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15 Lonely Fascists Protest in Central London

some bypasser | 26.10.2007 13:17 | Anti-racism

Today 15 people of the so called SIOE-campaign ("Stop Islamisation Of Europe") demonstrated for what they called "Freedom Of Speech" but in fact is they racist idea of a white (and mainly) christian Europe, which they want to defend against influences of other cultures.

More police vans then people
More police vans then people

and english flags
and english flags

dont walk on the road!
dont walk on the road!

police apperently controlling people who look "foreign"
police apperently controlling people who look "foreign"

Organised by right wing English Democrats candidate Stephan Gash and Danish "anti islam" campaigner Anders Gravers, only about 15 people followed there call for a demo gainst "islamisation" in central London. A few weeks ago the same people tried to organise a demo in Brussels, which was first banned, later on they could gather a few people.

The SIOE (basically identical with the danish SIAD) tries to convince the public that they campaign for "Freedom Of Speech" and "Rights of women in islamic countries", but the conncetions to extreme right groups in Denmark, Germany and Switzerland are too obvious. Andrew Gravers (who was attacked on a demo in Denmark last Sunday. )does not, however often he distance himself from nazi groups, seem to have a problem having neonazis speaking at his demos in Denmark. (see nazi Julius Børgesen (free danish nationalists) speaking at SIAD demo , also ). In their campaign against the building of mosques in Europe they allied with the German extreme right party "pro Köln" and the swiss "SVP".

Fortunately they seem to fail totally to mobilise in UK so far.

No Borders, No Nations!

some bypasser


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26.10.2007 14:32


what a show of strength!

btw what are the red flags with the white cross?


@wa, the flag ...

26.10.2007 15:27

"the red flags with the white cross" is the danish flag i guess :)


new protest

26.10.2007 15:48

We need another muslim protest where they said they wanted to destroy the west i think this is a good idea i hate the thought of free speech we need another 7/7 come on guys what are we gonna do about it

heres a thought

Everyone is a 'facist' these days

26.10.2007 16:19

So these guys are ‘facists’ are they?

I’m really getting tired of the overuse of this word. Perhaps there were one or two genuine ‘facists’ at this little protests, how would I know? But the group itself is clearly not ‘facist’ as its main aim is to oppose facism and totalitarianism in all it’s forms. That includes radical islam, marxism and nazism.

It is a group open to all races and many Jews and Arabs are involved.

In regards to the right wing extremists speaking at some of their rallies. I agree that this in not good. BUT... this does not mean that everyone involved is a ‘facist’.

Most extreme nationalists (who are may indeed be facist) stay away from SIOE because they think it’s a sell out, and because of it’s welcoming of Jewish and Arab supporters.

I really, really don’t understand this left-wing alliance with Islam and the left-wing support for the Islamification of Europe (or denial that it is happening). Do people not realise that Islam is a bullish, authoritarian religion, or is it just not PC to say it? Do we really want Britain to be turned into a Saudi Arabia, where there is no freedom of speech, no womens rights, and a whole list of other brutally enforced moral codes? Or am I just being alarmist?

How can you be gay; an alchohol drinker; a lover of experimental art, a radical thinker or simply just be a woman...and support the growing influence of Islam in the west?? IT SIMPLY DOESN’T MAKE SENSE!

Despite how this post sounds to you ‘antifa’, I personal, consider myself left-of-centre politically. However that does not mean I support every aspect of muliculturalism without question. Sure, on the whole it has been a benefit, but Europe has many positive aspects and a lot of these will be threatened or abolished if we one day became an Islamic republic.

I think many of the left, such as Indymedia, automatically oppose ‘facism’ without really comprehending what you are thereby supporting.



26.10.2007 17:37

I should have done a spell check.... of course it's fascist not facist...


"Free Speech" Parasites

26.10.2007 18:13

These people are utter cowards. They thrive on the tolerance shown to them by others. They talk about the right to free speech. Yet, you can be sure that given any power they would be the first to stamp out free speech.

How can I know that? Because of their intolerant attitude towards Islam and Muslims. That attitude is racist. Call it whatever you like but it boils down to racism and an intolerance of other people's religions and cultures.

We read their guru, Daniel Pipes, and others accusing Muslims of being intellectually inferior and of having low hygienic standards. It's nonsense of course but these people use ignorance and prejudice to get away with such preposterous statements.

The SIOE and the rest of these groups oppose the building of mosques. If they had been alive in pre-WWII Europe they could have seen,in certain middle and eastern European cities, Jewish communities where, within a matter of a few square kilometres, up to 40 Jewish synagogues!

Now remember who it was that considered the Jews to be a threat to Europe: Hitler. Strange bedfellows to find oneself with! And yet that is precisely where the SIOE and the Islamophobes' outlook leads them.

It's good that only 15 fanatics turned up. But that gives us no reason for complacency.

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Can people count these days in the UK?

26.10.2007 19:01

I was at this protest. There were 0 fascists there. There were at least 3 Jews, so no one was a Nazi, obviously, either. You seemed to have missed the Israeli flag in your pictures. As for the turnout? I'd say 50 would be a closer guess. You also didn't get a shot of me or the group (which included a fellow of African origin), so sadly your pictures don't show everyone.

You should apply for a job at some major news outlet, you've already got their style.



leave us alone, Brain!

26.10.2007 20:05

So you are one of those "anti-islam" activists?
I dont think Indymedia is a place for you!

You can tell us 1000 times you are not a fascist, and i will tell you your idea of a non-muslim Europe is a fascist
one. I dont give a shit some people are jews, or christians, or whatever, when they run around with their fucking english flags and preach a muslim free country! fuck off!


The Israeli Flag?

26.10.2007 20:19

The Israeli flag in question is in the third picture, wrapped around one of the guys at the back.

I'm staying out of most of this argument on the basis that I don't know much about it, but I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people here who don't view the israeli flag as one of the traditional symbols of left-wing tolerance...

Dave C
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Anders Glavers Make It Then?

26.10.2007 21:07

So did that cock Glavers make it over after his slap last week?

Couldn't of happened to a nicer fella!

Isn't it amazing how much support follows you where ever you go!

As you were!

Dantes Goldfish


27.10.2007 00:59

just want simply to be a woman


Led by fascist Stephen Gash

27.10.2007 07:48

ex-National Front member and now in the English Democrats Party campaigning for greater rights for the indigenous E.nglish (white folks). There 25-30 on the demo, half fash, and half gullible Zionist 'kapos'.


Switzerland won the fight against racism in 2. WW. So do we now!

27.10.2007 08:39

Hey dude!

You've got a problem with right wing groups (beside Pax Europe with a similar programm is a paraparty group ...)?

maybe you should read some books about biology and history ...

the 30ies are over.

switzerland won the fight against nazi germany ... an mostly the same people who fought this war now support the SVP.


No it's not!

Islam ist a mayor concern to all of us and at this point "left wing" groups are more of a problem to this topic than a solution.

that's why many choose "right wing" group!

They learend from the history.

What about you?

Die Realität
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Polarised arguments

27.10.2007 09:04

"You can tell us 1000 times you are not a fascist, and i will tell you your idea of a non-muslim Europe is a fascist "

I don't think the protesters were calling for every last muslim to be thrown out of Europe, if that's what you mean. They're more concerned that one day large parts of Europe will be governed under Sharia law.

If you think that opposing this prospect makes a person a fascist, then I'm a fascist (a half korean one). My friends, family and work colleagues must also be fascists, because nobody I've asked wants Europe to be an Islamic continent. And don't take this opinion to the other extreme by saying we want to expel all the muslims who currently living in Europe. Calling people fascists to morally justify your position is an easy way out. Most people simply have a legitimate concern about losing their way of life.

Living as a Dhimmi in an Islamic country is not pleasant. Unless of course you enjoy living a second class citizen.



27.10.2007 09:33

"just want simply to be a woman" -Daggle

Are you trying to twist my words to imply that I'm sexist???
It was a womens right statement!... the word 'simply' is not related to woman's nature or status,
but that 'solely' being a woman in an Islamic society means you have less rights.

I guess if you don't have an argument you have to play wordgames.



Ignorance leads to Bigotry

27.10.2007 09:39

"switzerland won the fight against nazi germany"

Hey dude,

You need a crash course in modern history. Switzerland was neutral during WWII. With that kind of ignorance no wonder that racist politics is attractive to bigots of a younger generation.



27.10.2007 18:14

>> "switzerland won the fight against nazi germany"
> Hey dude,
> You need a crash course in modern history. Switzerland was neutral during WWII

Neutral... but collaborating for financial gain. But then lots were turning a blind eye to some of what the Nazis were doing, because they believed in part of it - Churchill for example. Same sort of racism seen here I think. Strange to find these commenting on Indymedia though.


inform yourself!

27.10.2007 22:57

Hm, maybe it's time to actually r.e.a.d the sioe-site:

The international site itself is called:
"Stop Islamisation of Europe - Racism is the lowest form of human stupidity, but Islamophobia is the height of common sense".
In this site, no racist language or racist standpoints are expressed.

Why the hell should we call sioe a racist organisation then?


inform yourself!

27.10.2007 23:02

Hm, maybe it's time to actually r.e.a.d the sioe-site:

The international site itself is called:
"Stop Islamisation of Europe - Racism is the lowest form of human stupidity, but Islamophobia is the height of common sense".
In this site, no racist language or racist standpoints are expressed.

Why the hell should we call sioe a racist organisation then?


oh man why did i follow that up

27.10.2007 23:38

well just to check on katwoman's assertion i looked at their blogspot site. i'm depressed now. ok so i should have got it from the line quoted "but Islamophobia is the height of common sense", but i didn't. yes we know that phobias are irrational fears of things, and islamophobia how ever you happen to look at it is generally discriminatory against followers of islam. but i looked anyway.

their definition is "Islamophobia is the fear of Islam in general, with its political agenda." right so that's clear then it's nothing to do with power politics and it is to do with the religious concept of islam. the same could be said for christianity then in the same domination forms. this would just be a misunderstanding of the world if it didn't transmute in the rest of the site into a depressing accusation of lots of different things related in some part to religion a larger part to poverty and all to disengagement into 'islamic murder', 'islamic riots' etc.

sad racist caricaturisation by people with no concept of christian history


how many

28.10.2007 09:29

" I was at this protest. There were 0 fascists there. There were at least 3 Jews, so no one was a Nazi, obviously, either. You seemed to have missed the Israeli flag in your pictures. As for the turnout? I'd say 50 would be a closer guess. You also didn't get a shot of me or the group (which included a fellow of African origin), so sadly your pictures don't show everyone.

You should apply for a job at some major news outlet, you've already got their style.


Brian "

If it is true that there were at least double the 15 quoted demonstrators then whoever posted the original story SHOULD be ashamed of themselves. The photos dont make clear the numbers. I dont agree with what they are about but let's have truth at least.

no sun newpaper please

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No Sharia

30.10.2007 23:58

Islam is sharia and sharia is this:

Are we just going to sit and wait for this to happend in our contries to or are we going to change "the rules", from adapting to islam in our contries TO adapting islam to our culture adn law?


Islamophobia is both Racist and Genocidal

31.10.2007 02:04

"Why the hell should we call sioe a racist organisation then?


The SIOE site is very careful not to include anything overtly racist on its site. But it links up to overtlyt racist sites.

The claim it is not racist but proud to be Islamophobic is a contradiction. While Islam is a religion it is one which is associated with the Arabic, African and Asian world. The roots of White Islamophobia are essentially racist and imperialist and the Indian Uprising of 1857 was put down by a Christian fundamentalist racists who considered Muslims and Hindus to be animals.

Similarly, Europe's imperialist ventures in Africa were associated with a racist, colonialist attitude towards dusky "natives".

Islamophobia is thus not just against a religion but a culture and a way of life practised by 1.3 billion of the planet's peoples, mostly from the non-white world.

In pre-war Europe, certain eastern European cities had up to 40 Jewish synagogues in their Jewish quarters. Hitler considered this to be "a threat to European Civilization" just as Islamophobes consider the building of mosques to be today.

We all know what Hitler did. The Islamophobes' attitude and politics towards Muslim semites (for many Muslims are ethnically semites) is a new form of Anti-Semitism against a religion, Islam, which has been so persecuted in the last 18 years that the death-toll of Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan now stands at 8 million (see Dr Gideon Polya).

Yes: 8 MILLION, amounting to a New Holocaust. All resulting from the racist, genocidal ideology of Islamophobia.


Too simple

01.11.2007 22:34

I was there taking pictures that will eventually appear on 'My London Diary', although it was hardly worth photographing - and there were almost as many photographers as demonstrators.

I counted the demostrators as 36. The police made it 40, which makes it the only demonstration I've ever been to where the police figure was a) roughly correct and b) greater than mine. And I was very glad to see that it was so low.

But perhaps the most interesting aspect was the wide range of people who were there. Probably less than a third really from the extreme right.


Peter Marshall
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Fascism is an empty word today

02.11.2007 07:48

Please why do we have this automatic name calling for anyone who is critical of islam ??
"Fascist, Nazi, right wing"

If you were to go to any Indian temple whether Sikh or Hindu or Buddhist I would be very surprised if you heard a good word about islam.

The nazi/fascist label is interesting. Did Hitler and the Naziparty not respect islam because they thought it was so similar to the national socialist philosophy ?
Did 60,000 moslems not serve in the SS ?

Are Buddhist monks not being murdered in South Thailand by moslems ?

Were the Bamiyan Buddhas not destroyed by islamists ?

As for the suppression of the Indian mutiny by white christians, remember the millions of hindus/sikhs murdered during the islamic colonisation of India/

Remember the slavery past and present of Black Africans by Moslem arabs.

I despise islam and I go to the temple every day.
Tell the african in that story about racism.

Haresh Kapadia

"ex-National Front member"

02.11.2007 14:39

"Led by fascist Stephen Gash
27.10.2007 08:48

ex-National Front member and now in the English Democrats Party campaigning for greater rights for the indigenous E.nglish (white folks). There 25-30 on the demo, half fash, and half gullible Zionist 'kapos'.
theonlygoodfascist "


Do you have evidence of this or is it just a mindless name calling response.

Haresh Kapadia

Haresh Kapadia

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