Important Findings about Vitamin D
reposted | 27.02.2008 20:30 | Health
It turns out that Vitamin D is not a 'vitamin', but an essential hormone that regulates many things in our bodies. We very rarely get Vit. D in our diet (cod liver oil) and recent discoveries show its importance to our health.
A very informative video (80 minutes) is free online and will shake your faith in the USDA's 'minimum daily requirements'.
From the University of Wisconsin, which is one of the very first research facilities in the world, "Vitamin D: The New Old Natural Wonder Drug", 3/7/06.
The first 30 minutes is about the history of dietary research (yawn) but it is actually none the less interesting.
A very informative video (80 minutes) is free online and will shake your faith in the USDA's 'minimum daily requirements'.
From the University of Wisconsin, which is one of the very first research facilities in the world, "Vitamin D: The New Old Natural Wonder Drug", 3/7/06.
The first 30 minutes is about the history of dietary research (yawn) but it is actually none the less interesting.
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28.02.2008 12:43
We humans DO in fact make this substance within our bodies (in our skin, using sunlight). But ALL the vitamins are made by SOME organism or other. Since animals eat plants (or other animals) many species have lost the ability to produce various substances that they need, instead getting that supply in their food.
There are probably a whole bunch of other substances similar to vitamin D that our own bodies make for us -- they can be discovered only when something goes wrong; a genetic defect such that our body can't produce this needed substance or else a case like vitamin D where something else (here sinlight) is needed. For an example, look at the situation with vitamin K (failure to be able to make, lack of substances from which the body makes K)
Mike Novack
e-mail: stepbystpefamr
Two cod fingers to it
28.02.2008 21:38
Let the cod livers remain in the cods to swim free
29.02.2008 01:59
+ sunlight !in moderation
29.02.2008 02:00
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