Antifa | 06.09.2008 10:54 | Anti-racism | Sheffield
One of the vilest neo-Nazi groups in the country is planning to hold a demonstration in Leeds. The so-called ‘British Peoples Party’ (formerly the ‘White Nationalist Party’), whose leaders believe that all non-white people (along with Jews, Gypsies, Gays, and the Disabled) should be exterminated, plan to hold a demonstration against black Rap music outside HMV in Leeds city centre on Saturday October 4th.
The BPP are supporters of Adolf Hitler and have strong links to both terrorism and paedophilia. Their Goole and East Yorkshire organiser Martyn Gilleard was recently given 16 years for possession of nail bombs and plans to blow up local mosques. On his computer he also had 40,000 images of children and babies being sexually abused, tortured, and raped. The BPP are very sick people.
The BPP are led by Leeds Nazi Kevin Watmough, who runs ‘Redwatch’, a site where fascists post details of their ‘racial enemies’ and instigate attacks on them. While pretending to be ill, Watmough makes a shabby living selling swastikas and other Nazi paraphernalia to his fellow fascists.
The organiser of the BPP demo is Watmough’s girlfriend, Kate Dermody (or McDermody), a hardline Nazi who moved to Leeds from the Midlands, and has been trying to stir up racial conflict in the city ever since. Like Watmough, Dermody is a supporter of Adolf Hitler, and says she believes in “Racial Holy War.” She runs her own blog, on which she openly jokes about the Holocaust, calls the Muslim prophet Muhammad “a paedophile”, and talks about black people in the vilest possible terms.
In the 1970’s and 80’s the Nazis had a strong presence in Leeds. On Saturdays when they sold their racist newspapers in the city centre, black and Asian people, and anyone who looked or dressed differently to them, would be jostled and spat at, even assaulted. Eventually these scum were driven off the streets by antifascists, and Leeds is a much better place without their presence.
Now Dermody and Watmough, and the filth of the BPP are hoping to re-establish themselves on the streets of Leeds. This demo against black Rap music is just an excuse to publicly parade their disgusting racist politics once again. They must be stopped at all costs.
The Nazis in Leeds no longer have the strength of numbers to mount a racist demonstration in the city centre, so they are planning to bus in other Nazis from all over the country. In particular they plan to bring in paramilitary thugs from the so-called “Racial Volunteer Force” and the “Aryan Strike Force”. Like the BPP these are hardline Nazis, who believe in violent racial conflict. They have links to terrorism and to European Nazi groups.
Anyone who cares about the racial harmony of Leeds, anyone who is from an ethnic background, anyone who opposes fascism and all it stands for, should oppose this Nazi demonstration.
Let’s show Dermody and Watmough, the so-called “British Peoples Party”, and the Nazis they are bringing to our city, that Leeds will not tolerate them and their racist lies.
We are calling for an anti-racist mobilisation to oppose the fascist BPP on Saturday 4th October. Be in town that day and be prepared to oppose them. The BPP have said they will be holding their demo at HMV on Lands Lane in Leeds city centre at 2.00pm, but they may try to hold it earlier, or even move to another location.
(A PDF file to print this as a leaflet is available on the Antifa website.)
The BPP are supporters of Adolf Hitler and have strong links to both terrorism and paedophilia. Their Goole and East Yorkshire organiser Martyn Gilleard was recently given 16 years for possession of nail bombs and plans to blow up local mosques. On his computer he also had 40,000 images of children and babies being sexually abused, tortured, and raped. The BPP are very sick people.
The BPP are led by Leeds Nazi Kevin Watmough, who runs ‘Redwatch’, a site where fascists post details of their ‘racial enemies’ and instigate attacks on them. While pretending to be ill, Watmough makes a shabby living selling swastikas and other Nazi paraphernalia to his fellow fascists.
The organiser of the BPP demo is Watmough’s girlfriend, Kate Dermody (or McDermody), a hardline Nazi who moved to Leeds from the Midlands, and has been trying to stir up racial conflict in the city ever since. Like Watmough, Dermody is a supporter of Adolf Hitler, and says she believes in “Racial Holy War.” She runs her own blog, on which she openly jokes about the Holocaust, calls the Muslim prophet Muhammad “a paedophile”, and talks about black people in the vilest possible terms.
In the 1970’s and 80’s the Nazis had a strong presence in Leeds. On Saturdays when they sold their racist newspapers in the city centre, black and Asian people, and anyone who looked or dressed differently to them, would be jostled and spat at, even assaulted. Eventually these scum were driven off the streets by antifascists, and Leeds is a much better place without their presence.
Now Dermody and Watmough, and the filth of the BPP are hoping to re-establish themselves on the streets of Leeds. This demo against black Rap music is just an excuse to publicly parade their disgusting racist politics once again. They must be stopped at all costs.
The Nazis in Leeds no longer have the strength of numbers to mount a racist demonstration in the city centre, so they are planning to bus in other Nazis from all over the country. In particular they plan to bring in paramilitary thugs from the so-called “Racial Volunteer Force” and the “Aryan Strike Force”. Like the BPP these are hardline Nazis, who believe in violent racial conflict. They have links to terrorism and to European Nazi groups.
Anyone who cares about the racial harmony of Leeds, anyone who is from an ethnic background, anyone who opposes fascism and all it stands for, should oppose this Nazi demonstration.
Let’s show Dermody and Watmough, the so-called “British Peoples Party”, and the Nazis they are bringing to our city, that Leeds will not tolerate them and their racist lies.
We are calling for an anti-racist mobilisation to oppose the fascist BPP on Saturday 4th October. Be in town that day and be prepared to oppose them. The BPP have said they will be holding their demo at HMV on Lands Lane in Leeds city centre at 2.00pm, but they may try to hold it earlier, or even move to another location.
(A PDF file to print this as a leaflet is available on the Antifa website.)
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06.09.2008 11:26
Get it right you Red Mugs
06.09.2008 13:15
General Franco
06.09.2008 14:39
Maybe you will actually show you bunch of faggots. 14/88
06.09.2008 15:24
Wanna come?
To Wigan Mike
06.09.2008 15:39
Leeds Reds
Fascist misdirection
06.09.2008 15:41
BPP Are Worried!
06.09.2008 15:57
Antifa England
BPP Running scared already!
06.09.2008 16:15
"The protest that had been arranged for the 4th October will now take place on the 18th October at approximately 11:30am followed by the BPP Annual Congress (also in Leeds!) on the same date at around 2.30pm."
And then:
"These degenerate idiots can't even get the date right! They'l be late for their own funeral "
What a cheeky cow!
Date change
06.09.2008 16:18
here we go the mighty antifa kb warriors
06.09.2008 16:27
there birds have been down on a nigger.
the date of demo against black racist music is not the 4th do your home work or sack your trolls and for the knob who said it was a tactic of the bpp to mis-divert people is a fucking cock smoked to much weed this week hey shit face.
on a personal note i can,t wait for the day i,ll be there as i was in london 27th july and can,t wait to look at the mighty antifa ha ha ha ha ha sorry ha ha fuck me i,m forgetting how funny and laughable you are,just had txt of mike he hopes the prick who wants him in a clean vest will personally give him the persil and the dates are right so it,s not the fourth repeat not the fourth of october,and we will be there ready to accomadate you.
so until then i,ll leave you to your key board stuff the threats insults and lies.enjoy your spliffs and get your birds to brush there teeth.
Dont Give Youself Too Much Credit...
06.09.2008 16:34
Antifa hahahahahahaha
British Freedom Fighters
Hide behind the cops foxy!
06.09.2008 16:35
See you in Leeds scum
whatever happened to the aryan race's spelling?
06.09.2008 16:39
Wigan Mike's Dirty Laundry
06.09.2008 16:55
hiding behind police
06.09.2008 17:01
bob old chap hope to see you in leeds ,or are you another gobshite who likes to flirt with danger down the net?
fuck my grammer and spelling i actually could,nt give a flying fuck about it but it,s your weak attempt with the old chestnut of the aryan master race card you not thought of summat new yet but thats coming from a spotty whore of a red.
so your threat little insults just fuel my motivation so crack on as nigger on his crack pipe
don,t forget i will be there and so will the others,hopefully you will be to.
Oh dear Foxy
06.09.2008 18:58
I'd turn up.. But kicking the shit out of 3 white men who hate black people doesn't seem worth my time. I'm sure someone else will do it for me.
Oh dear
A 'Foxy' in sheep's clothing
06.09.2008 19:43
Jack B
antifa ha ha ha ha ha oops ha ha ha ha ha ha
07.09.2008 11:27
funny thou you say we are making excuses for your failings to show,your the dicks who actually announced that your coming to pay us a visit in leeds not us you.but know your making excuses that you have another booking in your calender how ironic it is that you are a black man who can batter three whites but is not going.
how many times will you make the excuses and not show after london bpp meet 27th july you posted that you left us alone this time mike,but now your saying again on your website your immobilising your spotty stoned army of misfits and socially concious middle class wankers to clear leeds of the right your man at the helm so stoned on green he can,t see that you have two dates in your calender.
excuses excuses and pls get it right a wolve in a foxys clothes.
see you in leeds chaps.
Who let this moron loose on a keyboard?
07.09.2008 12:00
I think posts 2 and 3 on this thread, from 'General Franco' and 'BFF' transparently indicate a scramble to find an alternative date by the BPP and its allies. I very much doubt that it was a coincidence they picked the day of the Anarchist Bookfair.
Bramley Red
bramley red
07.09.2008 12:10
but aas you can only come up with that come to leeds and i,ll show you what i,ll do put up or shut up
no more excuses
Antifa Faggots
07.09.2008 13:10
14 Words.
British Freedom Fighters
All mouth and hot air
07.09.2008 17:03
It's possible to see EXACTLY when the date was changed by checking McDermody's 'Stormfront' posts. You're a liar and a coward Wigan Mike. Don't worry, you won't be disappointed if you turn up in Leeds. Maybe a few of us will come over to Wigan sometime and repay the compliment.
Bramley Red
Absolute Idiots
07.09.2008 17:21
British Freedom Fighters
bold statements you make
07.09.2008 17:30
bramley red oh your so so scary with your english lessons.
i,ll be personally on the look out for you,got it fuck face.
mark my words dick wart.
bramely red
nice to see you hide the truth
08.09.2008 09:00
the comedy goes on they say the prove is in the pudding and you certainly are a bunch of shits.
my post deleted and other members of the bff to.
is this cos we touched on a sore point to the fact that you are a spent force and full of shit.
are you arses twitching so much and the thought of us looking you in the eye.
is the realistation dawn on you that this aint kb stuff any more have you realised that your flirting with danger has become your reality.
but alas you have your book farye to attend the biggest event in your calender aint one of you fucking mugs heard of amazon.
antifa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
i eagerly await your censorship of this post to prove your a bunch of cowardly cunts.
The Truth?
08.09.2008 10:05
Lets make this a community effort...
10.09.2008 14:11
I like Antifa, but a common criticism I hear is that they don't make effort into building a sense of self-empowered resistance in communities.
if it goes well enough, local people will do Antifas job for them.
THEN you kick the shit out of them.
11.09.2008 09:12
Mousey, flyers and posters for the counter-demo can be downloaded as jpegs from the Indymedia thread at:
As stated in all 3 current Indymedia articles on the counter-demo, flyers can be downloaded in pdf form from the Antifa website, along with a pdf for a poster. Links are:
Hope to see you there.
11.09.2008 14:06
BFF Not Going
04.10.2008 16:15
Looks like Mikes "Aryan strike force" and "BFF" have pulled out;
leaving BPP to fight there own fight;
nice and easy fighting. see you all there.
Andi Ali - the most infamous anti fascist of the past decade?
13.10.2008 17:11
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