Police invade Climate Camp - more people urgently needed
PB | 31.07.2008 17:14 | Climate Camp 2008
Police still on site
31.07.2008 17:27
Wood Pile victory
31.07.2008 17:39
31.07.2008 19:19
Everyone who can get there go as quickly as possible, once we have numbers we will regain control.
going tomorrow
Stop and Search info
31.07.2008 20:59
They cannot look through your personal papers under pace - and do not need to give your name, address or date of birth
Before ANY search (under Section 2 of PACE) you should be told: the officer's name and police station; the purpose of the search; the legal grounds for the search; and you should be offered a copy of stop and search form.
phew. peacexx
police tactics & stategy, and legal rights
31.07.2008 21:11
Last year they managed to get limited accompanied patrols on site when we (police liaison) were tired and our guard was down. When they tried a bigger incursion, we forcefully but calmly pushed them off.
The year before we kept them off site.
They won't try to stop us coming - as you said, it makes sense for them and us if we're all in the one place. They will probably harass us, as they've started to, on arrival. And it sounds like they are trying to camp 'on top' of us, to assert their authority.
We need to assert our authority over the camp, that it is an autonomous space which we keep tip-top without their 'help' for the duration of the camp. As there are more of us, this needs to be a priority, if we're to best be able to do what we're going there to do.
You never have to give your name to a copper unless: you are the driver of a motor vehicle, or you are arrested and taken to the police station, or a small range of charges that they try to nick you for but send you 'the bill' later.
If you want to read up about your rights, there's a full range of useful contacts at

see you soon
Kent Police
31.07.2008 22:34
So, if you do spot any criminal activity [like the activities of EON], you may want to report these to the police and council. You may also wish to take steps to protect yourself from malicious actions by the police and council if you report these criminals. The police have a long history of acting on behalf of criminals, instead of acting on behalf of victims.
Queries about the climate camp
If you have any questions about the camp, call our Kingsnorth camp hotline on 01634 792660 or email

You can call Medway Council’s Customer First team on 01634 333333 or email

Suspicious behaviour and calls about incidents that are not emergencies
If you see anything suspicious that you think could be related to the climate camp, or want to report incidents or crimes that are not emergencies, contact us on our non-urgent number, 01634 891055. Non-urgent incidents are those where there is no immediate danger to life, where a crime has been committed but is not actually in progress and when there is no offender nearby.
These calls are charged at the local rate and answered at the Kent Police communications centre in Maidstone.
Emergency calls
In an emergency, for example if life is threatened, people are injured, crime is in progress or offenders are nearby, call the police on 999.
Your neighbourhood team
Neighbourhood officers work with residents and local organisations to identify priorities for action and deal with local problems. You can contact the Peninsula neighbourhood team on 01634 792346.
Gordon Brown
the warrant was issued under s6 Criminal Damage Act
01.08.2008 11:17
6.— Search for things intended for use in committing offences of criminal damage.
(1) If it is made to appear by information on oath before a justice of the peace that there is reasonable cause to believe that any person has in his custody or under his control or on his premises anything which there is reasonable cause to believe has been used or is intended for use without lawful excuse—
(a) to destroy or damage property belonging to another; or
(b) to destroy or damage any property in a way likely to endanger the life of another,
the justice may grant a warrant authorising any constable to search for and seize that thing.
(2) A constable who is authorised under this section to search premises for anything, may enter (if need be by force) and search the premises accordingly and may seize anything which he believes to have been used or to be intended to be used as aforesaid.
(3) The Police (Property) Act 1897 (disposal of property in the possession of the police) shall apply to property which has come into the possession of the police under this section as it applies to property which has come into the possession of the police in the circumstances mentioned in that Act.

If the police search people using a warrant like this, or under section 1, they must tell you their name and station, what they are looking for and why they think you might have it, before they start the search or the whole search is illegal (per s2 PACE).
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Note to cops
31.07.2008 19:41
can someone report back just what laws they are using for searches
31.07.2008 20:14
future camper
A reminder
31.07.2008 20:51
Back off you filthy bastards.
Pikey coppers
31.07.2008 22:01
FAO IMC Please clean up anti-Gypsy racism on Indymedia
31.07.2008 23:15
Save some vegan food for me!
01.08.2008 02:03
Happy camper
Sod em!
01.08.2008 05:44
See you there guys!
Troll n Witchy
Pikey accurate for that part of Kent
01.08.2008 13:18
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