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Circus staff drive car at Activist

Animal Lover | 29.04.2007 21:44 | Animal Liberation

Video from Spirit of the Horse Demo in York 29/4/07. Circus staff drive car at young mother outside circus gates.

This is the sort of tactics these cowardly scumbags are now employing, after 4 days of demos and some miserable attendances, the animal abusing circus scum calling their sick show 'Spirit of the Horse' resort to hitting a female activist with a car. The previous day when the demonstration had a stronger male attendance the same car chose only to drive past twice hurling petty verbal abuse. Shame on you Spirit of the Horse, you animal abusing scum. Time to up the tempo ?...........................

Animal Lover


Circus Scum

30.04.2007 06:13

More footage of cowardly scum, this coward waited until the number of demonstrators had depleted at the end of the day before daring to venture out of the gates, take photos on his camera,and,although gentle, hit a female in the face.
I understand these low life are now moving on to Derby then Manchester.



30.04.2007 06:18

Keep the demos going folks, their reaction says they're feeling the heat, hit these abusers where it hurts, in their pockets, by turning 'punters' away and making the public aware of animal cruelty.



Display the following 50 comments

  1. Scum ! ! ! ! — Liberator
  2. terrible — anna
  3. Horrid ! — cookie
  4. Google is no good! — google enemy
  5. circus scumbags !! — rosie
  6. Inaccurate Report — Henry Root
  7. Rootless - grow up — Rootless
  8. check your facts first, geek! — Root_is_a_Moron
  9. Horrific Scum! — Gemma
  10. root is a circus guy - piss off loser — All Seeing Eye
  11. Root is a circus guy — York City 1-0
  12. Oh dear — Henry Root
  13. Ha Ha - Busted ! — Cookie
  14. say sorry — Cookie
  15. The real Henry Root ! — the real Henry Root
  16. I was the woman with the baby — Woman with baby
  17. Curse, a dark shadow looms . — Bernice
  18. Fod — Fod
  19. Inconsistent — Henry Root
  20. rootless - start writing your apology — the real Henry Root
  21. No apology needed — Henry Root
  22. Other reports — -
  23. Story Changes Again — Henry Root
  24. More moronic protesting by yet another group without a clue. — Conor
  25. rspca — rspca info
  26. No to violence — Robin Cooper
  27. Protest Successful — Henry Root
  28. Aliases used on the internet are not always the same person — Robin Cooper
  29. shake the loony tree, another bunch of nutters fall out — antinutter
  30. Rootless - hoaxer and timewaster — a
  31. info — investigator
  32. circus ? - what circus?? — Posterless
  33. Scared of people asking questions? — Saddened
  34. saddened??? — a
  35. genuinely saddened — saddened
  36. any update? — Flem
  37. more info — Investigator
  38. Staws — Squadie
  39. Taken in vain — Coke Lover
  40. No case to answer — Henry Root
  41. Private prosecution? — Whipping Boy
  42. Correction required — Henry Root
  43. Root gets Boot — Harry Boot
  44. Ostrich — Henry Root
  45. Why the smugness about root? — Puzzled
  46. boot does have a point — investigator
  47. Wishful thinking? — Henry Root
  48. no chance — investigator
  49. Unconvincing — Henry Root
  50. time for a truce — peacemaker