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Important Findings about Vitamin D

reposted | 27.02.2008 20:30 | Health

What they have discovered and are continueing to discover about (so-called) Vitamin D.

It turns out that Vitamin D is not a 'vitamin', but an essential hormone that regulates many things in our bodies. We very rarely get Vit. D in our diet (cod liver oil) and recent discoveries show its importance to our health.

A very informative video (80 minutes) is free online and will shake your faith in the USDA's 'minimum daily requirements'.

From the University of Wisconsin, which is one of the very first research facilities in the world, "Vitamin D: The New Old Natural Wonder Drug", 3/7/06.

The first 30 minutes is about the history of dietary research (yawn) but it is actually none the less interesting.



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Two cod fingers to it

28.02.2008 21:38

Humans live long enough already.
Let the cod livers remain in the cods to swim free



29.02.2008 01:59

alot of codliver oil has vit d removed it removed,but is good source with herring with DHA,EPA & some ALA though microalgae & spirulina is good too for vit 260IU per 100 g, though codliver oil levels can be higher & microalgea is purer & a option for vegan-veggies.
