From 9/11 to WW3
John J. Albanese | 17.07.2006 13:11 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Sheffield
Let there be no doubt that the current military crisis in the Middle East could potentially take this world to the very brink of a global crisis.
But, as 9/11 activists, we must ask ourselves whether there is any relevance to this conflict, which to many Americans seems so very far away, and our own history of violence here at home on 9/11.
The answer is clear. 9/11 was an act of evil perpetrated by evil people whom threaten the stability of the entire world. 9/11 was a modern day Pearl Harbor that ushered the western world into a new age of global conflict that just now is playing out in a regional war that portends an ever-widening global conflict and dangerous clash of civilizations.
The stakes could not possibly be higher.
9/11 remains iconic in this sense. The world trade center still towers over all of us at the cross-roads of history.
It is easy to see how we have gotten here – from there. The trauma of 9/11 was so skillfully converted into a system of fear and oppression, where facts became secondary to human emotions - hate and fear - and American foreign policy descended into hubris. The “Axis of Evil” was declared. Anthrax attacks bludgeoning our legislature into submission, and yielding the Patriot Act. Myriad police-state tactics initiated here and abroad. Human rights and human dignity traded in for renditions and torture. The media capitulating and complicit in a war of aggression against Iraq, with fictions layered upon fictions that they tacitly or overtly supported and spread. Nuclear ambitions and missile tests in the Sea of Japan. The radicalization of Iran. The end to diplomacy. The war on academia, the United Nations and the judiciary branch of government. Xenophobia at home. Civil liberties evaporating. Dry wood thrown on the flames of paranoia.
And now this. Israel at war.
The current conflict in the Middle East has everything to do with 9/11. It is the product of fear and paranoia that is, to a certain extent, the self fulfilling prophesy of those members of the Project for the New American Century who conceived of a “new Pearl Harbor,” laying bare their naked ambitions and preconceived notions that there could be a ‘benefit’ from an inconceivable act of violence on American soil. To these people human lives mean nothing. Their ambitions are as transparent as their policies.
As 9/11 activists these truths are self-evident.
In this atmosphere of uncertainty 9/11 activism becomes more relevant than ever before. The stakes could not possibly be higher. It is now not just simply a matter of revealing the truth behind 9/11, we are now confronted with our own mortality and the lives of millions of world citizens at the mercy of a policy gone tragically wrong. As 9/11 activists we are essentially the antidote for violence. We denounce those responsible for 9/11 as vigorously as we oppose those who would seek to push millions of lives over the edge, into the chasm of all-out-war in the Middle East.
Where will it end? What would victory look like? Can anyone truly win a global world war in this day and age? Could the euphemism of WMDs, so oft used and misused as a justification for war, suddenly become a painful reality – another self fulfilling prophesy? Could we be confronted with the prospects of a tragedy of global proportions? Could we see a cathartic release of energy, in the form of violence, that will engulf ALL TRUTHS and conventional wisdom in the cauldron of all-out-war?
9/11 activism has been, and will always remain, a non-violent movement for peace. 9/11 Truth has always been a call for level-headed self examination and accountability. We cannot add to the flames of anger. We will only serve to feed the beast.
But, all could be lost if we do not act soon.
I call upon all of you to unite, and put down your theories and debates – and organize.
We need action. And fast. We need one millions citizens in the streets of Washington DC, banging on pots and pans, and refusing to leave.
We need to chain ourselves to the gates of power.
We need to force alternate viewpoints on the media, peacefully by FORCE.
We need to reclaim our place as citizens, at the seats of power, and refuse to budge.
We need civil disobedience and loud angry voices that will be as dedicated to this cause as the patriots who landed on the beaches of Normandy – taking our own beachhead in the streets of Washington.
We need to shut down the media – peacefully but forcefully - starting in Rockefeller Center at NBC headquarters – and the New York Times building – by laying down in front of their trucks and occupying their plazas and lobbies - declaring our intentions to reject this trail of tears and lies - that started on 9/11 - and leads us all to the battlegrounds of World War 3.
If not now – when?
John J. Albanese is the producer of the film “Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime” which was screened on the first day of Sheffield Indymedia's ongoing "Summer of Truth" film festival:
The answer is clear. 9/11 was an act of evil perpetrated by evil people whom threaten the stability of the entire world. 9/11 was a modern day Pearl Harbor that ushered the western world into a new age of global conflict that just now is playing out in a regional war that portends an ever-widening global conflict and dangerous clash of civilizations.
The stakes could not possibly be higher.
9/11 remains iconic in this sense. The world trade center still towers over all of us at the cross-roads of history.
It is easy to see how we have gotten here – from there. The trauma of 9/11 was so skillfully converted into a system of fear and oppression, where facts became secondary to human emotions - hate and fear - and American foreign policy descended into hubris. The “Axis of Evil” was declared. Anthrax attacks bludgeoning our legislature into submission, and yielding the Patriot Act. Myriad police-state tactics initiated here and abroad. Human rights and human dignity traded in for renditions and torture. The media capitulating and complicit in a war of aggression against Iraq, with fictions layered upon fictions that they tacitly or overtly supported and spread. Nuclear ambitions and missile tests in the Sea of Japan. The radicalization of Iran. The end to diplomacy. The war on academia, the United Nations and the judiciary branch of government. Xenophobia at home. Civil liberties evaporating. Dry wood thrown on the flames of paranoia.
And now this. Israel at war.
The current conflict in the Middle East has everything to do with 9/11. It is the product of fear and paranoia that is, to a certain extent, the self fulfilling prophesy of those members of the Project for the New American Century who conceived of a “new Pearl Harbor,” laying bare their naked ambitions and preconceived notions that there could be a ‘benefit’ from an inconceivable act of violence on American soil. To these people human lives mean nothing. Their ambitions are as transparent as their policies.
As 9/11 activists these truths are self-evident.
In this atmosphere of uncertainty 9/11 activism becomes more relevant than ever before. The stakes could not possibly be higher. It is now not just simply a matter of revealing the truth behind 9/11, we are now confronted with our own mortality and the lives of millions of world citizens at the mercy of a policy gone tragically wrong. As 9/11 activists we are essentially the antidote for violence. We denounce those responsible for 9/11 as vigorously as we oppose those who would seek to push millions of lives over the edge, into the chasm of all-out-war in the Middle East.
Where will it end? What would victory look like? Can anyone truly win a global world war in this day and age? Could the euphemism of WMDs, so oft used and misused as a justification for war, suddenly become a painful reality – another self fulfilling prophesy? Could we be confronted with the prospects of a tragedy of global proportions? Could we see a cathartic release of energy, in the form of violence, that will engulf ALL TRUTHS and conventional wisdom in the cauldron of all-out-war?
9/11 activism has been, and will always remain, a non-violent movement for peace. 9/11 Truth has always been a call for level-headed self examination and accountability. We cannot add to the flames of anger. We will only serve to feed the beast.
But, all could be lost if we do not act soon.
I call upon all of you to unite, and put down your theories and debates – and organize.
We need action. And fast. We need one millions citizens in the streets of Washington DC, banging on pots and pans, and refusing to leave.
We need to chain ourselves to the gates of power.
We need to force alternate viewpoints on the media, peacefully by FORCE.
We need to reclaim our place as citizens, at the seats of power, and refuse to budge.
We need civil disobedience and loud angry voices that will be as dedicated to this cause as the patriots who landed on the beaches of Normandy – taking our own beachhead in the streets of Washington.
We need to shut down the media – peacefully but forcefully - starting in Rockefeller Center at NBC headquarters – and the New York Times building – by laying down in front of their trucks and occupying their plazas and lobbies - declaring our intentions to reject this trail of tears and lies - that started on 9/11 - and leads us all to the battlegrounds of World War 3.
If not now – when?
John J. Albanese is the producer of the film “Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime”

John J. Albanese
Israeli Bombings could lead to Escalation of Middle East War
17.07.2006 14:16
July 15, 2006
Following the bombings of Beirut by Israel, there is a danger that the US sponsored Middle East war, which is at present characterized by three distinct war theaters (Afghanistan, Palestine and Iraq) will escalate and extend to the entire Middle East - Central Asian region.
The bombings of Lebanon are part of a carefully planned military agenda. They are not spontaneous acts of reprisal by Israel. They are acts of provocation.
The attacks could indeed be used as a pretext to trigger a much broader military operation, which is already in the active planning stage. In all likelihood, the bombings were conducted with Washington's approval.
The timing of these bombings coincides with the showdown with Iran regarding its alleged nuclear weapons' program. They should be viewed and analyzed in relation to US-Israeli geopolitical and strategic interests in the broader region.
The Beirut bombings should also be understood in relation to the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon, which has opened up a new space, for the deployment of Israeli forces.
Since 2004, the US, Israel and Turkey have formulated concrete war plans involving air raids on Iran's nuclear sites. Israel is slated to play a direct role in the US sponsored military operation against Iran, which is also the object of consultations at the G8 meeting in St. Petersburg on July 15-17.
Since late 2004, Israel has been stockpiling US made weapons systems in anticipation of an attack on Iran. This stockpiling, which is financed by US military aid was largely completed in June 2005. Israel has taken delivery from the US of several thousand "smart air launched weapons" including some 500 'bunker-buster' bombs, which can also be used to deliver tactical nuclear bombs. US tactical nuclear weapons have been deployed by the US and several of its allies and could be used against Iran. Israel's thermonnuclear missiles are pointed at Tehran.
The participation of Turkey in the US-Israeli military operation is also a factor, following a 2004 agreement reached between Ankara and Tel Aviv.
Extension of the War
Tehran has confirmed that it will retaliate if attacked, in the form of ballistic missile strikes directed against Israel . These attacks, could also target US military facilities in Iraq and the Persian Gulf, which would immediately lead us into a scenario of military escalation and all out war.
On the agenda of the G8 is a draft UN Security Council resolution pertaining to Iran's alleged (nonexistent) nuclear weapons program, which, according to news reports, has been tacitly approved by Russia and China This resolution, if adopted, could open the way for punitive bombings on Iran, with the full support of America's European allies.
Israel is now part of the Anglo-American military coalition If these bombing raids were to be carried out, with the active participation of Israel, both Lebanon and Syria would become part of an extensive war zone.
The entire region would flare up
It is therefore essential that citizens' movements around the world act consistently to confront their respective governments and reverse and dismantle this military agenda which threatens the future of humanity.
Iranian president says Israeli attack on Syria to meet "strong response"
Text of report by Iranian radio on 14 July
In a telephone conversation last night, the Iranian and Syrian presidents condemned the Zionist regime's attacks on Lebanon and Gaza. They called on the Islamic nations to show their support for the Palestinian and Lebanese people.
Mr [Mahmud] Ahmadinezhad expressed grave concerns over the Zionist military's attacks on Palestinian and Lebanese civilians. He described the aggressions as the sign of weakness on the part the illegitimate regime. He said despite what the Zionist officials may think, such actions cannot save the regime.
Commenting on the recent Israeli threats against Syria, the president said that the regime's ever increasing aggressive measures would be interpreted as an attack on the whole of the Islamic world, adding that it would meet with a strong response.
For his turn, the Syrian President Bashar al-Asad, said that by attacking Gaza, the Zionist regime had broken the one-year long ceasefire, and had created a new crisis. He added that the courageous, timely and decisive response by the Hezbollah had surprised and angered the leaders of the regime. Pointing out that many popular groups from various Islamic countries had expressed their willingness to fight the occupiers in the troubled areas, Mr Asad said that Israel would face a fierce response should it decide to commit another mistake and attack Syria. He added that Syria was not afraid of any threats.
Source: Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, in Persian 0430 gmt 14 Jul 06
Following the bombings of Beirut by Israel, there is a danger that the US sponsored Middle East war, which is at present characterized by three distinct war theaters (Afghanistan, Palestine and Iraq) will escalate and extend to the entire Middle East - Central Asian region.
The bombings of Lebanon are part of a carefully planned military agenda. They are not spontaneous acts of reprisal by Israel. They are acts of provocation.
The attacks could indeed be used as a pretext to trigger a much broader military operation, which is already in the active planning stage. In all likelihood, the bombings were conducted with Washington's approval.
The timing of these bombings coincides with the showdown with Iran regarding its alleged nuclear weapons' program. They should be viewed and analyzed in relation to US-Israeli geopolitical and strategic interests in the broader region.
The Beirut bombings should also be understood in relation to the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon, which has opened up a new space, for the deployment of Israeli forces.
Since 2004, the US, Israel and Turkey have formulated concrete war plans involving air raids on Iran's nuclear sites. Israel is slated to play a direct role in the US sponsored military operation against Iran, which is also the object of consultations at the G8 meeting in St. Petersburg on July 15-17.
Since late 2004, Israel has been stockpiling US made weapons systems in anticipation of an attack on Iran. This stockpiling, which is financed by US military aid was largely completed in June 2005. Israel has taken delivery from the US of several thousand "smart air launched weapons" including some 500 'bunker-buster' bombs, which can also be used to deliver tactical nuclear bombs. US tactical nuclear weapons have been deployed by the US and several of its allies and could be used against Iran. Israel's thermonnuclear missiles are pointed at Tehran.
The participation of Turkey in the US-Israeli military operation is also a factor, following a 2004 agreement reached between Ankara and Tel Aviv.
Extension of the War
Tehran has confirmed that it will retaliate if attacked, in the form of ballistic missile strikes directed against Israel . These attacks, could also target US military facilities in Iraq and the Persian Gulf, which would immediately lead us into a scenario of military escalation and all out war.
On the agenda of the G8 is a draft UN Security Council resolution pertaining to Iran's alleged (nonexistent) nuclear weapons program, which, according to news reports, has been tacitly approved by Russia and China This resolution, if adopted, could open the way for punitive bombings on Iran, with the full support of America's European allies.
Israel is now part of the Anglo-American military coalition If these bombing raids were to be carried out, with the active participation of Israel, both Lebanon and Syria would become part of an extensive war zone.
The entire region would flare up
It is therefore essential that citizens' movements around the world act consistently to confront their respective governments and reverse and dismantle this military agenda which threatens the future of humanity.
Iranian president says Israeli attack on Syria to meet "strong response"
Text of report by Iranian radio on 14 July
In a telephone conversation last night, the Iranian and Syrian presidents condemned the Zionist regime's attacks on Lebanon and Gaza. They called on the Islamic nations to show their support for the Palestinian and Lebanese people.
Mr [Mahmud] Ahmadinezhad expressed grave concerns over the Zionist military's attacks on Palestinian and Lebanese civilians. He described the aggressions as the sign of weakness on the part the illegitimate regime. He said despite what the Zionist officials may think, such actions cannot save the regime.
Commenting on the recent Israeli threats against Syria, the president said that the regime's ever increasing aggressive measures would be interpreted as an attack on the whole of the Islamic world, adding that it would meet with a strong response.
For his turn, the Syrian President Bashar al-Asad, said that by attacking Gaza, the Zionist regime had broken the one-year long ceasefire, and had created a new crisis. He added that the courageous, timely and decisive response by the Hezbollah had surprised and angered the leaders of the regime. Pointing out that many popular groups from various Islamic countries had expressed their willingness to fight the occupiers in the troubled areas, Mr Asad said that Israel would face a fierce response should it decide to commit another mistake and attack Syria. He added that Syria was not afraid of any threats.
Source: Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, in Persian 0430 gmt 14 Jul 06
Michel Chossudovsky
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