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Raids of G8 Convergence Centre in Hamburg and Social Centre in Berlin

fwd | 09.05.2007 08:43 | G8 Germany 2007 | Repression | World

Several project and flats in hamburg and berlin are being raided at the moment.
In hamburg 4 flats, one office and the the Rote Flora, where the Convergence Center begins in 3 weeks are being raided.
In Berlin it is the Mehringhof, mad, bethanien project (libertad office and Glocal anti g8 office) , fusion, kanalb (radio and media project), (tech collective and alternative internet hoster) ect ect ect.

cops, piss off
cops, piss off

Silly police!
Silly police!

The reason for some of the raids is the "forming a terrorist associontion" paragraph 129a.

How typical for the humourless German poilice, they take everything just sooo seriously!



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Silly police?

11.05.2007 17:30

I belive they know eksactly what they are doing. They are trying to create aggression, hoping they'll be rewarded an excuse to make the demonstrations look vilolent.

Anne Brit Raaen
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What can we do?

11.05.2007 18:35

I'm reading this while the american media is first reporting on this, calling the raids "Terror raids" which to me is clearly a LIE. That being said, what can we do from over here to help out?

Wesley Strong
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To say it again?

15.05.2007 16:53

What can we do? Silly Europeans, it's not that American activists don't care, but if you think the terror raids (HA), are bad there, try the homeland of it. BAH.


CAMP Solidarity with German Free Spaces Raided By Police

19.05.2007 02:50

CAMP, a free community center in St. Louis, USA, expresses solidarity with the free/autonomous spaces that were raided last week by German police under specious accusations of organizing violent protest against the G-8 summit to be held in Heiligendamm in June 2007. Similar police raids against the housing cooperative, the Bolozone, and our community center occurred in 2003 in St. Louis.

These raids were justified by a broad-ranging resolution adopted by the German legislature (paragraph 129a) that outlaws the formation of "terrorist organizations," which in many ways resembles this country's Patriot Act in vagueness and bias against civil liberties. State-perpetrated violence to crackdown on free speech and free assembly is reprehensible. In particular, CAMP expresses solidarity and sympathy with Rota Flora in Hamburg and with free spaces in Bethanien in Berlin.

CAMP Statement:

Biodevastation 2003 Protests/Raids:

The Biotech Industry And Repression In St. Louis (Z Magazine)

Police Attacks Against Activists, Indymedia in STL and UC (Global Indymedia)

Post-Dispatch Clips (biodev([search]).org)

Back to the Bolozone([search]) (RFT)

Police & Monsanto([search]) Fail to Intimidate Activist Gathering in STL (org consumer assoc)

Police make preemptive arrests at STL bio-tech conference (Asheville Global Report)

St. Louis Gestapo… er, Cops, Make Pre-Emptive Raids on St. Louis Indymedia & Other Collective Spaces (

Protester = Criminal? (The Progressive)

Cyclists Arrested for Riding Without a License (

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