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Time to re state the rules

Sovereign | 13.11.2007 18:48 | Repression

Recently I've been hearing lots of stories of the government monitering the migration patterns of birds to help prevent the spread of a terrible disease so I think it's time to remind everyone of three important rules in preventing a cull.

1. Do not hold vital conversations over the phone. By definition a telephone is a device that allows a person far, far away hear exactly what you are saying therefore you're phone is tapped. I know you think your codes are clever but when faced with a team of lingustics experts and complex computer programs they're not.

2. Do not organise using the internet for exactly the same reasons as above. If possible hold all information in your head, if not pen and paper's served people well for centuries. Also stop organising demos on facebook, this not only serves to give the authorities the time, date and location of any demo it also gives them approximate numbers along with photographs, sexual preferences and hobbies of those involved.

3.Avoid meeting unless absoultley nessecery and even then do in so in crowds in a routine.



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Good rules

13.11.2007 19:47

Thank you for posting these rules as a reminder.

It is time to get off our collective lard arses and take to the streets. Time to organise. Fuck the symbolic die-ins and all of that routine marching from Point A to Point B on a pre-approved route bullshit.

Time to take to the streets. Time to take the streets. Whoever controls the streets controls the state, as Goebbels once said. He would know. Time to take the streets. Time to take the streets and to hold them, to never let go.

Agitate, now is the time. Join our French peers, to tackle the state with what we have at our disposal: our values and principles, our futures, our dignity, and our bodies ... every single million of them ... we out number them. Apply pressure and cease participating in the consumption seduction that disempowers us, innoculates us against the injustices we face daily.

Organise. Agitate. Seize control of the streets in every town and hold them. Be relentless and unswerving.

Fuck the pacifist "peace" marches. The fascist corporatist state has waged war on the planet and ourselves. Time to wake up to the fact and to return the favour.

This was me

Dont forget

14.11.2007 21:09

Your tinfoil hat! MI5 is reading your mind too you know!

Just because they are out to get you, doesnt mean you arent paranoid!

Tinfo Ilhat