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The Garden of Eden

Adam | 15.04.2007 12:26 | Ecology | World

The trees and the rivers will replace the concrete and the asphalt.

This grey shit hole of a city is going to kill us should temperatures rise further, which they probably will, because this is only mid april.

26 degrees is double that of the average.

Start slashing the tyres of large cars because it is they that are raising the daily temperatures of urban areas.

Make way for the Garden of Eden. The trees will return and the channels will ensure that, should this place ever flood, there will be streams that can swiftly carry the surplus water into lakes based in the countryside.



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slashing the tyres of large cars

15.04.2007 23:17

It is not just large cars. And rich people replacing tyres will just make things worse. You could persuade the rich people to stop driving for the sake of their little rich children. Or taking so many cruise ship holidays or flying abroad to work on eco-friendly permaculture. Or having so unenvironmentally friendly resource wars to subsidise their corpulent life-style. They seem as attached to these things though as their brainless heads are to their necks. Capitalism has to expand to survive, society has to contract to survive. Doing nothing isn't an option. Doing more while consuming less is.

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