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Protest Against the Iraqi Court

Iraq Solidarity News (al-Thawra) | 10.10.2006 10:37 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles

Because of the lack of honest media that reflects both sides of the conflict, I translated this letter, handwritten by Saddam Hussein in protest against the court’s procedures, the letter was wriiten two weeks ago and published today.

Peace upon the people of peace, upon the people who deserve it and feel it in their hearts. Peace our nation and our people who are trying honestly and with honor to resist the invasion forces and their followers, who took the evil side.

Peace upon the people who followed the right path in the world, and God’s mercy and blessings.

Having said that, many judges were in charged of so called "The trial of President Saddam Hussein and his comrades", some real and some judges entrusted with the task of false judges.

Some of them, represented judiciary in justice and a clear conscience, as in the case of the courageous and respected Judge Rizkar Mohammed Amin, and Judge Abdullah Al-Amri, others came commissioned in advance to persecute of so called "The accused".

They know themselves, and their status is known to the people, it has become clear that there is no room to clarify the truth or to change the biased prior conviction, sentence prepared in advance for sick political reasons

Although it is known that the court procedures lacked the minimum level of legitimacy and intent to offend, the great July revolution, its people, its leaders and their national noble objectives , so that orders issued by the evil invaders and their followers for the replacement of the judge Rauf Rizkar and the replacement of Judge Abdullah Al-Amri with an amateur lawyer.

Defense team were silenced, witnesses were threaten, Arab and foreign lawyers forced to offer advice only, and later forcing them to leave the room and not attending the defense lawyers hearing, and that forced the Iraqis lawyers to leave the court in protest at the bad treatment and the lack of respect for justice, in addition to threats on their lives has been cited by and umber of them were killed by Iran’s intelligence villains.

For this and because it became clear that "Aribi" and the prosecution are bound to prior orders issued to them, so there is no use to my presence in the courtroom, I announce:

1- I will not attend the "court" as long as the situation stays as I described above, if they brought me to it, this means that I brought forcibly.

2-If I brought forcibly, I will refrain from talking unless I have the opportunity to speak, and to the same to the Defense Team, foreigners and Arabs and Iraqis.

3- Fully reject the lawyer assigned to me by the court, who is one the actors ready to play such role in this play, which is directed by Americans, behest by Zionists in one hand and Iran on other.

God is great, long live Iraq and our glorious nation

Saddam Hussein

President of the Republic
Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief

Iraq Solidarity News (al-Thawra)
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Apologist for a Dictator and mass killer

10.10.2006 12:32

You are no better than those who supported the nazis at Nuremburg or those who thought Eichman should not have been tried.

The suffering of the Iraqi people is one thing but supporting the monster who ordered the gassing of 80,000 Kurds is another.



10.10.2006 15:33

Funny that before the war, when opposing the sanctions which killed over one million children, we were told that we were apologising for Saddam.

Interesting, that as an organisation we always been opposed to Saddam and were active during the 1980's in the Campaign Against Repression and for Democratic Rights in Iraq.

In the very early eighties when we held rallies, meetings and other events to oppose Saddam, when we told people about what was actually happening under the regime, we were told we were delusional.

When Halabja occurred, most people asked where was Iraq. We opposed the war with Iran, opposed the torture and imprisonment of those opposed to Saddam, the genocide of and in the Marsh Lands and the massacres of the Kurds along with opposing the 2003 war and current occupation.

The Ba'ath Party took power for the second time in 1968, Saddam took power in 1979 and we opposed Saddam from the very beginning, unlike whom, may we ask?

Will people stop appologising for having stood back?

iraq solidarity campaign
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Sanction did NOT kill one million Iraqis!

10.10.2006 16:23

Even the figures from the Iraqi government are far lower than one million at around 400,000. The American governments' only survey puts the figure at around 150,000 over 12 years. Stating wildly inflated figures does the anti-war movements' cause do good and brings it into disrepute giving more amunition to the pro-war camp.

The anti-war movement is it is to be a success must admit to the crimes of Saddam Hussein and wholeheartly condemn those as war crimes too. It should also welcome the trial of Saddam dispite its disagreement with war itself.

Bring the war home

the trial of whom?

10.10.2006 20:59

"By 1995 the World Food Programme noted that: ‘time is running out for the children of Iraq’. Figures — verified by UNICEF — record that 1,211,285 children died of embargo-related causes between August 1990 and August 1997."

If the "anti-war movement" is unable to embrace fact, then the "anti-war movement" is sitting on a time bomb of ignorance and will ultimately end nothing.

The preasure on Bush and Blair is coming from the chaos that has been brought about through the occupation and for many people inside of Iraq, they view the trial as a deviation away from the Iraqi governments inability to provide security, education, employment and guarentee the welfare of the Iraqi people.

Quite sadly good intentions are not helping the people of Iraq and if the road to hell is paved with good intentions, then Bush and Blair are building a motorway.
