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Circus staff drive car at Activist

Animal Lover | 29.04.2007 21:44 | Animal Liberation

Video from Spirit of the Horse Demo in York 29/4/07. Circus staff drive car at young mother outside circus gates.

This is the sort of tactics these cowardly scumbags are now employing, after 4 days of demos and some miserable attendances, the animal abusing circus scum calling their sick show 'Spirit of the Horse' resort to hitting a female activist with a car. The previous day when the demonstration had a stronger male attendance the same car chose only to drive past twice hurling petty verbal abuse. Shame on you Spirit of the Horse, you animal abusing scum. Time to up the tempo ?...........................

Animal Lover


Circus Scum

30.04.2007 06:13

More footage of cowardly scum, this coward waited until the number of demonstrators had depleted at the end of the day before daring to venture out of the gates, take photos on his camera,and,although gentle, hit a female in the face.
I understand these low life are now moving on to Derby then Manchester.



30.04.2007 06:18

Keep the demos going folks, their reaction says they're feeling the heat, hit these abusers where it hurts, in their pockets, by turning 'punters' away and making the public aware of animal cruelty.



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Scum ! ! ! !

29.04.2007 22:04

How much lower will these bastards go ? Best Wishes to the victim, is it not enough for these scum to abuse Animals without starting on humans.
An eye for an eye.



30.04.2007 06:25

this is terrible hope the woman is ok


Horrid !

30.04.2007 14:19

This behaviour is absolutely disgraceful and should not be tolerated. The people that did this are thugs, bullies and scum - ban all animal circuses, if this is how they treat people, how do they treat their animals?

I hope that the woman is okay now, kind regards to you, brave woman.


Google is no good!

30.04.2007 14:46

Important stuff, to be sure. But note that Google, who owns YouTube, is a company that abuses electrons - from the perspective of information freedom and communication rights, by analogy, metaphorically speaking, YouTubing is a bit like shopping dairy in M&S.

Try other means to circulate video, such as:

- or

google enemy

circus scumbags !!

30.04.2007 15:27

These circus people are the lowest of the low, picking on a woman like that and trying to run her over. They are cowards and bullies - notice how they leave male activists alone and pick on females, what a bunch of cowards!

The 'spirit of the horse' circus deserves demos EVERYWHERE they go, the animal abusing bullies.



Inaccurate Report

30.04.2007 17:16

I telephoned the North Yorkshire Police press office this morning to check details of the incident and what charges (if any) were being brought against the motorist. No report was received by North Yorkshire Police of a person being run over by a car at the show.

This and the careful editing of the video to exclude the moment of impact makes it probable that the video in question is either a hoax or a fabricated incident. What appear to be later clips from the same YouTube user show the same woman apparently unharmed.

It doesn't do anyone's cause any good to indulge in this sort of creativity. Reporting of events and protests should be factual and unbiased and preferably capable of independent verification. Taking care over protest reports and maintaining a high standard of journalism thoughout makes anyone's cause stronger.

Henry Root
mail e-mail:

Rootless - grow up

30.04.2007 18:25

Henry Root, what a hoaxer you are ! - I was there and can assure you that this incident took place, the North Yorkshire Police are investigating and we have a log number.

We also have further video footage and a number of independant witnesses have provided their details to the police.

Make no mistake, this was an ASSAULT, a clear infringement of the law, a woman was knocked down, punched and had coke thrown on her before the car drove away - it is very difficult to record entire incident on moble phone cameras until after the event has happened, as the car drives off you can see the rear wheel knock her head as it bounces back against the road.

Root, do not try to make some kind of cheap point, this WAS A VERY SERIOUS ASSAULT AND A WOMAN WAS BADLY HURT - the people involved will be arrested and charged and will probably go to prison (rightly so)

grow up teenager looking for attention.


check your facts first, geek!

30.04.2007 18:39

A computer geek decides that they know what happens without actually asking the people involved. The Circus staff were aggressive all day Sunday, and the final incident with the car occured just 20 mins before the end of the last demo -

Rootless, this might be just some intellectual game to you but how would you like to be the young mother of a newborn child who had to jump out of the way of a bunch of psychos in a car ???

how would you like to be punched, knocked to the ground and have Coke thrown on you ??

you pathetic worm, cant you understand THAT A WOMAN SUFFERED A SEVERE ASSAULT, if you are from York, buy the local paper tomorrow, once you have read the story, if you still think that it is made up why not meet me in town and we can discuss the issues involved ??



Horrific Scum!

30.04.2007 19:43

The circus people are cowardly scumbags for threatening people like they did and then knocking that poor woman down.

Henry Root, shame on you, what do you mean, the order people upload things to youtube is not necessarily the chronological order in which they happened. You should appologise for this poor woman that was knocked down.

These people are animal abusing scum


root is a circus guy - piss off loser

30.04.2007 20:07

Henry Root, you have the same IP address as Lotoresco - piss off circus guy

All Seeing Eye

Root is a circus guy

30.04.2007 20:20

Root/Lotaresco - you are a circus guy, please leave York and don't come back, you are not welcome here, the council is about to ban your horrid horse circus, so take some pics on your way out to remind you what York looks like - 'cos you won't be back again.

Good Riddance


York City 1-0

Oh dear

30.04.2007 20:41

The personal attacks here are unnecessary. Not only that, but the statements some have made here are contradictory. Several people each claiming to be there, are saying that the woman was hit by a car and that the woman jumped away from the car. The police meanwhile are saying that no one was struck by a car.

It's also odd that now someone is claiming that the car stopped, the occupants got out, punched the woman involved, poured a soft drink on her and then got back in the car and drove off. Yet in the video the car doesn't stop, no one is seen to open a door, get in or out.

If the person who claims to have an incident number would give that number, I'll confirm it with NYP. After all I wouldn't like the police to get away with saying something that is not true. Just as I believe that anyone making a protest must be scrupulously honest.

I don't live in or even near York, so I'm sorry I can't make time to meet the person who wants to call me a pathetic worm.

And no, I don't work for the circus, I've never even dreamed of running away to the circus.

Heck, an entire post without an insult or a threat. That wasn't difficult was it?

Henry Root

Ha Ha - Busted !

30.04.2007 20:43

circus people are losers - caught out again eh?

The footage of the thug walking up to women and waving his fist in their face just goes to show what sort of people they are - it is clear and strightforward, he is a bully who was trying to show off, what a loser and a coward!

no doubt in my mind, the circus guy is a bully - demo the spirit of the horse wherever they go.

These animal abusers will surely soon be history, circuses are on their way out - thank god!


say sorry

30.04.2007 21:12

Henry Root,

you say that you had to phone the police so ask, to I am assuming that you werent there.

well I was there and I can assure you that an assault took place and I am not prepared to discuss the details here out of respect for the poor woman - but she was a victim of a serious assault.

Question for you Mr Root - will you come back here online and publicy apologise to the woman if someone is arrested for this assault?

will you apologise if your guesswork falls through?

If you have integrity then you have only one answer.

Say sorry to this poor mother and say sorry to her child because you tried to look clever by using them to make yourself look clever behind the anonymity of a computer screen?

Time will tell - no apology from you will leave you looking like - guess what.

If you are proven wrong, will you come back here and say sorry ???


The real Henry Root !

30.04.2007 21:37

The real Henry Root was witty, funny and intelligent.

You sir, are none of the above.

You are just sick - without knowing the facts and making assumptions before the full story has come out - you are sick in the head - say sorry to the poor, woman that was assaulted.

circus scum.

the real Henry Root

I was the woman with the baby

30.04.2007 21:39

And Root in a complete liar. Obviously I was there, and the man who attacked my friend leaned out of the car window and assaulted her and poured coke all over her. I was so frightened as she drove towards us just before the assault, and thought all of us along with me and my newborn would end up under the car.

I just hope my friend who ended up on the floor is going to be OK.

Goodbye Broken Spirit of the Horse, We Will Get Rid Of You once and for all!!! Mark my words.

Root get your head out of the sand, as if you spoke to the police.

Woman with baby
mail e-mail:

Curse, a dark shadow looms .

30.04.2007 21:51

The man in the video with the camera phone is now carrying a terrible curse, it took me and a friend some hours to put this in place. His miserable life and the suffering he has caused will be rectified very soon.



30.04.2007 22:05

Can someone give a summary of what happens; it looks to me that the video only captures the last few seconds of the attack ( after the car has hit but before it speeds off). This incident deeply conerns me but its impossible to see whats going on in the video and accounts are conflicting.

Its a sad day when someone can attack a woman like this without others getting involed to help her ( there are at least two people standing right beside the car as it drives away). Why does it take so long for anyone to come to the womans aid? Its a full ten seconds before anyone kneels down beside her.

Root may be annoying people but acting hostile rather than giving a civil informative response ( especially though that where there) is far better than a rant.




30.04.2007 22:57

Hi again, new found chums.

Well I'm still puzzled by the inconsistencies in this story. Woman with baby now says she's the one with the baby, but also says that the person assaulted was "her friend". OK, so that means that the YouTube video headline "Circus supporter knocks down woman with baby" must be wrong then? Because woman with baby says it wasn't her.

And now the woman wasn't knocked down by a car.

"the man who attacked my friend leaned out of the car window and assaulted her and poured coke all over her. I was so frightened as she drove towards us just before the assault,"

But the odd thing is that the car in the video doesn't seem to even slow as it leaves, so it's a remarkable activity to be able to assault someone, lay them out and to pour a soft drink over them all in one motion from a moving car.

Henry Root

rootless - start writing your apology

01.05.2007 07:53

newspaper frontpage
newspaper frontpage

So Mr Root, you have conatact the police have you? and you say that they are not investigating ???

After the headline, what are the first 3 words on this frontpage newspaper story ??


Get you facts straight and stop tryinging to play the role of an armchair Miss Marple.

Well spotted with your eagle eye that the clip only shows the aftermath as the car sped away, but an assault took place, which you have tried to undermine the effects on the victim, and for this you should be ashamed of yourself.

apologise to her.

the real Henry Root

No apology needed

01.05.2007 11:28

> So Mr Root, you have conatact the police have you? and you say that they are not investigating ???

No, I contacted the police and they said "No report was received by North Yorkshire Police of a person being run over by a car at the show. " which was what I stated here. And here it was reported that the car was driven at a woman and her baby. Or alternatively "Circus staff drive car at young mother ".

Now I shall ask the police why they told me that they had no report of an incident at the show if they are investigating an incident.

Which newspaper is the clip taken from?

Meanwhile are you going to apologise for misleading the public since "woman and baby" has made it clear that it was someone else who was assaulted?

And I wonder if those people issuing threats are going to apologise?

Henry Root

Story Changes Again

01.05.2007 13:03

North Yorkshire police responded to my latest enquiry as follows:

"An allegation of assault was made by a female protester at 5.16pm on Sunday 29 April 07. She alleged that a passenger in a car had pushed her and threw a bottle of coke at her. Police are looking into the matter."

The York Press article states:

"a woman customer gave the demonstrators verbal abuse on the Saturday and then, while driving out of the showground on the Sunday, swerved to go straight at her and another demonstrator carrying a baby."


"a man then leant out of the car's window, shouted abuse and threw a bottle of coke at her, before pushing her to the ground."

So the corrections needed to this article are:

1. A woman and her baby were not knocked down as alleged in the YouTube video.
2. The car was not driven by Circus staff as alleged here.
3. The female activist was not hit with a car as alleged here.
4. It was untrue to say that the passenger "poured coke all over her." as alleged here, a bottle was thrown at her - not the same thing.

What happened was reprehensible. It was not not, however, what was reported here, and signficantly the difference between the actual events and the statements here explain why the video does not match the description given here.

As I said earlier:

"It doesn't do anyone's cause any good to indulge in this sort of creativity. Reporting of events and protests should be factual and unbiased and preferably capable of independent verification. Taking care over protest reports and maintaining a high standard of journalism thoughout makes anyone's cause stronger."

By exaggerating the events that occurred in this report, and by failing to give sufficient detail for verification, the person(s) reporting the incident have done their cause more harm than good. What credence will they be given next time they try to publicise the events at a demonstration?

I hope BTW, that the protesters saw fit to keep the coke bottle and they did not handle the neck of the bottle. Since that bottle would provide a wonderful DNA sample for identification of the passenger.

Henry Root

More moronic protesting by yet another group without a clue.

01.05.2007 16:26

It would appear the Spirit of the horse protestors are in line with the stupid GM Potato protestors who vandalised the wrong field then FLY TIPPED on it by dumping their placards, banners, and costumes then stated on national TV they wouldn't clear it up.

When you were sounding your horns, did you stop to think for one solitary second of the UNNECESSARY DISTRESS it was causing to the very animals you were claiming to be trying to help?

What were they protesting about, cruelty to the horses? What cruelty would that be? My mum went to see that show last year. As she's a riding instructor, a founder of a local riding club and a friend is
an RSPCA inspector, she knows what to look for. .She found nothing. She permanently fights against cruelty to animals even for things as minor as dog owners having overweight pets or not clipping their nails.

Difference between her and your moronic friends is that she's had 50 years experience with horses including rescues AND SHE WOULD NEVER HAVE SOUNDED AIR HORNS LIKE THEY DID.

So what do your loonie no clue friends think was wrong?

Stick to protesting about litter. You haven't got the faintest clue about anything to do with animals or the countryside.

mail e-mail:


02.05.2007 07:14

The RSPCA are against the use of animals in a circus.

rspca info

No to violence

02.05.2007 07:41

Henry Root is a well known Hoaxer and Spoof Letter Writer.

Just type 'henry root' into google for more info.

Robin Cooper

Protest Successful

02.05.2007 12:30

The propagandist "proudvegan" has been forced to retract and to remove all of the videos concerned from YouTube.

Henry Root

Aliases used on the internet are not always the same person

02.05.2007 13:10

why its I Robin Cooper; but I'm not the same Robin Cooper that posted that Rooty was a hoaxer as other Henry Roots on the internet are hoaxers.

Is that Robin a hoaxer?

I don't know what to believe; its good to keep questioning without blindly following the pack.

Power to safe peaceful protesting and yah book sucks to all the blinkered people who refuse to think. ( that includes most of the replies to this sorry saga)

Robin Cooper

shake the loony tree, another bunch of nutters fall out

02.05.2007 14:27

So, seems like this whole story, like most of the propoganda spouted on this site, is complete and utter crap. Who could be surprised? Anything published at indymedia has to be taken with a whole HILL of salt - so much of what is written here is pure unadulterated lies.
Even the renowned retard Doug Bollen is ashamed to post here under his real name, and hes one of the biggest lentil-eating sandalistas on the planet!

mail e-mail:

Rootless - hoaxer and timewaster

04.05.2007 16:26


Funny to watch you try to act like an amateur detective. - but NO the videos were not removed because of your laughable "campaingn" - they were taken down following from a polite request from a relative of the victim involved.

A woman was assaulted and had Coke thrown on her - disgraceful behaviour.

(the police are investigating and given the sheer number of witnesses involved, plus video evidence, not all of which has been made public, means that a guilty plea will be the probable outcome)

Several of the witnesses were circus customers as well as demonstrators, and all tell the same story.

How would you like a face to face conversation with the victims husband, father or brother??

what if it was your daughter??

What happened was wrong and the people involved will face the legal consequences.

Henry Root, people like you are the scum of the earth - a woman was assaulted and you try to undermine the effects of the crime, and the effects on the victim. - On a scale of "Not having the dinner ready when you get home" to "demonstrating against something you dont agree with" - precisely when do you think that it is accepable to assault a woman?

Root, are you a wife beater??? - sorry to ask but you sound like one.

Instead of trying to be an online detective, why dont you just wait until the authorities have finished and let the story unfold?

Henry Root, you are obviously not from York, you made such a big deal about the videos being taken offline (temporarily) - when most people from York knew exactly why this had happened. - you are a loser (and a bit of a tosser)

piss off




04.05.2007 17:42

One of the demonstrators is married to a Policeman.

Given that the animal rights in York have the Cops, Local Press and elected Councillors on their side, it seems that York is one of the very few places that the Animal Rights actually have the upper hand.

Lets wait to see what happens, but looks like the AR locally have run rings round thier opponents, hardly surprising considering that another one works for a PR company.



circus ? - what circus??

04.05.2007 21:27

What is all this about a circus?

I didn't even realise that there was a circus in York until I read about the problems in the local press.

I didn't see any posters or leaflets displayed in my part of town. I wonder why they didnt advertise !!


Scared of people asking questions?

09.05.2007 15:28

Its a sad day when people on Indymedia have to resort to calling anyone who questions what they are being told a wife beater.

If we've been raised to question what the masses are spoon feed then we should not be afraid to question things on Indymedia.

A thoughtful well argued response to root was what was needed. The childish responses instead make the activists look like they are hiding something :(



09.05.2007 21:54

If someone criticises, undermines and accuses an assault victim of 'fabricating' the incident less than 24 hours later then it has to be expected that emotions will be running high.

There were many many witness there and it would be extremely unlikely that somone would 'fabricate' an incident on a main road, in front of a car park surrounded by about several activists all with mobile phones and circus customers.

So to come online and try to undermine the effects of the crime is almost certain to raise emotions - what was said in roots first post was just as bad as if he had said 'she asked for it' another tactic for undermining effects on assault victim.

by saying is was 'probably a hoax' was unfair and just plain wrong.


genuinely saddened

10.05.2007 07:09

I am alot more saddened for the poor person who was assaulted and then had Coke thrown on her. Best wishes to her


any update?

17.05.2007 14:51

Has there been any updates on this attack? Did the police charge the person who assaulted the woman ( given they had the registration number finding them should be easy even for plod).

How is the poor girl who was assaulted?


more info

28.05.2007 22:17

There was more than one 'ex' squaddie on those demos.

One 'ex'-squaddie in particular seems to be running animal rights in York.

The number of army guys that attended the saturday demo, whether "ex" or not must raise questions.

Is the state involved?

maybe they are not so 'ex' after all, but still on the MI payroll - -to many coincidences.

So much of this demo was staged - the de-postering campaign beforehand, and the demonstrators turning up on Saturday bolstered by too many 'ex' army to be a co-incidence.

Lets wait to see what happens in York, methinks this is just the start of a long drawn out operation.



28.05.2007 22:59

Investigator - you are clutching at straws, so it is a crime now is it to be an ex-squadie?
I don't think so - stop trying to be a s**t-stirrer - investigator, you are having a laugh, agent provocateur more like.


Taken in vain

05.06.2007 19:27

You mean a noble and pure bottle of coke was poured over this womans head for nowt?

What a senseless waste of fluid.

Coke Lover

No case to answer

07.06.2007 17:43

North Yorkshire police have confirmed that no action will be taken against the individual who is alleged to have attacked a woman at the show. Indeed they go further in stating that following investigation there is no case to answer.

This comment was made previously but was censored. It is repeated in an attempt to ensure that truth prevails over propaganda.

Henry Root

Private prosecution?

08.06.2007 09:20

> North Yorkshire police have confirmed that no action will be taken against the individual who is alleged to have attacked a woman at the show.

If the police are refusing to take action then what about the private prosecution. The vehicles number plate is clearly captured in the video and the burden of proof is much lower than a criminal case. Make these thugs pay from their pocket!

If nothing else it will scare them shitless and get the case back into the Medias eye!!!

Whipping Boy

Correction required

08.06.2007 17:46

Would the orginator of this article correct the errors of fact it contains?

1. No circus staff involved.
2. The car was not driven at a demonstrator.
3. The police have judged that no assault took place.

Henry Root

Root gets Boot

13.06.2007 21:20

I don't think anyone believes you Henry.

everyone else has moved on.

Harry Boot


14.06.2007 14:55

I've told nothing but the truth here. The fact that the truth is unacceptable to people who would rather believe in conspiracy is sad, but predictable. Anyone can confirm for themselves that the police have evaluated the case and found that the allegations of assault are not credible. The other facts that some appear to dispute have been confirmed here by those making the allegations.

I regard it as low for individuals to be promoting aggressive demonstration or direct action on the basis of exaggeration and lies.

One may judge those making the allegations on the basis of the censorship of comment here, and the blocking of comment in YouTube. It is obvious that they cannot tolerate criticism, especially when founded in fact. It also clear that the purpose of this article wasn't to publish information, but rather as a propaganda piece. A suspicion confirmed by the threats of violence and other unsupported allegations made here.

There is cause for concern over the treatment of animals at all events - although in my opinion animals suffer most at the hands of supposedly caring owners who cart horses around the country each weekend as if they were some sort of fashion accessory. Anyone with a horsebox has to accept that *they* are an animal abuser of the worst sort. However it does no one any good and the animals no good at all for false and exaggerated allegations to be made. The only thing that suffers is the cause, and those who make such claims are those who are putting what they claim to believe in into the hands of the opposition.

Henry Root

Why the smugness about root?

14.06.2007 21:01

Root makes some points about what was originally posted being incorrect ( and even gets backed up by the person who was attacked). The original article is full of holes yet noone has bothered to correct it.

And people wonder why Indymedia is viewed as a collection of crackpots.


boot does have a point

14.06.2007 21:29

Henry, the situation is far from clear but:

1 circus staff were clearly implicated in earlier intimidation of lawful protesters by driving a lorry towards them and later waving fists in their face.

2 The car WAS driven at a demonstrator, as seen by numerous witnesses including demonstrators and circus customers, the video aftermath is also accurate.

3 The police have not, as you say, 'judged' that no assault took place, in fact we dont judge at all, that is up to the courts, simply that there was no further investigation after the person involved and family stopped it.

I have heared a rumour that the vehicle owners are now the subject of a full DSS benefit investigation and that the Inland Revenue have also taken an interest.

Justice has several ways of prevailing.


Wishful thinking?

15.06.2007 21:40

Yes the situation is far from clear, that's largely because the reporting here has been inaccurate.

1. The fact that circus staff performed actions unrelated to the assault does not mean that circus staff were involved in the assault. Nor, having seen the video does "investigator" present the facts as portrayed int he video. The lorry is not driven at the protesters it is driven towards the gate, where the protesters happen to be. And whatever that man is waving, it isn't a fist, he appears to have his finger and thumb held together. Nor TBH does he look particularly threatening. What he is doing is inflaming the protesters and that was stupid in his part, but threatening?

2. The video aftermath shows a protester committing criminal damage and a woman lying on the floor. I take it no action was taken over the criminal damage?

3 I'm horrified that the police are attending these demonstrations in anything other than their capacity to keep the peace. Also nit picking over the use of the word "judged" is silly, I'm not using the word in a legal sense, but in the sense of "using their skill and judgment the police have decided that there is no case to refer to the CPS." Anyway, as I said, anyone can contact the press office to get the official line about the investigation.

Is "investigator" claiming to be the investigator for this case? And if he/she is then I will have an amusing chat with investigator next time I visit Newby Wiske, since commenting on the case in public would result in disciplinary action.

I wonder if any of the protesters are facing DWP investigation? After all they were "unavailable for work" that day.

Henry Root

no chance

18.06.2007 17:49

I am confident of little or no chance of any disciplinary action, but I can say that I am sure that an assault take place, an offence under common law.

For various reasons there is not going to be a publicly funded prosecution.

As far as I am aware, each and every person involved in the demonstration on the day is in gainful employment and would not have any concerns regarding the DWP.

Justice, however, may take some time but is inevitable.



20.06.2007 00:03

Well, anyone can claim to be a police investigator, and until I see a collar number I will continue to take such claims with a pinch of salt.

The truth is that this article has been busted. Every single claim made here has been falsified. No circus staff, no woman with child, no conviction and hence no guilty party. That's how it works for protesters and thats how it works for alleged assailants. In the absence of a conviction they are innocent and to suggest otherwise is libel. Which I would expect a police officer to know.

Henry Root

time for a truce

21.06.2007 18:27

Dear Mr Root,

it is time to get a grip and make a truce. there are 3 sides to this- the demos, the police, and the public. I am sending this message on behalf of a friend.

I think that all concerned should let the matter close peacefully now.

