New Calf Food Campaign
rogy | 21.10.2007 18:45 | Animal Liberation | World
On October, 1st 2007 (World Vegetarian Day) Maqi - für Tierrechte, gegen Speziesismus started a new anti milk campaign:

The text lists reasons why it is wrong to consume animal milk (other than that of one’s mother as a child) just like eggs, meat etc. and then shows faces of vegans who say: "Wir haben abgestillt" ("we are weaned").
So if there are any vegans here who want to participate in this campaign, please send a portrait photo (or several from which we can select one; at least 190 × 285 pixels) and your name (plus city/country if you want), cf. .
English version:
also see
So if there are any vegans here who want to participate in this campaign, please send a portrait photo (or several from which we can select one; at least 190 × 285 pixels) and your name (plus city/country if you want), cf.

English version:

also see

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