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Have a go at Lancaster UAF's BNP quiz

Some geezer | 08.06.2007 18:04 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool

Some of the comments are a bit of a laugh. No prizes to be won though...

A quick quiz for all you BNP members looking in (we know you're there)

As members of a so-called political party, you are expected to know a bit about the party hierarchy, structure and so on. Surprisingly, the BNP chooses not to tell its members very much about what goes on at any level, which is why someone was forced to ask on Stormfront a couple of days ago if Roy Goodwin had been booted out of his job after reading it here first (he has).

Given that your party squeezes as much cash as possible out of you via the high membership fees, the vast amount of tatty merchandise it tries to offload on you, its rubbishy Voice of Freedom 'newspaper' and the Red, White and Blue booze-fest and jumble sale, you might choose to wonder where all your hard-earned pennies are going. Some of these questions are pretty fundamental (like the first one) while others are just interesting (like the questions about Lee Barnes, the party's 'legal advisor').

Seventeen questions, more or less - and we defy you to answer more than two of them without having to knowingly lie.

Nick Griffin

1. How much is Nick Griffin paid per annum and how much are his expenses/travel?
2. Precisely how much does the party pay his wife, daughter, mother and father - and for what?

The rest

3. How much is the leadership team paid, per person?

Mark Collett

4. What exactly does Mark Collett do?
5. And why does the party employ a known Hitlerite and idiot?

Tony Lecomber

6. Is Tony Lecomber a member of the BNP right now?
7. Has he ever been a member of the BNP?
8. Why wasn't he thrown out after he proposed an assassination attempt?

Lee Barnes

9. Is Lee Barnes a member of the BNP?
10. Has he ever been a member of the BNP?
11. Has he really got a law degree?

Phil Edwardes

12. Has Dr Phil Edwardes actually got a doctorate?
13. If so, what is it in and where is it from?
14. And why has he got two names (Stuart Russell being the other one)?

Robert West

15. Has the insane fake-vicar Robert West resigned from the party?


16. Where are the full accounts for Great White Records, Excalibur Promotions Ltd and the Trafalgar Club?


17. Martin Reynolds is, we're told, paid more than £500 per week, which is a lot of membership fees. How much is paid for the entire security team including their Kray-twin overcoats, Raybans and bullet-proof vests?

There you go. Now let's see how many answers we get...

Lancaster UAF

Some geezer


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Who else does Lancaster UAF regard as Fascists?

09.06.2007 01:08

1. Given that Lancaster UAF supports the Zionist ADL and American SPLC, does that mean that Lancaster UAF also agrees with ADL and SPLC's assessment that Palestinian fighters are "Islamofascists"?

2. Will Lancaster UAF ever support the boycott of Israel?(don't hold your breath)

3. Will Lancaster UAF ever openly state that Hamas is an "islamofascist" organisation

Answers on the back of the card


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Question Sixteen is Easy

14.06.2007 01:53

I know where the full accounts for Great White Records are.

Much better questions are -

16a) who are the shareholders?
16b) what dividend do the hsateholders get?
16c) what are the royalty arrangements between Great White Records and Nick Griffin?
16d) when did Great White Records file accounts?
16e) is it illegal to make a £40,000 capital investment without informing the taxman?
16f) why has the proposal to strike off the company not been addressed?
16g) who gets the money whey a company gets struck off?

Did anybody mention Mark Collett's Printing Press?
The BNP spent £70,000 of members’ hard-earned cash on Mark Collett's printing press, yet he is apparently always behind with printing leaflets etc. But that's fine he pays a local print shop at commercial rates to do print jobs that he has taken on for the party.

Which prompts a new question:
Who are the owners of Mark Collett's favourite print shop?

And the Islamofascist Trolls can answer this one
"Voice of Freedom being printed by a company in East London owned by powerful Saudis, the very country that gives political and financial support to Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden."
Which prompts the question: why? All Fascists together? Or is the BNP just another Saudi Front Group?

Nick Griffins Accountant

Question Twenty-One

14.06.2007 02:48

21) Why has the Financial Services Authority got "Freedom Promotions" down as an entity promoting itself as an Internet Baning Service?

Nick Griffins Accountant

Get Back To Stormfront, QWEY (Mark Collett)

18.06.2007 15:04

QWEY is actually the Hitler worshipper, Mark Collett.

Put away your Kleenex and stop wanking over your picture of Adolf Hitler while typing bullshit on Indymedia, Mark, you ugly bastard.

I wander why Collett can't get a girlfriend?

Linda Lovelace

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