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killed by a group of neo-Nazis

trotskyist worker | 11.11.2007 15:24 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | World

A young man of about 20 years of age have been killed this morning by a stab in the heart, killed by a group of neo-Nazis in a subway station in Madrid.


Un joven de unos 20 años de edad ha resultado muerto esta mañana, de una puñalada en el corazón, a manos de un grupo de neonazis, en una estación de metro de Madrid.

A young man of about 20 years of age have been killed this morning by a stab in the heart, killed by a group of neo-Nazis in a subway station in Madrid.

Un jeune homme d'environ 20 ans ont été tuées ce matin par un coup de poignard dans le coeur, tué par un groupe de néonazis dans une station de métro à Madrid.

Ενας νεαρος ανδρας περιπου 20 ετων, εχασαν τη ζωη τους σημερα το πρωι απο μια μαχαιρια στην καρδια, που σκοτωθηκε απο ομαδα νεοναζι σε μια subway σταθμο της Μαδριτης.

شاب من حوالي 20 سنة من العمر قد لقوا حتفهم صباح اليوم عن طريق طعنة في القلب ، وقتل على يد مجموعة من النازيين الجدد في محطة قطار الانفاق في مدريد.

Ein junger Mann von etwa 20 Jahren getötet wurden heute Morgen durch einen Stich im Herzen, getötet von einer Gruppe von Neonazis in einer U-Bahn Station in Madrid.

Een jonge man van ongeveer 20 jaar zijn vanmorgen gedood door een steken in het hart, gedood door een groep neo - nazi's in een metrostation in Madrid.

Un giovane di circa 20 anni di età sono stati uccisi questa mattina da una pugnalata al cuore, ucciso da un gruppo di neonazisti in una stazione della metropolitana di Madrid.

Молодой человек около 20 лет были убиты сегодня утром в ножевые в сердце, убит группой неонацистов на станции метро в Мадриде.

Um jovem de cerca de 20 anos de idade foram mortos esta manhã por um stab no coração, morto por um grupo de neo - nazistas, em uma estação de metrô em Madrid.



한 젊은 남자가 사망의 약 20 여년의 나이가되었습니다이 아침에 윤종의 심장, 사망으로 그룹의 네오 - 나치에있는 지하철역의 마드리드.

trotskyist worker


more info ...

11.11.2007 20:12

Body of dead antifascist activist being carried away
Body of dead antifascist activist being carried away

The events occurred after around 200 antifascists gathered to prevent a nazi demo from taking part in Madrid’s Usera district. The nazi demo had been called by the youth wing of the extreme right and fascist party Democracia Nacional (National Democracy)

The fascists had called to demonstrate for the ‘rights of spanish people’ and ‘against immigration’. As often happens in these sort of demosntrations, several groups of violent neo-nazi bonehead scum turn up to heat things up. It is also often the case that after these demos, groups of fascists drift arount town looking for any sign of ‘unpure spanish white identity’ or any ‘smell of immigrants’ or ‘rojos’ (left wing people). This has often resulted in attacks to people that happens to come accross the self styled vigilante groups, or to bars where young lefty people hang out. Even though this is the norm everytime the scum from Democracia Nacional calls for a public event, the authorities don’t doubt for a minute to give them permission, making their demos legal, whilst the antifa protests normally atract the riot police often resulting in dententions and subsequent court cases.

Due to the fact the police usually spend their resources protecting the fascists whilst, at the same time, attacking the antifa, people normally have no other choice but to organise themselves when the nazis are in town. And this morning was no different. A strong crowd of around 200 antifascists, anachist and autonomists gathered in Usera to try to stop the neo-nazi demo. They actually didn’t manage to completely stop it, but at least they managed to short it down considerably by blocking the planned route of the fascist demosntration. Riot police eventually clashed with the antifa, using rubber bullets. As a result, one antifascist protestor got hit with a rubber bullet in the head and he is now in hospital in a serious condition, albeit not life threatening.

After the demo, a group of antifascist protestors were in the Legazpi tube station waiting for a train. When the train arrived they saw a group of nazi scum on board, so they immediately clashed. The antifascists were trying to get them out of the train when one of the scum produces a kitchen knife, and starts to aim to anyone that approaches him. As a result, two young antifa (17 and 20 years of age) got stabbed. They both were immediately taken to hospital as the injuries seemed pretty serious straightaway, as they were bleeding extensively. Both antifascist activists were injured in the lungs and in the area near to the heart, injuries that proved fatal for one of them, which was pronounced dead a few hours after arriving to the hospital. The other activist has undergone extensive surgery, and it seems he is recovering although his situation is still critical according to doctors.

A series of protest demos have already been called in different cities of the Spanish state for this evening. As I type this there are around 1000 people demonstrating in downtown Madrid, and around 150 gathering in St. Jaume square in central Barcelona. Reports are also coming in of demos being called in Logroño, Valladolid, Zaragoza, Valencia, Castello, Alacant, Zamora, Sevilla, Bilbo, Donosti, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona.

Coverage of tonight’s demos in spanish here:

Photos demo in Madrid here:

Timeline of this morning’s events in spanish here:

No pasaran!


more stuff (en castellano)

12.11.2007 16:23

more information and comments from the revolutionary left in the Spanish State about the fascist murder can be found on the webpages of KAOSENLARED - - and of NODO50 -

¡Carlos, hermano, nosotr@s no olvidamos!

- Homepage:


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to the streets!

12.11.2007 03:11

this cannot go uncommented by the internationalist community of antifascists.

progressives all over europe will be taking to the streets in days to come and so should the people here!

announce marches and actions in london, birmingham, manchester, leeds or wherever else you are now for the most effective turnout!

antifascism needs your solidarity and it must come from below!
solidarity with the killed commrade's friends and family!

antifascist solidarity


12.11.2007 19:54

so the leftys start the fight then cry when they get a kicking

ok then


Memorial for Carlos

22.11.2007 14:35

As the incident involving the murder of an Anti-Fascist is very recent, there has not been that much time to organise the upcoming Memorial Demo. The decision to organise the event was agreed on during the last London Anarchist Federation meeting on the 15 November 2007. AntiFa were contacted by the group the following day. The rest of the Anarchist Federation got stuck in on the same day and over the weekend. We have all done our utmost to contact as many relevant individuals and groups as we can in the short period of time that has been available. If there is anybody that we have not contacted or have been unable to contact, please treat this as an invite. Although this is the weekend of the ‘Feeding of the 5000’ event, the organisers went to great efforts to consider this event and planned the time of the Memorial Demo to prevent a clash or overlap. There will be plenty of time for those that are going to the ‘Feeding of the 5000’ to partake in the Memorial Demo and be a part of Anti-Fascists Solidarity … And I am pretty certain that Steve Ignorant would agree.

Please see the attached poster and hope to see you there.

Resist Abuse!


International Brigade Monument

22.11.2007 14:36

This is to inform the individuals and groups intending to participate in the memorial to Carlos on the 24 November 2007, that we have established that the International Brigade Monument is within the SOCPA exclusion zone. At the same time, the event is being treated more as a memorial service than an actual protest action. However, there is no way of establishing whether this will make any difference to the police, if they get involved.

If there are problems with them, we plan to move a road or two down to move out of the zone and prevent arrests, as a worse case scenario. At the same time we do intend to approach the event in a responsible manner and the organisers will be visibly present for contact with the police. At the same time we will act in an assertive, but non-hostile manner ... to avoid any unnecessary complications.

We do not want anybody to be disillusioned by the SOCPA exclusion zone aspect, but as a responsible organisation it is our duty to inform anybody that intends to participate in the event on the 24 November 2007, of this knowledge that we have recently acquired.

Hope to see you there

Refuse Abuse
