment houses via reverse money-laundering fraud funds back into the U.S. Treasury. Full report, click: [ ]
Economic War Lifes WW-II to WW-III - 07DEC05 - Middle East, Africa, and Pacific Rim using advantages of 'now strong' gold-based financial systems over U.S. dollar currency refused during a petroleum trade in September 2005. Full report, click: [ ]
Foreign War Gold Spies - 24SEP04 - Mossad intelligence security over Netherlands bank holding former Indonesia Premier Soekarno estate bullion assets. Full report, click: [ ]
$230-Billion Offshore Bank Hughes Vault? - 24SEP04 - Independent offshore bank kept billions of foreign prime bank paper financial instrument assets in Nevada storage vault of Howard Hughes. Full report, click: [ ]
Intelligence Memo: 05MAY04 - 05MAY04 - Former CIA director shakes hands with CEO of ALLIANCE STARS after its Jordan executive Kamal Jumah Laoi Al-Kabariti is assassinated with his wife in Colombia. Full report, click: [ ] and [ CLICK - Album 011 ]
For Want of a Nuclear Nail - 03MAR04 - Shortage of U.S. strategic defense mineral brings secret White House approval for BRUSH-WELLMAN to ship secret high-technology processing equipment to Kazakhstan ULBA METALLURIGICAL WORKS producing U.S. strategic defense material Beryllium Copper Master Alloy Ingots used for nuclear weapons, anti-satellite weapons, and Israel tactical high-energy laser weapon anti-ballistic missile defense system. Full report, click: [ ]
Con-man Or Struggling Angel? Uganda’s Infamous Ex-Pat: Van Brink - 29JAN04 - Exclusive interview with a fugitive CEO and founder, of an independent offshore Grenada bank holding assets valued at more than $120,000,000,000 billion, a man who the U.S. government labeled - shortly before his death - was an economic threat to national security. Full report, click: [ ]
Global Economic Brinkmanship - Part 5 - 14JAN04 - Spy versus Spy, a Non-Official Cover ( NOC ) U.S. government foreign intelligence agent Gabriel MacEnroe clandestinely converts an $8,700,000,000 billion in gold bullion deposits recorded on a UNION BANK OF SWITZERLAND prime bank paper financial instruments by an independent offshore Grenada bank that held its own spies. Full report, click: [ ]
Expatriate Dreamlands Curtailed By Intelligence Agencies - 12JAN04 - Disillusioned citizens leave their homelands in search of new economic freedoms that are later curtailed by domestic homeland security intelligence actions. Full report, click: [ ]
U.S. Charges Fraud Against Panama Executive With CIA Connections - 25JUL03 - The Panama News reports, Marc Harris learned money-laundering as part of Iran-Contra affair in 1980s yet in 1988 was U.S. Presidential candidate campaign manager for former White House Chief of Staff for U.S. President Ronald Reagan and former U.S. National Security Advisor for U.S. President Richard Nixon U.S. Army General Alexander Haig, but quoting an Offshore Informant news report ( "Marc M. Harris Abduction" ) plus a source to support a more direct past nexus between U.S. Army Major General John K. Singlaub in the Iran-Contra network with the Nicaragua extraction of Marc Matthew Bosma Harris linked to George Lawrence Gandolfi (aka) Larry Gandolfi having worked for the CIA contract airline Air America (aka) Evergreen Air of Alaska mentions it assisting the U.S. "Plan Colombia" with logistic support flights out-of Tocumen, spurred further news surrounding the CIA and Venezuela President Hugo Chavez. Full reports (6), click:
[ Report 1: ]
[ Report 2: ]
[ Report 3: ]
[ Report 4: ]
[ Report 5: ]
[ Report 6: ]
Rule One: How To Say Nothing - 30JUN03 - Perhaps one of the least favorite events for any person is a visit from the U.S. Treasury Department, Bureau of Internal Revenue Service, hereinafter "IRS", or perhaps any other government official for that matter. The IRS Raid On Your Business or Castle. When the IRS knocks on 'your' door. There is no wholly satisfactory substitute for brains but silence does pretty well. Afterward, call your lawyer. Full report, click: [ ]
Global Economic Brinkmanship - Part 3 - 01APR03 - Secret gold enhancement formula, modified by the U.S. National Security Agency ( NSA ) to enhance gold extracted from its recycling facility, originated in a South Africa laboratory by an Asian who saw his formula patented that spurred Engelhard - CLAL to offer $150,000,000 million (US) for the formula but when not obtained, Western intelligence agencies hired a Private Military Contractor ( PMC ) to stop it from being released to the public. Never realizing he was too late, another man got the formula - and others - first, researched them, found the missing key to growing gold, and now his files are for sale. Full report, click: [ ]
Global Economic Brinkmanship - Part 1 - 28FEB03 - and - Global Economic Brinkmanship - Part 2 - 13MAR03 - A somewhat questionable advantage, found in employing PMCs, circumvents certain government policies and statutory limits, when used to hide or exceed troop levels or facilitate mounting clandestine operations without oversight, by distancing through "plausible deniability" should the operation be exposed or if the contractor makes mistakes or gets killed. Where federal law prohibits U.S. personnel from active combat in Colombia, employees of DYNCORP conducting counter-narcotics operations as reputed armed combatants, 'professional outsiders' (PMCs) enable a government to maintain a respectable distance from potentially dangerous or compromising situations while keeping within foreign policy boundaries. Full reports (2), click:
[ Report 1: ]
[ Report 2:!336ECB3A19AA928E!481.entry ]
Asia Risk Legacies - KOBE Metals Empire Japan - 31JAN03 - Chronological history including post World War II revaluation reserves given to Japan from U.S. Federal Reserve Central Bank World War II foreign wealth seizures, Japan corporate restructuring of KOBE STEEL LTD., metals shipped to Germany for Daimler Chrysler to continue building Mercedes Benz, and other interesting metal sales many never realized. Full report, click: [ ]
Homeland Security Uses 'Genoa' Surveillance - 16NOV02 - The Department of Defense ( DoD ) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ) still mulls…
- - - -
Censorship of private legacy intelligence information on a host of topics began at the aforementioned point of this November 16, 2002 and earlier article reports where the UNWANTED PUBLICITY website Intelligence Briefs provided internet archived web site URL links up until late August 2008 for public reading of its historic 2002 controversial reports that had been archived and hidden away from normal internet public viewing except by internet archive database stored under its former website moniker “X-CIA FILES” and “AnExCIA” website URL earlier hosted by the Microsoft Corporation “MSN Groups” and “MSN Communities” webpages, however this 2008 censorship came to attack by disabling the UNWANTED PUBLICITY website where even these 2002 webpage reports were then viewable as well.
In short, this repetitive censorship by the Microsoft Corporation was its fourth (4th) act of deliberate attacks on a publicly offered private legacy intelligence information report database website authored as such far back as 1998 by the Host of the UNWANTED PUBLICITY website.
A rather odd balance to measure where public investors, subjected to financial investment loss shockwaves created by fraudsters sanctioned to operate under government congressional mandate authorizing federal agent supervised fraud schemes to occur around the world. Don’t believe it? Read the U.S. Department Of Justice undercover law enforcement operations mandate authorized by the U.S. Congress. Amazing, isn’t it?
Submitted for further review and commentary,
Research Reference(s):
By, Unwanted Publicity
Microsoft recently halted one of its publicly hosted controversial private intelligence websites after 10-years designed to fight online what later amounted to clandestine undercover frauds targeting wealthy global investors. A Microsoft intelligence case entailing and entrailing the old spy versus spy game.
September 18, 2008
A recent case surfaced where it appears the Microsoft Corporation censored and disabled one of its MSN Groups’ websites known as “Unwanted Publicity” that was fighting global financial crime.
The action taken by Microsoft in late August 2008 appeared to have been taken on behalf of international fraudsters representing the Knights Of Malta sanctioned by the U.S. government to clandestinely conduct undercover operations protected under a little-known-about U.S. Congress mandate governing these types of secret operations where innocent investors become victims unable to collect damages for their financial investment losses because of the secrecies involved.
The Microsoft decision to censor the 10-year old website involved eventually having been forced to dismantle what amounted to a private financial intelligence website acting as global watchdog over multiple networks of business financial investment fraudsters propagating intelligence sanctioned fraud schemes kept secret from North America public investors whom, instead of being warned and alerted, were targeted by multiple highly complex international financial investment crimes for decades.
Microsoft, for having hosted the privately operated Unwanted Publicity website platform online from Microsoft’s MSN Groups, was hit with lawsuit letters from attorneys whom represented the website named global fraudsters. It wasn’t until later that the Unwanted Publicity website began being hit with similar legal threats but only subsequent to Microsoft having disabled the entire Unwanted Publicity website.
Wondering just whose side Microsoft was on, the public might be able to decide from what Intelligence Briefs were displayed at the Unwanted Publicity website from late December 1998 until late August 2008. Only a limited peek from Google’s search engine cache revealed a few of what some of those reports the briefs were pointing to online elsewhere:
- - - -
Dungeon Spies: Left Hand Of Law Doesn’t Know It’s Right - 21JUL08 - Spy versus spy, classified alibi defenses, two (2) spies working separate missions, both targeted for assassination, and imprisoned where they were left to rot as U.S. government sacrifices, until one revealed the other was an ongoing threat to U.S. national security. Full report, click: [

Global Mafia Club Network Targeting Wealthy - 23JUN08 - 5th generation Mafia fraudsters join other organized criminals in the secret network of "1888 Clubs" conducting convention center conferences targeting high net worth individuals and their asset wealth worldwide. Secret crooks in business suits claim connections to Knights of Malta using false documents. Milano, Italy anti-mafia squad handles a Mafia kidnapping where they never realized a Swiss-Italian business member of the secret 1888 Club. Full report, click: [

CIA Malta Talons Hold Trusts In Golden Triangle - 18JUN08 - Secret group of trusts, Knights of Malta gatekeepers, government intelligence protectors, unclean asset conversions from China legacies, international settlements, Central Banks, Swiss and other correspondent bank-to-bank double-blinds, multi-billion dollar financial instruments issued under international treaties, war wealth holdings, bank trading accounts hiding true benefactors, perennial trading profit secrets, and more. Full report, click: [

Israel Anthrax Fueled Iraq War Intelligence - 06JUN08 - Secret government TELEXs reveal Israel pharmaceutical firm supplied anthrax to Iraq, names Western friendly nations hiding anthrax delivery, and exposes CIA informant that made British intelligence case for Iraq War. Full report, click: [

Intelligence Pros, Cons, And Those Caught In The Middle - 16MAY08 - Intelligence operatives coursing through the veins of independent offshore banks in Grand Cayman and other island tax havens, spies exposed by supreme court justice, forensic accounting firm mystery, and more. Full report, click: [

Pirates Of Caribbean Bank See Dentist Drilled - 28APR08 - Nebraska dentist, turned independent offshore bank founder, gets drilled - with his bank depositors - out-of millions by a man claiming to have worked for the U.S. National Security Agency ( NSA ). Full report, click: [

Knights of Malta 100,000 Metric Ton Gold Bullion Scheme - 20APR08 - Knights of Malta gatekeeper issues 100,000 metric tons of gold bullion mandate to former U.S. Presidential appointee - turned Knight - negotiates with global investment scheme fraudsters. Full report, click: [

Kings of the Nuclear Jungle - 16APR08 - Iran nuclear war plans using individual nuclear terrorists funded by global fraudsters. Full report, click: [

Prime Fraud Trading Program Representations - 25MAR08 - Secret trading programs, prime bank paper financial instruments, and millions taken by king-pins who walk away while their middlemen promoters get prosecuted. Full report, click: [

Economic Terrorist Tea Party: Restoration Project Fraud Unpunished - 10FEB08 - Global fraud and money laundering economic threat to U.S. national security. Full report, click: [

Economic Terrorist Network: The Dominion Of Melchizedek - 16JAN08 - Global economic terrorist network laughs for 20-years because U.S. federal law enforcement too busy going after middlemen fraudsters. Full report, click: [

Melchizedek: Mr. Sandy Winick & Quathemetin: Michael C. Richardson - 25DEC07 - Network of shell companies, tied to international fraud and money-laundering, trading stock on grey-market exchanges protected by financial intelligence concerns. Full report, click: [

Dominion Of Melchizedek Network Deals - 06NOV06 - Fraudulent business financial investment deals using lawyers, due diligence specialists, insurance company underwriters, and licensed stock brokerages yet investors were still defrauded from a sophisticated fraud and money-laundering schemes using electronic metal currency exchanges and more. Full report, click: [

Dominion Of Melchizedek Stock Market Frauds & Business Thefts - 01NOV06 - Dominion Of Melchizedek network cloaks its affiliates financial business investment fraud and money-laundering operations worldwide. Full report, click: [

Uganda General Money-Laundering 2000 - 2006 - 06AUG06 - Uganda President Yoweri Museveni appoints brother General Salim Saleh as Microfinance Minister involved in money-laundering $43,000,000.00 (USD) fraud funds. Full report, click: [

Free Trade Zone Corruption - 02AUG06 - Uganda Lake Victoria Free Trade Zone Governor Beenunula Eyenunula Nunumisa uses his FOREXAFRICA.COM LTD. firm to money-launder $43,000,000.00 (USD) in fraud funds through GLOBAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT LCC ( New York, USA ). Full report, click: [

U.S. Robin Hood In Serbia - 12JUL06 - No medieval tale of Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest, but Bosnjane, Serbia saw fraud and money-laundering e-mail arrows stuck into victims by American claiming he helped poor people in Serbia while distributing his Christian Bible translations. Full report, click: [

Talon Holdings Intelligence - 23JUN06 - TALON HOLDINGS INC. U.S. non-official cover foreign agents pumping fraudulent high-value asset instruments into international business companies since 1998. Full report, click: [

Golden Triangle Caught In FBI Bank Fraud Evidence - 28MAY06 - FBI airlifts millions of files to Dallas, Texas from an offshore Grenada bank that included prime bank paper financial instruments and contracts valued at hundreds of billions where two (2) DAI ICHI KANGYO BANK checks valued at $3,800,000,000 billion (USD) were laundered through a down payment of $120,000,000 million in three (3) BANK OF CHINA checks via AMENASIA SDN BHD from SYT RICHSTAR HOLDINGS LTD. held assets in CITIBANK N.A. ( Bangkok, THAILAND ) linked to a China Family Triad legacy with the Golden Triangle. Full report, click: [

Spies Use IMF Fraud Overseas - 28MAY06 - Non-Official Cover government foreign intelligence agents target independent foreign currency exchange investment houses via reverse money-laundering fraud funds back into the U.S. Treasury. Full report, click: [

Economic War Lifes WW-II to WW-III - 07DEC05 - Middle East, Africa, and Pacific Rim using advantages of 'now strong' gold-based financial systems over U.S. dollar currency refused during a petroleum trade in September 2005. Full report, click: [

Foreign War Gold Spies - 24SEP04 - Mossad intelligence security over Netherlands bank holding former Indonesia Premier Soekarno estate bullion assets. Full report, click: [

$230-Billion Offshore Bank Hughes Vault? - 24SEP04 - Independent offshore bank kept billions of foreign prime bank paper financial instrument assets in Nevada storage vault of Howard Hughes. Full report, click: [

Intelligence Memo: 05MAY04 - 05MAY04 - Former CIA director shakes hands with CEO of ALLIANCE STARS after its Jordan executive Kamal Jumah Laoi Al-Kabariti is assassinated with his wife in Colombia. Full report, click: [

For Want of a Nuclear Nail - 03MAR04 - Shortage of U.S. strategic defense mineral brings secret White House approval for BRUSH-WELLMAN to ship secret high-technology processing equipment to Kazakhstan ULBA METALLURIGICAL WORKS producing U.S. strategic defense material Beryllium Copper Master Alloy Ingots used for nuclear weapons, anti-satellite weapons, and Israel tactical high-energy laser weapon anti-ballistic missile defense system. Full report, click: [

Con-man Or Struggling Angel? Uganda’s Infamous Ex-Pat: Van Brink - 29JAN04 - Exclusive interview with a fugitive CEO and founder, of an independent offshore Grenada bank holding assets valued at more than $120,000,000,000 billion, a man who the U.S. government labeled - shortly before his death - was an economic threat to national security. Full report, click: [

Global Economic Brinkmanship - Part 5 - 14JAN04 - Spy versus Spy, a Non-Official Cover ( NOC ) U.S. government foreign intelligence agent Gabriel MacEnroe clandestinely converts an $8,700,000,000 billion in gold bullion deposits recorded on a UNION BANK OF SWITZERLAND prime bank paper financial instruments by an independent offshore Grenada bank that held its own spies. Full report, click: [

Expatriate Dreamlands Curtailed By Intelligence Agencies - 12JAN04 - Disillusioned citizens leave their homelands in search of new economic freedoms that are later curtailed by domestic homeland security intelligence actions. Full report, click: [

U.S. Charges Fraud Against Panama Executive With CIA Connections - 25JUL03 - The Panama News reports, Marc Harris learned money-laundering as part of Iran-Contra affair in 1980s yet in 1988 was U.S. Presidential candidate campaign manager for former White House Chief of Staff for U.S. President Ronald Reagan and former U.S. National Security Advisor for U.S. President Richard Nixon U.S. Army General Alexander Haig, but quoting an Offshore Informant news report ( "Marc M. Harris Abduction" ) plus a source to support a more direct past nexus between U.S. Army Major General John K. Singlaub in the Iran-Contra network with the Nicaragua extraction of Marc Matthew Bosma Harris linked to George Lawrence Gandolfi (aka) Larry Gandolfi having worked for the CIA contract airline Air America (aka) Evergreen Air of Alaska mentions it assisting the U.S. "Plan Colombia" with logistic support flights out-of Tocumen, spurred further news surrounding the CIA and Venezuela President Hugo Chavez. Full reports (6), click:
[ Report 1:

[ Report 2:

[ Report 3:

[ Report 4:

[ Report 5:

[ Report 6:

Rule One: How To Say Nothing - 30JUN03 - Perhaps one of the least favorite events for any person is a visit from the U.S. Treasury Department, Bureau of Internal Revenue Service, hereinafter "IRS", or perhaps any other government official for that matter. The IRS Raid On Your Business or Castle. When the IRS knocks on 'your' door. There is no wholly satisfactory substitute for brains but silence does pretty well. Afterward, call your lawyer. Full report, click: [

Global Economic Brinkmanship - Part 3 - 01APR03 - Secret gold enhancement formula, modified by the U.S. National Security Agency ( NSA ) to enhance gold extracted from its recycling facility, originated in a South Africa laboratory by an Asian who saw his formula patented that spurred Engelhard - CLAL to offer $150,000,000 million (US) for the formula but when not obtained, Western intelligence agencies hired a Private Military Contractor ( PMC ) to stop it from being released to the public. Never realizing he was too late, another man got the formula - and others - first, researched them, found the missing key to growing gold, and now his files are for sale. Full report, click: [

Global Economic Brinkmanship - Part 1 - 28FEB03 - and - Global Economic Brinkmanship - Part 2 - 13MAR03 - A somewhat questionable advantage, found in employing PMCs, circumvents certain government policies and statutory limits, when used to hide or exceed troop levels or facilitate mounting clandestine operations without oversight, by distancing through "plausible deniability" should the operation be exposed or if the contractor makes mistakes or gets killed. Where federal law prohibits U.S. personnel from active combat in Colombia, employees of DYNCORP conducting counter-narcotics operations as reputed armed combatants, 'professional outsiders' (PMCs) enable a government to maintain a respectable distance from potentially dangerous or compromising situations while keeping within foreign policy boundaries. Full reports (2), click:
[ Report 1:

[ Report 2:

Asia Risk Legacies - KOBE Metals Empire Japan - 31JAN03 - Chronological history including post World War II revaluation reserves given to Japan from U.S. Federal Reserve Central Bank World War II foreign wealth seizures, Japan corporate restructuring of KOBE STEEL LTD., metals shipped to Germany for Daimler Chrysler to continue building Mercedes Benz, and other interesting metal sales many never realized. Full report, click: [

Homeland Security Uses 'Genoa' Surveillance - 16NOV02 - The Department of Defense ( DoD ) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ( DARPA ) still mulls…
- - - -
Censorship of private legacy intelligence information on a host of topics began at the aforementioned point of this November 16, 2002 and earlier article reports where the UNWANTED PUBLICITY website Intelligence Briefs provided internet archived web site URL links up until late August 2008 for public reading of its historic 2002 controversial reports that had been archived and hidden away from normal internet public viewing except by internet archive database stored under its former website moniker “X-CIA FILES” and “AnExCIA” website URL earlier hosted by the Microsoft Corporation “MSN Groups” and “MSN Communities” webpages, however this 2008 censorship came to attack by disabling the UNWANTED PUBLICITY website where even these 2002 webpage reports were then viewable as well.
In short, this repetitive censorship by the Microsoft Corporation was its fourth (4th) act of deliberate attacks on a publicly offered private legacy intelligence information report database website authored as such far back as 1998 by the Host of the UNWANTED PUBLICITY website.
A rather odd balance to measure where public investors, subjected to financial investment loss shockwaves created by fraudsters sanctioned to operate under government congressional mandate authorizing federal agent supervised fraud schemes to occur around the world. Don’t believe it? Read the U.S. Department Of Justice undercover law enforcement operations mandate authorized by the U.S. Congress. Amazing, isn’t it?
Submitted for further review and commentary,




Research Reference(s):

Unwanted Publicity
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