One Month in Lebanon
peptide | 11.08.2006 18:33 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | World
The war in Lebanon is one month and hundreds of innocent lives old; the international community is displaying all the coherence and cohesion it did in 1939 – déjà vu! The solution today is as it should have been then – stop the invader with a confederation of nations opposed to the war. It stops! Count the nations for war, two, against the war, the rest of the world!
Occupy targeted regions in the war zone and in the event that personnel are killed or captured then attack Israel with the same indiscriminate show of force that Israel unleashed on Lebanon. Who could justifiably complain? America may choose to actively support Israel, in which case it would be preferable for the world to confront the inevitable war on America now rather than later.
The world should have learnt that right wing forces (Third Reich/USA/Israel) never ‘back down’ they must be eliminated by force. Face it! Hesitating, as in the past, only engenders contempt from the aggressors, has the arrogance of the idiot president been noted lately?
The initiative belongs to the U.S. and Israel; they have deliberately tied up negotiations for peace in a tangle of useless details while THEIR agenda is ‘full steam ahead’. John Bolton can barely disguise his delight as peace negotiations degenerate into arguments that bog down the entire process; the international ‘horse’ is hobbled.
China has never taken an interventionist approach in international affairs, get over it and learn from Russia; your confrontation with the USA is unavoidable. The USA depends on China’s cultural timidity and (traditional) non-interventionist policies. However, today’s world is very challenging; China can only survive by actively engaging the international community and demonstrating a strong stance to other nations. China’s defeat is assured if it fails in this regard. As the ancient Chinese strategist, Sun tzu, clearly states, the war is won or lost before the first battle begins! It is the Ostrich that hides its head in the sand not the Dragon. Even occidental analysts have realised that Israel has lost the war and possibly the State!
But perhaps the more immediate confronting aspect of modern warfare is to ask the question, for whom are wars waged? It is certain the powers lose no sons or daughters to the nasty business of warfare. The blood spilled is the blood of slaves and there is no greater fool/slave than one who dies for another’s wealth and profit. Take a good look at the real reasons behind this adventure then inform the vested interests to defend their own interests.
Today, with information freely available there are no excuses for fighting someone else’s wars. NOTHING is worth dying for – death is the proof of that glaring reality.
The world should have learnt that right wing forces (Third Reich/USA/Israel) never ‘back down’ they must be eliminated by force. Face it! Hesitating, as in the past, only engenders contempt from the aggressors, has the arrogance of the idiot president been noted lately?
The initiative belongs to the U.S. and Israel; they have deliberately tied up negotiations for peace in a tangle of useless details while THEIR agenda is ‘full steam ahead’. John Bolton can barely disguise his delight as peace negotiations degenerate into arguments that bog down the entire process; the international ‘horse’ is hobbled.
China has never taken an interventionist approach in international affairs, get over it and learn from Russia; your confrontation with the USA is unavoidable. The USA depends on China’s cultural timidity and (traditional) non-interventionist policies. However, today’s world is very challenging; China can only survive by actively engaging the international community and demonstrating a strong stance to other nations. China’s defeat is assured if it fails in this regard. As the ancient Chinese strategist, Sun tzu, clearly states, the war is won or lost before the first battle begins! It is the Ostrich that hides its head in the sand not the Dragon. Even occidental analysts have realised that Israel has lost the war and possibly the State!
But perhaps the more immediate confronting aspect of modern warfare is to ask the question, for whom are wars waged? It is certain the powers lose no sons or daughters to the nasty business of warfare. The blood spilled is the blood of slaves and there is no greater fool/slave than one who dies for another’s wealth and profit. Take a good look at the real reasons behind this adventure then inform the vested interests to defend their own interests.
Today, with information freely available there are no excuses for fighting someone else’s wars. NOTHING is worth dying for – death is the proof of that glaring reality.
Hide the following 4 comments
12.08.2006 05:19
The USA and Israel bear no similarity to the Third Reich!
12.08.2006 09:03
Israel is not a right wing force! The Third Reich was right wing because it persecuted the Jews and tried to exterminate them. On the contrary the USA has helped the Jews. Also the Holocaust where Germany tried to wipe out the entire Jewish population and where the rest of the world did too little to help the Jews justifies the existance of Israel. Because if Israel had existed during World War II then there would have been no holocaust. Also the world including the Palestinians owes the Jews a great debt for failing to prevent the deaths of six million Jews under nazi Germany. If you want a good example of a right wing force then it is hezbollah and hamas.
Hezbollah and Hamas are right wing forces.
re: The USA and Israel bear no similarity to the Third Reich!
12.08.2006 13:24
Is this some new definition of right wing and left wing? Its all about support or lack of support for Jews? Can you provide a source to back this up please?
"Also the Holocaust where Germany tried to wipe out the entire Jewish population and where the rest of the world did too little to help the Jews justifies the existance of Israel. Because if Israel had existed during World War II then there would have been no holocaust."
How do you prove the claim that the Holocaust would not have happened had Israel been in existence? Furthermore, whilst you claim that the Holocaust justifies the setting up of a "Jewish Homeland" on (mostly) ethnically cleansed land outside of Europe, you surely cannot be claiming that it justifies the excesses of Occupation and the nakba, can you?
"Also the world including the Palestinians owes the Jews a great debt for failing to prevent the deaths of six million Jews under nazi Germany."
Explain how the Palestinians owe a debt for what the Nazis did. Let me guess, you're going to pull a Grand Mufti out of your hat.
"If you want a good example of a right wing force then it is hezbollah and hamas."
Perhaps you'd like to elaborate a bit. In what way are Hizbollah and Hamas right wing?
Because they don't think Occupation is legitimate perhaps?
The left wing supports occupation.
The right wing does not.
Is that your claim?
Nuisance neighbour
Jews are centre of universe!
12.08.2006 14:08
Little wonder there is no respect for non-jewish life!
didn't you know?