Police Assault Teenage Activists at the Climate Camp Children's Revolution
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign | 09.08.2008 16:05 | Climate Camp 2008 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Social Struggles | London | World
The Children's Revolution joined together with the Orange march to Kingsnorth power station on the day of mass action and combined with the children of local residents to help form a huge blockade which attracted the attention of all the international news media.
The Children of the Eco Warriors marched alongside the Kingsnorth dragon created by Raga the well known Quaker peace activist, and they were led by Kristoff the clown and the Carbon Town Cryer band.
The march itself was fairly uneventful with a number of arrests of activists wearing masks and apparently trying to escape the kettle on the dual carriageway.
At the power station banners were erected on the gates, and the police kept a watchful eye on the speakers using the Bicycology sound system microphone.
At one pm a police helicopter announced that the protest was over and that anyone who stayed in the vicinity would be arrested under section 14 of the Public Order Act.
Most of the climate campers drifted off back to the Camp for Climate Action but many stayed outside the power station gates and the Rhythms of Resistance samba band continued their drumming at the nearby roundabout.
Eventually the police started to push and shove a group of teenagers who had been part of the flotilla of little boats, and several police horses were also used to try to force them to move back to the camp site.
One young girl appeared to be snatched from behind by the police and the rest of the group were shouted at and bullied for about twenty minutes before the police finally gave up and left them alone.
Video footage of the incident is being edited and will be posted on Indymedia soon.
The march itself was fairly uneventful with a number of arrests of activists wearing masks and apparently trying to escape the kettle on the dual carriageway.
At the power station banners were erected on the gates, and the police kept a watchful eye on the speakers using the Bicycology sound system microphone.
At one pm a police helicopter announced that the protest was over and that anyone who stayed in the vicinity would be arrested under section 14 of the Public Order Act.
Most of the climate campers drifted off back to the Camp for Climate Action but many stayed outside the power station gates and the Rhythms of Resistance samba band continued their drumming at the nearby roundabout.
Eventually the police started to push and shove a group of teenagers who had been part of the flotilla of little boats, and several police horses were also used to try to force them to move back to the camp site.
One young girl appeared to be snatched from behind by the police and the rest of the group were shouted at and bullied for about twenty minutes before the police finally gave up and left them alone.
Video footage of the incident is being edited and will be posted on Indymedia soon.
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign
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Go back to the sixties hippy freaks!
09.08.2008 16:51
re realist
09.08.2008 17:10
Great warming swindle swindle
09.08.2008 17:29
In contrast about 2,500 scientists write, edit and review the findings of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) http://www.ipcc.ch. In order to gain the approval of this number of scientists the reports have to be written very conservatively. They are not the wild flights of fancy some claim they are, they probably under-estimate the problem slightly.
Who do you think are right, 2,500 scientists or less than 20 sceptics? Answers on a post-card please.
Science is never 100% certain of anything, but it can achieve a consensus and there is an overwhelming consensus on climate change.
Believing the opinions of an handful of sceptics, because they tell you the answer you want to hear, is a dubious way of arriving at the truth. I'll stick with the 2,500 scientists thank you, unless it is shown they are in error. So far they have not been shown to have made any error major enough to discredit their opinion, despite the increasingly desperate attempts of the sceptics who started scraping the bottom of the barrel a long time ago.
Remember, those 2,500 scientists did not start off believing in climate change. They were persuaded by the scientific evidence. The graph at http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/corporate/pressoffice/myths/3.html proves beyond any reasonable doubt that we are affecting the climate.
Wake up!
A N Other
Great Global Warming Swindle...
09.08.2008 22:40
Its most credible scientist, Prof Carl Wunsch took legal action against the program for being the 'closest thing to pure propaganda since WWII'.
One graph had data added, another (decades old) graph was mis-labelled, volcano emission figures were lied about, the effect of inputs on atmospheric carbon concentrations was misrepresented, evidence against the claimed strength of solar cycle forcings was ignored, scientists were misrepresented. Basically most of the 'evidence' in the program was either fabricated, misrepresented or logical fallacy (see 'straw man' argument)
It made some credible comments, but it is far from reliable as gospel on climate science. For that I'd recommend journal articles or textbooks on the subject.
11.08.2008 21:34
There was no kettle, there were mounted police at the front of the march and a snatch squad grabbed (only just, he nearly got back into crowd) someone for rolling up the 'POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS' tape that was doing no good as we were in both lanes of the dual carriagewy, as the Orange group meeting agreed to do despite the Police insistence that the march, containing families and children, use one lane while lorries could zoom past in the fast lane. No way Jose!
The mention of masks is irrelevant, the Police could ask to remove. Don't be devisive.
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