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URGENT help needed to save beautiful lake

magda | 26.01.2007 20:16 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Oxford

Activists urgently required to save protected species at Radley Lake. Bayliffs due any moment.

Radley Lakes, near Oxford, is going to be filled with flyash by N Power. The only thing stopping them at the moment is a small (but brave) bunch of squatters, who need urgent help as they are going to be evicted any minute. They need people prepared to lock on and make this as difficult as possible.

The lake contains several protected species, including a possible sighting of otters, and despite a report paid for by local people confirming all this the local government bigwigs have given permission for N Power to fill the lake with flyash from Didcot power station, killing everything in the process. They have already been allowed to do this to 3 other lakes in the immediate vicinity. The local county ecologist has dismissed the report, despite a long term campaign and evidence from another ecologist proving the lake is a wildlife haven. The whole thing stinks.

Please, please if you are free this week, (or even better, right now), get down there, lock on, and make sure they have a fight on their hands. The bayliffs are due any minute and more squatters are desperately needed.

Get off the train at Oxford, then catch train to Radley, takes about 10 mins, then another 10/15 minute walk. For more info call the site mobile on: 07772055384.



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get proof

26.01.2007 21:23

There is a scheme to reintroduce otters.Contact the environment agency and they will give you the number for it.Sorry,i had it but i'm an untidy git and can never find anything.


Any more info?

27.01.2007 12:21

I signed up with Npower recently as they appear to source some of their power from renewables. Is there any more info on this lake pollution? If this is true I will change powere suppliers and let them know te reason why. If loads of people do the same they may think twice.


loads of info

02.02.2007 13:47

There's loads of info here:

Please do switch suppliers, tell Npower why, and get your friends too as well :-)


npower's Renewables

03.02.2007 20:56

npower will source some of their electricity from renewable sources as will every other electricity supplier as they are required to do so by the regulator.
Any renewables they do have are more than likely to be the bare minimum as they are "un-economic" for such suppliers.


Npower won't wash!

11.02.2007 13:19

npower-station emissions - brownwash
npower ash dumping - greywash
npower ecological restoration - greenwash
npower public relations - brainwash
npower recycling - hogwash
npower test-matches - whitewash
npower electricity sales - won't wash

This summarises the company that wants to trash the lakes. They want to buy the community by funding the local wildlife trust, the local athletics and football club, the local newspaper and (via the newspaper) the local schools. They also sponsor English cricket. And now they're sticking their noses into red nose day.

If you sign up with Npower they make £30 profit per year, every year and they are said to be giving £1 to red nose day, just this year. Who benefits? Their German shareholders. Their cheap electricity isn't worth it if they halved the price. Not if they ruin our Town Green at Radley Lakes.

Can readers please tell customers of, whose HQ is in Essen, Germany, but who have fingers in companies all over the place, please to send out information about what Npower is doing at Radley and please to tear up their contracts with Npower.

Also, buy one share on the German Stock Exchange and go to their AGM in April and harangue the Chairman and Chief Executive, Mr Harry Roels, a Dutchman.
