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ex LEG IRONS | 16.10.2006 18:53 | Anti-militarism | Culture | Free Spaces | London | World

THE superfluous rehash of the French "to veil/unveil" con troversy from a brief comment in the MPs local paper, with a touch of em ploy ment law, to "throw in a crucifix" when that wasnt working seems little less than a desperate distraction from the fact that the "war/peace" debate - is at critical juncture. . . .CHIEF OF BRITISH ARMY gets support from S.times, USA ELECTIONS APPROACH fast

the "veil" debate is covered elsewhere - this is about the odd way that news "that isnt news" gets a twist to try to obscure all the other things that are VERY current from getting into talkshows - or - in this case - to get them out of the talkshows. . . .
. . . . FIRST - THE LATEST "SUNDAY TIMES" - from yesterday, has the piece that leads its second news section explaining in detail the way that the WMD searchers - in the run up to the invasion, then after, were putting in writing - every eleventh of the month - in fact - it seems - that the "WMD" DIDNT EXIST. The USA defence intel peoples dodgy lists got dodgier, then even dodgier, but - even if for some reason the S. Times has a MEMORY LAPSE when it comes to the two-person "OSP" - that did the rehashing of others "reject" intel-info - installed in the pentagon by a few in the new administration, or the AeI. lobbying group that paid for the iraqi defectors dubious information - in fact - had them fed, housed, paid for, perhaps even "ghostwritten".
Nevertheless - in media terms - this shows the newspaper trying to do the "we were sceptical at the time" bit to its regulars - (Orwells"we were never at war with. . . . we were always at war with") - so, a key moment in itself.
The Mail is trying to catch up with the scepticism of its audience about the war too - but it really doesnt want to have to - since peoples scepticism doesnt limit itself to the war in iraq - it is a scepticism about the entire "war of errors" - the "clash of cultures" theme too . . . . people have smelt VERY something odd, the doubts are highest amongst the establishment or those that are FAR from "lefties" , or those that could in the past get dismissed as "conspiracy theorists".
This means that even if the computers in the upcoming USAs elections have a few hitches again, the swing to "realo" might go much further - within the rpublicans as much as the USA .



Display the following 2 comments

  1. Ban the Bomb! — Miss Take
  2. distracting, re-warming up "coldwar 2""badoldcostplus%"days -"clash-of-cultures" — - it is trying to distract people - so - WAR . . . . PEACE . . . . FOCUS.