Hartlepool Nuclear Power Station Blockaded For Ten Hours
imc features | 29.08.2006 07:48 | Climate Camp 2006 | Climate Chaos | Sheffield
Climate Action News: Tues 29th August:
From 8am a group of nine climate change campaigners blockaded the front and back gates of Hartlepool Nuclear Power Station, sending out the message that nuclear power is not the solution to climate change. The blockade was in place for ten hours until the last person was cut out of the arm tubes they had locked themselves into to form the blockade. Police arrested a total of twenty people including non-blockading supporters and a freelance journalist.
[see Blockade Reports + Updates | Reclaim Power Press Release | Mobile Photos | More Photos + Report]
Climate Camp News:
The comprehensive programme of workshops continues at the camp, with sessions on practical steps individuals can make to reduce their impact upon the environment, across to debates about biofuels and carbon trading schemes. See Workshop Audio Interviews [1 | 2]
A Bicycology cycle caravan left en masse from the Climate Camp to establish a presence in nearby Selby town centre, holding bicycle maintenance workshops and promoting sustainable energy [Report and Pics | video].
During the day the police were allowed onto the site for a walking tour around the camp, as well as the fire brigade [see Reports + Pics]. Meanwhile in the evening people at the camp continued preparing for the day of mass action on thursday.
imc features
more media articles about blockade
29.08.2006 15:34
Hartlepool News Story + Picture:
GREEN activists formed a human road block at Hartlepool's nuclear power station.

24dash.com (PA news story)
Protests grow over 'new nuclear' programme

media articles
a moment of insperation
04.09.2006 11:25