Crossrail - City transport scheme paid for by taxpayers not public transport | 03.09.2007 17:16
Crossrail, the £30billion transport scheme is a City transport scheme NOT a public transport scheme as it will benefit the City who keeps putting out press releases with poodle Ken Livingstone to say how vital Crossrail is. .The City have told the Government that taxpayers can pay and underwrite the Crossrail scheme, which reputable experts say is what would be expected if one were planning a garden shed. Most other European countries can build a much better railway than the Crossrail team who are getting help on how to rip the taxpayers off from Bechtel while also finding out how to benefit from the land it is busily trying to accumulate. Next time you hear about new research - dig out the proof, you will find there is nothing but some press releases and some willing corporate journalists.
Meanwhile a phoney propaganda campaign has been launched by a City think tank - you know how it works, we say we will pay but behind the scenes we know we won't. Are you a taxpayer? you know the score, 30 years, operational costs and do not forget that interest - This scheme is so bad for London, it will be killed and the dodgy politicians who put their heads above the parapet for Kiley and Ken will pay.Crosssrail is not a public transport scheme - it is a City transport scheme and guess what most ordinary people can see straight through it. We won't be paying for your crap schemes or your crap US friends to come over here and suck taxpayers dry because they are bullies who would not know the word industry standard, safe or non-polluting if it hit them in the face. No crap rail scheme for London, not paid for taxpayers in London
The thinktank is a propaganda front for the City and the Corporation of London, which is living off the money that is rightfully owned by Londoners. Guess what fatties in the City, we want this back too. Open up those secret accounts and lets also find out all those dodgy dealings abroad.
The thinktank is a propaganda front for the City and the Corporation of London, which is living off the money that is rightfully owned by Londoners. Guess what fatties in the City, we want this back too. Open up those secret accounts and lets also find out all those dodgy dealings abroad.
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03.09.2007 23:19
"you know how it works, we say we will pay but behind the scenes we know we won't" Proof, source, evidence?????
"This scheme is so bad for London, it will be killed and the dodgy politicians who put their heads above the parapet for Kiley and Ken will pay"
Every major potential candidate for London Mayor wants crossrail
Livingstone - "We need this Crossrail to be built"
Johnson - "stating a commitment to Crossrail"
Conservatives - "This will be a slap in the face for Londoners and for the City of London who look like they'll have to wait forever for the Government to fulfill its promises on Crossrail," she said"
So we have the three main parties all in favour of crossrail so who is going to kill the project, this is not a party issue it seems to be one of the few issues that the major parties seem to agree on. But I guess they are all corrupt and to use your phrase 'are going to pay'.
No to NIMBY's, yes to public transport.
Crossrail - Who, what and how to abuse taxpayers money by the City
04.09.2007 08:25
Anonymous poster is using the support of all three major parties as a basis for supporting Crossrail ... Does anyone have any faith in the three major parties out there? ,,, In addition, do people know the man behind Crossrail is one Adrian Montague? You might not but he is well known for abusing taxpayers money - Knighted of course, through the morally bankrupt honours system that rewards you for abuse.
This great website tells you how Sir Adrian Montague does it -
Lets have a look at these three major parties. Lets look at Network Rail and then just one of the rail crashes, which could have been avoided, lets say Hatfield. Which one of these parties has put human beings and taxpayers as their priority? NONE ...
Question 2 - Does anyone care about what the major three parties have to say.
One might, if any of their policies were actually different? No, that is not the case either. Oddly all their policies are pretty much the same - I think Fernando Solanez called it yes politics in Argentina before the economy collapsed.
However, ordinary Londoners have had enough. No one will be supporting the crumbling policies of political parties seeking to subsidise the City's infrastructure projects and grandiose plans. Try this for out for size, If the City of London and Canary Wharf is so successful, why do they not start paying for it themselves? It might be because it has got into the habit of acquiring this money from others. For the City has been created by ripping and squeezing the most out of the poorest down the chain and this is how the billions end up here. It is more trickle up than trickle down. Perhaps this is why the loot can only be washed down in a drunken and over excessive obese way as it is the epitome of how the City behave in real life.
However, one day soon, you will have to face the poor you have walked over - they will know how to survive your darkness, the question is will you? Oh well, the City does have billions albeit a morally bankrupt and barbaric legacy. I wonder why it is not using its own money to fund Crossrail?
No that is where it employs a City thinktank to offer suggestions which ostensibly give money from business but in actual fact, it seeks to protect the City while exposing taxpayers. No one falls for propaganda institutions led by the hopefully genetically modified proponent Lord Sainsbury - Knighted for services against the ordinary person.
This will not be a battle of the parties but of taxpayers and the people against corruption and political parties who do not really have any support anyway.
"which reputable experts say is what would be expected if one were planning a garden shed" Which experts - Source??? After being given a few hints about Crossrail, I started to find out some interesting things
Try the people who built the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, the Jubilee Line and reputable company Arup. I encourage people to read this website and then start reading the petition hearings where the
Labour run Select Committee really do not want things out in the open. - Mayfair - Spitalfields
Read this blog -
Even the FT has been looking at the figures of Crossrail and they find them wanting ... very wanting ... not just another Olympics but they compare it to Eurotunnel...Indeed, the FT say: a Financial Times report that “the project’s backers are likely to keep cost projections as low as possible to secure approval”.
"you know how it works, we say we will pay but behind the scenes we know we won't" Proof, source, evidence????? See above and if any readers want to look at the disgusting legacy of Sir Adrian Montague (see above)
"This scheme is so bad for London, it will be killed and the dodgy politicians who put their heads above the parapet for Kiley and Ken will pay" Yes, they wil pay.
Every major potential (POLITICAL) candidate for London Mayor wants crossrail
Livingstone - "We need this Crossrail to be built"
Mr Livingstone has a great track record for wasting taxpayers money on crap transport programmes - lets look at the tram, the first endeavour for the Millennium Bridge. Read this url to find out more why Crossrail is a bad idea either him or his transport advisors.
Read between the lines of the url for the Mayor below and readers will see the corrupt reasons why the Mayor supports Crossrail and then try and try and find any mention of how he intends to protect taxpayers contribution - There is no intention is there will be no protection. Crossrail is a cash cow waiting for its birth and everlasting final party.
Does anyone expect Johnson to have more than a brain or an ounce of humanity than the gangsta New Labour Mayor? No that is why he will not get votes and this is why his policies are no different because his party is no different. Read the url if you want to know why Conservatives back Crossrail - it is supported by Boris Johnson!
Johnson - "stating a commitment to Crossrail"
The Lib Dems - what a joke? Read the Lib Dem url if you have no purpose in life ... I did not
Lib Dems - "LONDON HAS WAITED FRUSTRATED FOR CROSSRAIL REPORT" Yes, what does the Crossrail report say. This anonymous poster does not want anyone to read what it actually says.
Conservatives - "This will be a slap in the face for Londoners and for the City of London who look like they'll have to wait forever for the Government to fulfill its promises on Crossrail," she said"
Correction - Londoners do not want Crossrail, the City of London does and a few New Labour bribed cronies and lets not forget the major political parties above...
So we have the three main parties all in favour of crossrail so who is going to kill the project, this is not a party issue it seems to be one of the few issues that the major parties seem to agree on. But I guess they are all corrupt and to use your phrase 'are going to pay'.
No to NIMBY's, yes to public transport. - Crossrail is not public transport - It is a poor and expensive rail scheme that only benefits the City. That is not a description of public transport.
Yes to beneficial public transport schemes means NO TO CROSSRAIL.
No to bad anonymous people who do not publish their names and seem to have a vested interest in Crossrail and New Labour policy supporters. Unfortunately, anonymous poster, all your comments are always without substance and easy to rebut because there is no evidence of the viability of Crossrail and the new claims it will be supported by business. It is clearly not a scheme that is good for Londoners and therein lies the problem for the City cronies Livingstone, Johnson and whichever Lib Dem stands for the City poodle post that is known as the Mayor of London. I am afraid I will not be bothering to respond to your right wing postings anymore.
Here is a CHALLENGE anonymous person ....
Please provide urls giving proof and facts that Crossrail will be good for London outside of the City and Canary Wharf and not bad for taxpayers?
Otherwise stop putting up your postings and crawl back to the anonymous City hole you came from...
Stop interfering with the website...