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New Calf Food Campaign

rogy | 21.10.2007 18:45 | Animal Liberation | World

On October, 1st 2007 (World Vegetarian Day) Maqi - für Tierrechte, gegen Speziesismus started a new anti milk campaign:

The text lists reasons why it is wrong to consume animal milk (other than that of one’s mother as a child) just like eggs, meat etc. and then shows faces of vegans who say: "Wir haben abgestillt" ("we are weaned").

So if there are any vegans here who want to participate in this campaign, please send a portrait photo (or several from which we can select one; at least 190 × 285 pixels) and your name (plus city/country if you want), cf. .

English version:

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'bout time

21.10.2007 18:53

Well done, it's about time people started focusing on the fact that vegetarians support animal abuse and that the dairy industry are responsible for sick shit.

Moo Krew

"Vegetarians are Murderers"

16.11.2007 20:44

The domain name "Vegetarier-sind-Mörder" ( means "Vegetarians are Murderers" which also is the title of an article ( maily dealing with problems for cows and chickens caused by diary and egg consumption ... curently only availabe in German, but many people have become vegan after after reading this article.

Achim Stößer
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