Climate Camp - Stay Informed
phonephreak | 30.07.2008 19:12 | Climate Camp 2008 | Climate Chaos | Free Spaces | Other Press | London
With the news that the site for the climate camp has now been occupied, information about how to stay informed over the next two weeks is also being revealed.
Sign up to receive SMS text messages on your mobile phone, at no cost, to stay up-to-date about breaking news, protests, last minute changes etc.
- For breaking news about climate camp related protests around Kingsnorth or affinity group actions elsewhere in the country, text the message FOLLOW CLIMATECAMP to 07624 801423
- For information bulletins relating to the camp itself, eg. program changes, volunteer call outs, emergency meetings, etc. Text FOLLOW CAMPINFO to 07624 801423
- For twice daily local weather reports, text FOLLOW KINGSNORTHINFO to 07624 801423
If you are not already signed up to a Twitter service you will receive a confirmation message which you must reply to with a username of your choice.
You will not be charged to receive the news alerts but you will pay for the two texts you send to sign up. You can also sign up online by registering at but don't forget to add your mobile details.
All the SMS reports are limited to 140 characters. Examples of the kind of bulletins to expect include:
"Five people are locked on to conveyor belt in Kingsnorth and report that E-On have shut the power station down."
"Spontaneous street party has started outside E-On headoffice, sound system and around 500 people."
"Police road block at east end of Irrelevant Road. Some people being searched but most people now taking back route via alley to the south."
The system depends on people like you to 'be the media' and report the news happening around you. and remember to cover the basics - who, what, where, when, why and how. Note down the reporting number and phone 0207 043 3783 to record your own reports or speak to somebody who will write up a report based on what you have to say about your experiences. It's a local rate number so no hefty charges and to save your credit you can ask them to call you back. Pop into the 'Be The Media' space to find out more.
You can also send in photos or video clips from your mobile phone via MMS email to phone.uploads{at} (best add the address to your contacts so you don't have to keep typing it).
Note: The SMS alert system is based on a service called Twitter provided by a company in California. The privacy policy ( states that the company would hand over information to the authorities if requested to do so. Do not sign up (or use clean phone) if you have any reason not want your phone number associated with any of the events and news likely to be covered by this service. However, remember that the authorities can also obtain the details of all mobiles in any given area anyway.
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An archive of Climate Camp 2008 main twitter posts
11.08.2008 18:31
Several arrests made. Line of riot cops forming at back gate along with dog units advancing into campers sitting on path. Medics called.
Three more arrests just made as police crow bar their way into another of the campers vehicles at back gate.
Cops pulled back from front gate. Stand off continues at back gate. Camper spirits high. Impromptu workshops. Suited riot cops sweat in sun.
Bit freaked this morning but camp continuing as normal, workshops and meetings happening, no problem people getting onto site. All good.
Bail breakers have entered the camp to cheers but some being prevent from doing so by police. See indymedia for updates.
Climate camp radio now live. Tune in via now, or listen on site in your neighborhoods.
The farce continues. Having ordered people to leave their bike in the car park, cops have just cut the locks and stolen the bikes.
Camp awoken by police. Sirens and helicopter circling. Riot cops being deployed at gates, numbering off. Unclear what is happening.
Riot cops have piled back into vans and gone. It appears to have been pure malicious terror tactics designed to further disrupt the camp.
Shuttle bus drivers arrested & minibuses taken by police. Earlier about 50 in mass disobedience, leaving camp & refusing search - 1 arrest.
Radio show on now. Lovely atmosphere on site. Shuttle buses running fine. Plenty of water, food, toilets, workshops, fun & friends. Come on!
camp activists currently shut down giant agrofuel depot this morning nr dartford. lock-ons stopping trucks. banner drop from oil silo.
Can somebody @agrofuels action call reporting line 01634 210111& record interview of whats happening there for website and use on radio.
Plane Stupid are locked on at Gatwick Airport. Please get people to phone in an record their own reports on 01634 210111
Seems the lockon blockade at Thorrock agrofuels has been violently broken with protesters dragged apart, not cut out. Before media arrived.
Since 11am, 15 people laying in pool of oil at Royal Bank of Scotland London offices. 5 ppl locked on.
Any1 want2 get their audio report on2 camp radio by lunchtime should call 01634 210111. Report from RBS action will b on there. Others?
Sunny & very warm again after sudden rainstorm. Loads of ppl still arriving, over 1,500 here now. Quite a buzz on site with news of actions.
At 8.30 AM, activists from the Camp superglued to the doors of RBS Oil&Gas Division wielding a banner reading “RBS: Cashing In On Coal”.
12 camp activists have just superglued themselves to the government Dept of Business in London. Phone in your reports 01634 210111
P.S. They´re naked!!!
orange and green blocks left the camp this morning and are on route.Please send in all action updates to 01634210211
4 boats and rafts launched successfully from river just after 8.30.police arriving just as they launched.flags up and making good time...
3 people are on the ledge hanging from kingsnorth fence which is adjacent to the jetty, police are finding it difficult to reach them
First of green group have breached first fence! send updates to 01634210211
number put out earlier for updates is wrong, please send action updates to 01634210111
report that some of green block have breached electric fence. Please send action photos to
a 2nd group of the green block have breached the 1st fence and have hung a banner. 2nd security fence has been breached using 1st fencing.
at least 1 person has got into the power station, lots of others scaling fences at the moment. text in photos to 07811671893
electric fence turned off now, reports of people sitting on it. leave audio action updates on 01634210111
kayakers heading for kingsnorth but reports that some have been arrested. 1000 people having a picnic at main gate of KN, atmosphere amazing
4 arrested inside power station, police needed to cut fence to get to them, please send photos to
a banner reading "shut down kingsnorth" has been hung from a pilon near the power station.send photos to
orange block (at front gateof KN) were told at 12.55, that if they do not disperse by 1pm dogs, horses and long handed battons will be used.
At 8am this morning police confiscated a safety boat that was going to ensure the health and safety of the great rebel raft regatta today.
orange block (at front gate of KN) were told at 12.55, that if they do not disperse by 1pm dogs, horses and long handed batons will be used
At 8am this morning police confiscated a safety boat that was going to ensure the health and safety of the great rebel raft regatta today
if you were put under pressure because of your foreign accent to give your name and address please give a detailed statement to legal asap
Also can people talk to legal support about stop and search wait times, specific details will be very helpful.
Green block have reported that 1 of Kingsnorth Power Station's own fences was taken down and used to scale the palisade fence,'irony..'
we need information! phone updates or leave audio reports on 01634210111. send pictures to
Kingsnorth main gate,23 orange group refuse to leave as a protest in response to police threats of violice, Riot police surrounding them now
Arrests now being made at Kingsnorth gate. Protesters passively resisting and being dragged away. Please send updates to 01634210111
Come2 media tent 2give action updates & summaries,record audio reports on 01634210111. send pics to
19 arrested at front gate of Power Station,from Orange Group. All refusing to give names & addresses when last reported (arrest solidarity)
About 70 people arrested over course of day. If you witnessed any of these arrests please go to the legal tent with details.
come to mass action de-brief meeting at 6pm, main marquee and hear all the exciting stories from the day
9 rafts, 11 treasure island boats, 8 kayaks and 1 currach(made in the woods last night)made it on water today, all are safe back on land now
at 9.30 this morning the bike block went to 1 of Kingsnorth's gates, they proceeded around the power station to Scottish Power, met by cops
200+of the green block made it 2 KN today.Some used a section of fencing 2make a ladder 2breach both the outer and the inner electric fence.
1,000 strong Orange group headed from the Camp directly to the main gates at KN,led by a colourful carnival dragon made by children at camp
At 12.55 orders were given for the orange block who we at KN main gate to disperse, some stayed and arrests were made.
If you witnessed any arrests or aggressive behavior from the cops today please go to the legal tent with details.
several attempts were made by the silver block today to launch airborne actions on Kingsnorth Power Station, look out for flying pigs...
please check the climate camp website or indymedia for more coverage of todays action and
6 campers occupied the roof of Smithfield Meat Market for two hours this morning with a "Stop Climate Change: Go Vegan" banner. No arrests.
15 campers are currently outside Mildenhall US Air Base in Suffolk, several dressed as planes, to highlight military CO2 emissions.
9 campers have invaded offices of coal mining giant BHP Billiton. 2 glued to doors, others scattering coal in the lobby& educating staff.
Charge sheet of 1 of 4 ppl arrested inside Kingsnorth reveals they shut down cooling system and disrupted to running of station. see imcuk