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Animal Rights groups protest against seminar by cruelty lobby

vegan agenda | 12.08.2008 17:32 | SHAC | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Repression

Animal Rights groups were tipped off that the Hunting Association of Ireland was going to be hosting a breakfast seminar this morning to unite groups and companies which have been the subject of protest for their treatment of animals.

The main speaker at the event was Lt. Col. Dennis Foster (US Army, ret'd) who was described as an ''expert on animal rights terrorists" .

See video

outside the hotel
outside the hotel

inside the hotel
inside the hotel

large Garda presence
large Garda presence

A number of groups and individuals decided to have a protest outside the hotel, and see who showed up.

Representatives of restaurants which sell torture foods like foie gras, fur farms, animal circuses, hunts, greyhound and horse racing groups, animal experimenters and others who are involved in cruelty of various sorts were invited.

The organisers had also tried to convince Padraig Walshe, the President of the Irish Farmers' Association to attend, but he had the good sense to stay well away from these extremists.

In the event, the protest outside seemed better attended than the seminar itself, with very few people wanting to get involved with the animal cruelty lobby. (An attempt was made to get a few pictures of the inside for, but the organisers came all over shy...)

In the autumn the Dáil will debate a new animal welfare bill, and many people are speculating on which way the Green Party will go, given their record in government so far.

In a radio interview on rté this morning, the organiser of the event, Gavin Duffy, claimed that the protesters were actually being paid by shadowy groups from outside Ireland. From the experience of the protesters this morning, it's clear that the only remuneration received was half a bar of vegan chocolate and an apple. At that rate, for a protest which started at 7.30AM and ended at 11, there are definitely better ways of making a living...

vegan agenda
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youtube video

12.08.2008 22:28

you can see a brief video and hear an excerpt from a radio item about the protest by clicking on this link:


Ireland Animal Rights

13.08.2008 06:57

Check out the National Animal Rights Association...newly formed and kicking ass!

NARA Ireland
- Homepage:


Display the following 3 comments

  1. Quick diagnosis of the man in the suit — rosbif
  2. Well Done! — Kathy
  3. Fascism Mounts in Westernized Society — Brennan Browne