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Total impunity: Shoot-to-kill commander McDowall promoted as 'anti-terror chief'

teresa | 13.12.2007 09:44 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Terror War | London | World

Does this Top terror role for the Menezes officer mean that it has been accepted that we adopt a routine "shoot to kill any suspect policy" from now on?

"The man who launched the surveillance operation that led to Jean
Charles de Menezes's death has been appointed to the UK's top counter-terrorist role.

Cdr John McDowall will take over from Deputy Assistant Commissioner Peter Clarke as national co-ordinator of terrorist investigations.

He will also lead the Metropolitan Police's counter-terrorism unit SO15."


from the archives:

"So what is new here, is not police murdering people. It's that
they dare to do it in broad daylight, admit they did it, and pledge
to do it again! Basically, shoot-to-kill has been covert British
police policy for a long time section 3

but now they've found a way to make it look legitimate, to bring it
out in the open so they can do it more overtly."


De Menezes family 'absolutely disgusted' at Cressida Dick promotion




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13.12.2007 10:06

Death Squads, Internment, Torture, Kidnap (Rendition) and not forgetting Imperial Genocide -- these are now "normal" -- welcome to the "Post-9/11 World" of perpetual resource wars justified by the bogus "Clash of Civilizations".

War of Terror
- Homepage:

Assassination by agents of the British State.

13.12.2007 14:00

The "shoot to kill" policy has existed in the UK for many years. Look back at 1969 and the Investiture when representatives of the Welsh Nationalist movement were shot by the British in cold blood. The story that was fed to the media was that they blew themselves up with their own expolsives. The reality was that they were captured by the British agents and shot the following day.

Then there was Gibralter when the Britsh gunned down a number of Irish people, again in cold blood. The tale they told then was that these had explosives and guns. When there was an examination of them and their vehicle, this proved to be false.

The British army had a shoot to kill policy in the six counties for very many years. It was the custom to eliminate people who were Catholics, or Republicans. In many instances the loyalist paramilitaries were given a free hand to do this.

It is perhaps to be expected that there has now been an extension of this to allow the neo cops to kill people that don't comply to the "conform, consume and obey" culture.
