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SOCPA - film of mandela statue day behind the scenes

rikki | 30.08.2007 23:03 | SOCPA | London

while gordon brown and ken livinstone basked in the undeniable glory of nelson mandela, their police force was busy making sure there were no dissenting voices - no-one to point out the irony of placing a statue of the greatest freedom icon in a square where freedom is curtailed!
gordon brown promised to repeal socpa laws - he hasn't.

if you have problems viewing the film, i strongly suggest downloading the free vlc player from videolan. please avoid backing microsoft if you can.

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Display the following 4 comments

  1. that is fantastic, rikki — peoples republic of southwark
  2. Thanks rikki - excellent as ever — BonChance
  3. Superb — Silent bob
  4. Mandela v Brian — oiyoi