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SOCPA - film of mandela statue day behind the scenes

rikki | 30.08.2007 23:03 | SOCPA | London

while gordon brown and ken livinstone basked in the undeniable glory of nelson mandela, their police force was busy making sure there were no dissenting voices - no-one to point out the irony of placing a statue of the greatest freedom icon in a square where freedom is curtailed!
gordon brown promised to repeal socpa laws - he hasn't.

if you have problems viewing the film, i strongly suggest downloading the free vlc player from videolan. please avoid backing microsoft if you can.

- e-mail: rikkiindymedia At gmail d0t com
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that is fantastic, rikki

31.08.2007 08:19

the hipocricy is just un-bloody-believable!

"ideas are bulletproof" (v for vendetta)

peoples republic of southwark

Thanks rikki - excellent as ever

31.08.2007 12:48

Your editing very effectively explores the new depths of hypocrisy our terminally depraved 'control structure' have sunk to.

How Brian can keep going in the face of so much insanity clearly demonstrates his strength and resolve.

Must be something to do with knowing the truth and clearly envisaging the Nuremberg moment these NWO psychopaths are rapidly heading towards.

If nothing major is done soon, we will probably look back in 5 years and think maybe Bliar weren't so bad after all...

Take flouride! Get amnesia!



31.08.2007 16:30

Well done Rikki, that is fantastic.

Thank you once again for all of you efforts.


Silent bob

Mandela v Brian

31.08.2007 19:05

If Mandela was a true human rights activist he'd of been sitting alongside Brian and not George Browne.
