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Were G8 Decisions Made in Advance At Bilderberg Conference?

Jubal Harshaw | 10.06.2007 20:31 | Climate Chaos | Globalisation | Repression | World

Major decisions about defence and economic policies for the entire Western world and official government strategy for tackling climate change are believed to have been made in secret at the Bilderberg Conference in Turkey just before the G8 summit in Germany.

US president George Bush and British prime minister Tony Blair are said to have met with bankers, financiers, heads of transnational corporations, media tycoons and royalty to get their orders before attending the G8 meeting.
The Bilderberg Conference met in total secrecy in the luxury Ritz-Carlton hotel guarded by Turkish police and plainclothes CIA agents, and no details of the meeting have so far emerged, nor are they likely to unless someone who was present leaks them.
There has been speculation that a possible attack on Iran was discussed and there have also been rumours that Bilderberg may be planning to put microchips in peoples' brains to control the population.
There is also a story being passed around that Bilderberg plans to reduce the world population by three billion people by 2050 as a possible solution to global warming.
The Bilderberg Group is believed to be controlled by David Rockefeller and it is said to be an illegal conspiracy because democratically elected heads of state meet secretly to make decisions without the press or the public being able to be present or to know what is being decided in their name.

Jubal Harshaw
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it's quite simple really

11.06.2007 07:55

You have to take into consideration the anti conspiracy theory movement (or lack of movement if you prefer)
It's cool to support more fashionable protest groups fighting for Palestinians or some other oppressed groups rights. But local action groups are not so trendy. Even though if anyone from anywhere in th UK decided to investigate their local council and it's cronies, they would find a nice cozy old boy network, built up around
the local freemasons or Rotary club or just a bunch of local crooks who know well in advance about any new developments and buy up the land cheap. It's normal. Pretty boring stuff for the main thrust of the radical chic
activist movement. Council meetings are the pits.
But once you have got the gist of who runs things in your local town taking things onto provincial or county level
is a doddle and from there, well national international it's just one step beyond.
The problem is that once you know how it all works what can you do about it ? sweet FA cos no one is actually interested. You get called a conspiracyloon, anti jewish (even if you never mention jews israel ect)
A few years ago anyone who mentioned Bilderberg on IMC UK was slagged off as a raving fascist, now you just get one dick head's one liner so maybe things are getting better. Even though no one gives a toss about Bilderberg meetings and it's oooh so hip to get along to demonstrate against G8.
It seems as though a lot of this radical chic types who demonstrate at these big meetings believe in all the bull shit spouted about democracy by world leaders and political types.
Free trade means getting shit for nothing and that is good business for one guy but some poor fucker has to lose out : but in any case people are just not interested in Bilderberg .


Is Bilderberg Driving Humanity to Extinction?

11.06.2007 10:58

Dear Banker,
Your analysis of the way business and politics works illegally together seems to be fairly accurate, but the problem with Bilderberg is that international capitalism appears to have all the governments of the West under their direct control and part of their agenda seems to be to carry on burning fossil fuels and driving the human race to extinction.
Bilderberg is only a conspiracy in the legal sense that if two or more people agree to break the law they are conspiring illegally together.
In New Zealand there is a law called The Public Bodies' Meetings Act which says that all meetings of public bodies must be open to the press and the public and it is illegal to hold secret meetings.
I assume there are similar laws in most other countries as well, including Britain and America, so if elected politicians make decisions with bankers and corporate leaders at secret meetings this would be illegal, and this is what seems to be happening at Bilderberg.
It cannot really be just a coincidence that matters decided upon at Bilderberg meetings are then implemented simultaneously in Japan, America, Europe, and Britain by the supposedly democratic governments of these Western nations.
Dutch television has just broadcast a very interesting discussion about the Bilderberg meeting in Turkey and it can be viewed on the internet.
What they say is that Bill Clinton and Tony Blair both attended Bilderberg meetings and soon afterwards they became president of America and prime minister of Britain, and they also say that Bilderberg has a master plan for a one world economic system.
It is extraordinary for these things to be openly broadcast since the media tycoons who own most of the world's news media are said to be members of the Bilderberg Group.
Secrecy begets tyranny as Robert Heinlein wrote in "Stranger in a Strange Land", and as long as these Conference meetings and other ways that the Bilderberg Group decides global policy behind closed doors continues, there will still be wild conspiracy theories about microchips in peoples' heads and genocides to steal oil and cut down the world population.
The international bankers and financiers and leaders of the transnational corporations are all directly responsible for causing global warming and their secret Bilderberg meetings appear to have their own agenda which is to carry on burning fossil fuels.
This means that the people of the world have absolutely no control over their own destiny through their elected governments which seem to be taking their orders from big business and not from the people who elected them.
Australia is now suffering its worst drought in 1000 years and America is also in the middle of its worst drought since the Great Depression. (Independent newspaper 11 June 2007.)
Climate Indymedia reported recently that all the predictions for global warming disasters would probably start to occur within the next five years and not 100 years as often stated, since the Earth's temperature is rising and the polar ice caps are melting and the sea levels are rising three times faster than they were previously thought to be.
All the indications are that runaway global warming has already begun and may be irreversible, which means that the predictions of a lot of reputable scientists that humanity will become extinct this century may well turn out to be correct.
I am personally completing a report entitled "Can You Save the Human Race?" which contains all the evidence for court cases against the Bilderberg Group and all their members which includes the banks and the oil companies and the Western governments.
My lawyers will be taking civil and criminal proceedings in Britain, America, and Europe to attempt to hold all the defendants legally responsible and accountable for causing global warming, and to ask the most senior judges in the world to authorise an alternative political and economic system to capitalism.
I am also lending support to the Camp for Climate Action at Heathrow this August and have suggested that it could become a permanent Greenham Common style camp for peace and the environment, together with an Earth Fair Consumer Revolt to help local people resist and fight back in self defence against big business and big government.
In Britain it is legal to do things that might otherwise be illegal if it is necessary to do so to prevent atrocities or to save lives.
This is the message that should be widely publicised to support the environmental activists who are already protesting against the expansion of the airports and the building of new roads and motorways and environmentally destructive developments.
Even if we are going to become extinct soon we should still be trying to do something to stop global warming and to ensure the survival of future generations because it is better to be doing something about than nothing at all.
World War Three would probably wipe out the entire human race, but global warming looks like burning us all to death in a series of ecological cataclysms unless urgent action is taken immediately.
I am currently working on promoting a kids' bloc Children's Revolution march to parliament from Hackney at Christmas 2007 to arrest the British government for war crimes and for working for the transnational corporations that are destroying the Earth's environment.
The children of the eco warriors held their own blockade at the Gleneagles G8 summit meeting in 2005 and they also led the march to the Drax power station with the banner "The Kids Are Revolting!" at the first Camp for Climate Action in 2006.
This year Angel is still considering whether to come or not because she is concerned about the safety of the children if the police get violent with them.
Angel helped to start the Children's Revolution at the Stirling eco village and she takes her responsibilities very seriously indeed.
My plans for supporting local Hackney residents campaigning against the 2012 Olympics include liaison with the Metropolitan police to ensure that nobody gets hurt for taking part in a peaceful march to parliament square to have a picnic with the eco kids and their friends and families and lawyers.
However even if some of the eco warriors from the road protests of the 1990s will be unable to attend the Camp for Climate Action at Heathrow this August, it would be nice if a lot of people do show up to show solidarity with the Climate Campers who are concerned about saving the human race from extinction.
Thank you,

Jubal Harshaw
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This is anti-semitic conspirabollocks

11.06.2007 13:06

At the protests or convergence camps in Germany last week nobody would have dared to give out a leaflet containing the sort of right-wing anti-Semitic bollocks above. If they had the German comrades would have jumped them and beaten them to a bloody pulp. They are very aware in Germany of the way the far right tries to infiltrate anti-Semitic modes of thought into the movement by posing as anti-capitalists. There were many leaflets warning of this phenomenon there. Capitalism is a self-generating system. It is us fucking ourselves up and being unable to overcome the limits that capital imposes on us. It is not a conspiracy by small groups of men or lizards or whatever. The G8 leaders are as trapped by capital as the rest of us. Capital and its logic pushes them around as much as it does us. Conspiracy bollocks exaggerating the importance of the Bilderburg group, claiming it is led by Rockefeller and will implant chips in our heads is not just loony bollocks but dangerous loony bollocks. It's code for the idea that the Jews control the world, the oldest conspiracy theory of all and must be completely and physically separated from our movements.

Lets follow the German movement's example

Beat them to a bloody pulp?

11.06.2007 13:44

"the German comrades would have jumped them and beaten them to a bloody pulp"

Fucking wimps, this is not enough, anyone questioning 9/11, international banking establishiment or exclusive clubs of the elite like the Bilderberg's should be chopped up into small pieces while still alive and then fed to dogs, as a minimum.

They must be ruthlessly hunted and exterminated, every last one, all over the planet, there must be no place on earth where thoughts like "9/11 was an inside job" are allowed to be thought.

Only after all these people are butchered will the social movements be able to tackle the horrors of capitalism: first the anti-capitalism movement must take the lead in extermination of 9/11 truth vermin, this is the most important task for the next period of the perma war of terror against those resisting the Empire.

Fuck that: kill them all

The Protocols of the Elders of Jubal...

11.06.2007 14:47

OK so you've got me sussed.
People have been trying to kill me for years but I wasn't quite sure why.
Above is a recent photo of me after eating a peace loving hippy for breakfast in case anyone else really wants to have a go at disagreeing with me.

Jubal Harshaw
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...or maybe Protocols of the Elders of Calvin

11.06.2007 15:44

If any religious group should be blamed for the current state of runaway capitalism which is leading to runaway global warming, it should be the U.S. based nutters that have hijacked the U.S. government with their agenda of a one world economic and theocratic Dominion and U.S. empire.

These are their economic policies- look familiar?:

Stop Armageddon
- Homepage:

Ah to be sure

11.06.2007 16:07

would you not be considerin meself.


pulp fiction

11.06.2007 16:44

Fuck that: kill them all said: "there must be no place on earth where thoughts that '911 was an inside job' must be allowed to be though" and that "those that have such views must be beaten into a bloody pulp".

If that's the case, you must be wanting to start the process with the Muslims, as a recent survey found that up to half of Muslims in this country don't believe the 4 accused as being found guilty of suicide bombings in the 7.7 attacks were infact responsible for the bombings at-all!!

weasle words, Fuck that: kill them all



11.06.2007 17:20

Bullshit-Detector you missattribute "those that have such views must be beaten into a bloody pulp" to me -- it was "Lets follow the German movement's example" who favours beatings of those in the movement asking questions about Bilderberg into bloody pulps.

I favour extermination of anyone questioning the actions of the elite in the shadows that are running the Empire since this is clearly the way to oppose capitalism, how else can it be done? The black bloc must be organised into 9/11 truth death squads to irradicate these scum who dare question our imperial leaders, only then when the movement is pure in thought can capital be defeated.

Fuck that: kill them all

It's true German Antifa don't like Nazis

11.06.2007 20:29

To be fair it's just a statement of fact that the Germans are very strong on antifa and would have spotted the original post as antisemitic straight off. Some Nazi's did try to march in Schwerin, 60 miles from Rostock the same day as the big antiG8 march but the antifa mobilization was so big the police banned all demonstrations in the town. The Nazis would have been massacred, German antifa don't fuck about.

The German mobilisation went out of its way to be open and to get different movements working together but they knew where to draw the line. There's a good explanation of the mobilisation here:

It contains this explanation of the anti-Nazi consensus of the mobilization:

"Of course, it was also clear that there would need to be limits to the breadth of the coalition. In Germany, the far right has a long history of deploying an anti-globalisation discourse rooted in anti-Semitism, racism and the construction of fear on the basis of the ‘threat’ posed to national identity by processes of globalisation. Indeed, the Nationalist Party of Germany (NPD) will be demonstrating in the nearby town of Schwerin at the same time as the international demonstration in Rostock the weekend before the summit"

The above post would have been completely rejected as beyond the pale, the only place it could have been distributed was the Nazi march but that never happened.

Victory in Rostock

Sinister Beyond Belief...

12.06.2007 10:03

As I understand it we are being told that the richest and most powerful people on the planet are actually a persecuted minority, David Rockefeller, George Bush and Tony Blair are in fact Jewish, and environmental campaigners are Nazis who deserve to be violently assaulted for their beliefs.
This all sounds suspiciously like George Orwell's truth is lies, war is peace, and feedom is slavery.
How did this happen that whenever Bilderberg is mentioned there are immediate accusations of racism and death threats against anyone who dares to mention these people?

Jubal Harshaw
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Fascist Antifa?

12.06.2007 13:27

Jubal you have observed that some people on the "left" appear to believe that "the richest and most powerful people on the planet are actually a persecuted minority" and that "environmental campaigners are Nazis who deserve to be violently assaulted for their beliefs" -- this seems like a fairly accurate summation of the beliefs of commentators like "Lets follow the German movement's example" who would like to see people that mention the Builderberg to be "beaten"... "to a bloody pulp".

This response makes people like Tony Gosling (you can listen to him by following the links here: ) appear to be rather sane...

And when you consider Gladio and it's implication that:

"Most terrorist attacks in Europe, whether attributed to left-wing or right-wing activists or even Islamist fundamentalists, can be traced to actions by government-sponsored military or intelligence agencies."

It does raise the question: to what extent, if any, are those "German comrades" who "would have jumped them and beaten them to a bloody pulp" actually fascists just pretending to be antifa? In Italy the Maoist groups were set up by Gladio...

Advocating that other activists be "beaten" to "a bloody pulp" when they are only asking questions about Bilderberg, or 9/11 or any other touchy subject for the rulling elite has to make you ask: who is pulling their strings? who's agenda are they acting on? why don't they want activists to look into the Builderberg group or 9/11?

Oh and of course my two previous comments were an attempt at some kind of ironic satire, I don't support the killing of anyone.

Fuck that: kill them all

The profit motive

12.06.2007 16:09

I don’t want to name anyone but I happen to know for a fact that there are certain vested interests that are lobbying to suppress information about environmental destruction, climate change and pollution. There are scientists who are being paid to debunk the idea of global warming. The profit motive again.

Dr. Ervin Laszlo

Jaap den Haan

Bilderberg, schmilderberg

14.06.2007 14:17

if you can deal with the blatant abuses of power in your own country or community, while acting in solidarity with others, you'll be doing pretty well. Never mind worrying about the shadowy figures when the abuse of power is on the streets and on the TV screens right in front of your eyes.

Oh and Jubal: get a better pseudonym and a better reading list, ffs. Heinlein was an incest-obsessed mysoginist and emotional dwarf (no offense meant to dwarfs), the only politically semi-aware book he ever wrote was The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and even in that the three central characters are a sex-fantasy projection, a libertarian solipsist and a cyborg who can only have satisfying relationships with machines. (OK so it was the first place I read the word "anarchism" in print but then I was 14...)
