Press Release Election Evidence
JEFF FISHER | 30.06.2006 03:48 | March 18 Anti War Protest | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Indymedia | Liverpool | London
This is a series of emails showing Robert Kennedy’s staff from Ring of Fire on Air America Radio has been infiltrated by a NEOCON/ZIONIST by the name of Farron Cousins.
Mr. Kennedy in Rolling Stone’s Magazine had made an appeal to anyone who had information on the Election Fraud to please contact him.
The first message seems harmless but due to experience I had to go on the offensive to see if Mr. Cousins was telling the truth or was lying to try it discourage any who may have vital information.
The following is a guide to help with identifying information for the media and the reader.
Email address guide: U.S. Attorney (Special Counsel)
Bcc: A group of Department of Justice special agents assigned to my case U.S. Marshall office
Bcc: A group of U.S. Marshall special agents assigned to my case This is the general FBI Washington office
Bcc: A group of FBI special agents assigned to my case International Courts
Bcc: A group of International (MI5, Scotland Yard, Interpol, etc.) special agents assigned to my case due to the International evidence. This is one of my email addresses. My name is Jeff Fisher. I am the official whistle blower regarding the past elections.
Footnote: A fantastic patriot assigned this one specific email address to me from the east coast of the United States. This is the man who is obstructing justice by
censuring the truth from Robert Kennedy.
{Obstruction is noted because this man has been notified of the Department of Justice involvement with my electronic communications. Specifically anything dealing directly/indirectly with election fraud and manipulation. The DOJ is usually notified when I become aware of other fraudulent activities if it involves any form of government activities that could lead to national/international implications.} Scott Millican at Levin Law. Blogger for Ring of Fire. Helen Thomas journalist Congressman Patrick Kennedy Roger Rancourt Editor for Aljazeerah CFTM is dedicated to publishing the truth about U.S. Imperialism and War, the USA PATRIOT ACTS 1-2, poverty, homelessness, government oppression and repression, social security, welfare, human rights, civil liberties, cluster bombs and depleted uranium, and exposing civilian and military casualties.
AIPAC-American Israeli Public Affairs Committee
Some texts will be bolded/or italicised for emphasis. They also may be highlighted in yellow and/or have the text changed to the colour red.
My writing style may change every once in awhile also. Most of the time I use multiple European writing styles and their structure of grammar
Now lets get to the emails from Ring of Fire to me.
Email # 1
Ring of Fire Emailing Inbox
Farron Cousins to me More options Jun 15
This is what it looks like in Google email
When opening More options you see the following
From: Farron Cousins
Date: Jun 15, 2006 7:23 AM
Subject: Ring of Fire Emailing
Hi Jeff,
We received your email and your voicemail, and I just wanted to inform you that while it is Robert's voice on the machine, it is not his personal voicemail, and I am the one who checks those messages. Our hotline number is primarily used for people calling us to locate a station or for people who call in to the show with questions for Mike and Bobby. Our system is in Pensacola, Florida, which is where we are located, and Robert is located in New York. While we can forward emails to his secretary, we cannot forward voicemails.
Farron Cousins
Ring of Fire Radio
316 S. Baylen St.
Suite 400
Pensacola, FL 32502
(850) 435-7092
Email # 2
This is a response from me, Jeff Fisher to Farron Cousins
----- Original Message -----
From: "runningman JF"
To: "Farron Cousins”
Cc: "Patrick Fitzgerald" ;
; ;
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: Ring of Fire Emailing
Are you going to call him and tell him this news?
An American Patriot Jeff Fisher
Footnote: Notice the upper case words. This is a psychological method to see if it causes distress in the writer, Farron Cousins.
Email # 3
From: Farron Cousins
Date: Jun 15, 2006 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: Ring of Fire Emailing
I have the messages saved, but keep in mind that this is a nationally
syndicated radio program, that airs all over the country. I have hundreds
of messages to sort through every single week, so it's not as simple as you
might think. We appreciate your efforts, and I will do all that is
necessary to get the message to Bobby. I don't have his phone number or his office number, so the best I can do is send the information to his secretary and have her forward it on to him. I know it's frustrating, and it's
frustrating for us too, because he is an extremely difficult person to get
in touch with, as you can imagine.
The bolded section is to illustrate an outright contradiction to what is highlighted in red.
The email address I avoid now due to many people trying to infiltrate my system, including the NSA that uses RIPE NETWORK out of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
Email # 4
From: runningman JF
To: Farron Cousins
Cc: Patrick Fitzgerald,,,
Date: Jun 15, 2006 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: Ring of Fire Emailing
Come on! You take his calls
but don't have a phone number
That is hard to swallow. Find his
number in New York now!
You appreciate my efforts. Really!
Have you been stabbed, poisoned,
kidnapped, pistol whipped, had a
truck attempt to run over you and
since you probably are woman you
at least didn't have your penis, scrotum
and upper thighs set on fire by a blow
torch because I had information and that
the Mossad wanted to know where my
lover lived so they could kill her like they
did to her family in 1948.
You get that message to Robert ASAP
and tell him to call his cousin at the
Mayo Clinic about this.
An American Patriot who defends twenty-two people first. Jeff Fisher
Regarding the paragraph talking about being hurt in various ways is related to the election evidence. These are the extremes of torture I had to undergo due to my having key information on the AIPAC participation in election issues and issues that led up to 9-11.
The information dated as far back as 1996.
In regards to the woman, she happens to be the first name on the protected twenty-two list. That list came into existence on December 8, 2004 and would force me to make a decision regarding life or death in regards to testifying and providing further proof to the Democratic House Judiciary Committee. Those threats ranged from breaking of bones, auto and boating accidents, a church burning with people locked inside it, kidnapping, and the raping of several woman and children and outright murder on a few people who happened to be associated with me including friends who had Sicilian connections and/or were peace makers for Palestinian Rights.
Email #5
From: Farron Cousins
To: runningman JF
Cc: Scott Millican
Date: Jun 15, 2006 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: Ring of Fire Emailing
First of all, I am a man. And I'm sorry that you don't believe that I don't
have contact information for Bobby. But if I had to forward every piece of
information that tin-foil hat wearing folks like you sent for him, he'd
never have time to do anything else.
On behalf of the entire Ring of Fire staff, we do not want you to contact us
anymore. I personally do not appreciate you getting an attitude with me,
and I don't have to put up with it. And I'm not going to.
Have a great day
Footnote: If he really saved the voice messages, many of them I talk about my giving information to certain members of the House of Representatives, including Congressman Patrick Kennedy. Robert Kennedy’s cousin.
Email #6
From: runningman JF
To: Farron Cousins , Patrick Fitzgerald ,,,
Cc: Scott Millican ,,
Date: Jun 15, 2006 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: Ring of Fire Emailing
This is my last reply to you.
You must be quite a NEOCON/ZIONIST.
You see if you did your homework, I ran for Congress
two years ago to represent Florida's 16th Congressional District.
I am glad you have your attorney present.
He will be quite interested in this.
Mr. Scott Millican, please visit this web blog that is being
closely watched by certain agents in the Department of Justice.
That address is
The phone number to leave a message is (202) 580-8531
Please sir, look at the other email addresses next to
Farron's. (DOJ, US Marshals, FBI, International Courts.)
Do I have to go into more details regarding the Kennedy
Family? If I must I will, but then the world will know too.
I have called Congressman Patrick Kennedy several times
and spoken with Mr. Z. (his name is not to be known) to make
sure Patrick is safe and secure over the past six months.
Don't mess with the Constitution. I am the American Patriot.
I am not going to take Farron's insults, in actuality I am
sending this letter to the Department of Justice and all
around the world. His actions are quite juvenile.
In actuality his actions might be grounds for treason.
I am going to ask formally the FBI and the Department
of Justice if I have grounds to do so.
Since I have already started to place charges of treason on
Congresswoman Maxine Waters and seven other individuals,
one more won't take much longer to do.
To everyone I blind copied I apologize for sending this to you.
Yet since I have real hard evidence regarding the 2000 election
and was told that contacting Robert Kennedy would help.
To the people who are concerned about Peace in Palestine, answers to
9-11, the end of the Iraq War and the Restoration of our Rights
that was taken away from us by the USA Patriot Act. This is what
the election manipulation is all about. I have evidence that links 9-11
to the election fraud that I have to get to a new US attorney now.
I would like to see everyone place this message everywhere.
The Internet, the press, television, radio, websites. Web blogs.... etc.
Fax it to your United States Representative. Call them too.
If any of you need phone # or faxes to Washington D.C.
I can provide that for you.
Mr. Cousins, do you read Indy Media? If you do go to this address
and see how large the real world is!
The world does now that I was trying to contact
Robert Kennedy with evidence.
You have never walked in my shoes
and if you tried you would fail.
Since I also had evidence regarding the 2002 elections
and the 2004 elections I was led to believe that Robert
Kennedy was being truthful and patriotic to the
United States of America.
I am praying that Robert Kennedy still is truthful and patriotic.
I am praying that this man named Farron Cousins
is just making a grave mistake instead.
My experience in the past 688 days tells me that I am correct.
My god! I ran for office for 695 days too. I think I have
a grasp on our nations ills.
Have a nice day!
An American Patriot Jeff Fisher
Email #7
From: Scott Millican
To: runningman JF
Date: Jun 15, 2006 1:56 PM
Subject: RE: Ring of Fire Emailing
Do you work for a voting machine manufacturer?
Email #8
The colour coding for this letter has nothing to do with the guide above
Re: Tinfoil hat, Mr. Cousins?
From: Roger Rancourt
Cc: International Courts , US Marshals ,
Patrick Fitzgerald , "Al- Dr. El-Najjar"
Date: Jun 15, 2006 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: Tinfoil hat, Mr. Cousins?
"On 6/15/06, Farron Cousins wrote:
First of all, I am a man. And I'm sorry that you don't believe that I don't
have contact information for Bobby. But if I had to forward every piece of
information that tin-foil hat wearing folks like you sent for him, he'd
never have time to do anything else."
I'm just rather curious where you get this term "tinfoil" from.....
You call Mr. Fishers evidence and claims pure "tin-foil"...
So what does this term actually mean? Might we examine that for just a minute?
Mr. Fisher has witnessed some very serious crimes, which directly prove the neocons are brainwashing students, teaching election fraud on a regular basis.
Oddly enough they are doing this worldwide, and of course, the ones running it are the Zionists aka neocons....
It seems to me in a quite sure sense, that various people are using the term "tinfoil" to cover up very serious and literal conspiracies.... perpetrated by Zionist Jews/Catholics and their regime...
It seems to me that in actuality, since these crimes are so very serious and blatant that the defense mechanism is to smear virtually anybody who utters them to cover it up.....
After all in no other country could you view this happening below, and not have it vigorously prosecuted including everyone who set the whole thing up...
Footnote by Jeff Fisher-This information/evidence was handed over to John Kerry’s inner campaign circle, which was arranged by Mary Beth Cahill.
" Sembler has become one of the main advisers of the "War to the drug" of Bush, thanks to its Drug Free America Foundation. In a sure sense it takes the old place of "zar" the anti-drug ones of Reagan, William Bennett, member of the Plan for the New Century American (PNAC) that it is passsato instead becoming an expert of the "war to the Islam".
The DFAF pursues the divine dream of the control total, striking itself so that the state controls the urines of every single adolescent American, in order to discover the presence of "drugs".
Mel and its moglie Betty are present on every governmental commission that is taken care of drugs. Ovunque, finances the campaigns against the legalization of the marijuana for medical use.
Today, the single states Americans always stretch more to order the obligatory treatment instead of the jail, for smaller crimes: with beyond two million imprison to you, have exceeded by far the capienza of the public prison institutions, but also private.
Hour, the "obligatory treatment" (propugnato also from someone in Italy) viola the same sense of the therapeutic communities, but it allows the increasing spread of "centers of riabilitazione" for the sake of lucro, in one gigantic festivity of outsourcing, privatization of all, from the war and the torture to the incarcerazione and the riabilitazione.
The commistioni between therapeutic communities, speculation building, arrange poliziesco/carcerario and judges have had recently one carried out much curious.
A judge who regularly sends the small delinquents from the PAR, anti-drug initiatives today in hand to the men of Sembler, has recently condemned a critic of the ambassador. The giudice/amico in fact has emitted a decree that it prohibits to Ray Bradbury, a critic of Mel, to speak about a "penile pump" (omits the translation, also because same I do not know of what features well) that he had uncovered between the refusals of the ambassador and that had put to the auction in net, in order to gain the attention on the malefatte ones of Mel. The provocazione of Bradbury has succeeded in full load, inasmuch as the same Washington Post today speaks about the curious practical of the ambassador.
The DFAF manages in way many skilful own public relation: while Sembler has managed the electoral campaign of the governor of Florida, Jeb Bush - than with its maneuvers to the limit of the illegalità the presidency of just the brother has tax to the United States -, Jeb Bush is in the directive one of the DFAF. Of the directive one of the DFAF it makes part also a sure Walter Loebenberg, founder of the local Museum of the Holocaust. In whose managing committee we find to they time Mel Sembler and its moglie, the lawyer of Mel, Leonard Englander, the former-managing of Straight, Jay Snider, Jan Sher, the moglie of the general executive manager of the Sembler Company. The director to interim of the museum is Bruce Epstein, also he member of the directive one of the Straight."
2003 evidence of the murder of Raymond Lemme and its relationship to the
1998-1999 Choice Point Program
Of course text from further emails we have on top of that, tying the knots together even farther.
"Blass's home computer:
One email sent to Jeb Bush stating that the project at Bay Point was going well and testing was almost complete. Dated March 1, 2000.
Blass's home computer:
Two emails sent to Mel Sembler.
First email was from March 2000 stating he needed more funds toward the creation of a new program.
The second was from June of 2002 stating that testing was finalized in Louisiana and Georgia for the upcoming Democratic Gubernatorial Primary in September. The methodology was to create vote swapping between Daryl Jones and Janet Reno. This was to take place so Bill McBride would be the Democratic candidate facing Governor Jeb Bush."
Yeah you know, I don't really have any time for this. It seems to me it might be time to stop being in denial of what’s happening, non-stop at these Zionist Jewish run schools.
You tell Bobby to call Jeff Fisher back on his phone personally, to arrange for a formal interview. Let Bobby himself decide whether something is "worthy" to air, and you let him air his allegations publicly.
It’s a very simple process, you see and we hold all the evidence. If you do not have him call Jeff himself or tell him to call him then you will be considered covering up a crime. Covering up a crime that jeopardizes the country.
We may at that point decide on other measures of action similar to that already taken with Lori Price. Because one way or another this is all being exposed, Air America Radio can do its duty and help or become collateral damage. We're not going to play around with any games, if they want the story come get it.
National Whistleblower Hotline
Mr. Kennedy in Rolling Stone’s Magazine had made an appeal to anyone who had information on the Election Fraud to please contact him.
The first message seems harmless but due to experience I had to go on the offensive to see if Mr. Cousins was telling the truth or was lying to try it discourage any who may have vital information.
The following is a guide to help with identifying information for the media and the reader.
Email address guide:

Bcc: A group of Department of Justice special agents assigned to my case

Bcc: A group of U.S. Marshall special agents assigned to my case

Bcc: A group of FBI special agents assigned to my case

Bcc: A group of International (MI5, Scotland Yard, Interpol, etc.) special agents assigned to my case due to the International evidence.

Footnote: A fantastic patriot assigned this one specific email address to me from the east coast of the United States.

censuring the truth from Robert Kennedy.
{Obstruction is noted because this man has been notified of the Department of Justice involvement with my electronic communications. Specifically anything dealing directly/indirectly with election fraud and manipulation. The DOJ is usually notified when I become aware of other fraudulent activities if it involves any form of government activities that could lead to national/international implications.}

AIPAC-American Israeli Public Affairs Committee
Some texts will be bolded/or italicised for emphasis. They also may be highlighted in yellow and/or have the text changed to the colour red.
My writing style may change every once in awhile also. Most of the time I use multiple European writing styles and their structure of grammar
Now lets get to the emails from Ring of Fire to me.
Email # 1
Ring of Fire Emailing Inbox
Farron Cousins to me More options Jun 15
This is what it looks like in Google email
When opening More options you see the following
From: Farron Cousins

Date: Jun 15, 2006 7:23 AM
Subject: Ring of Fire Emailing
Hi Jeff,
We received your email and your voicemail, and I just wanted to inform you that while it is Robert's voice on the machine, it is not his personal voicemail, and I am the one who checks those messages. Our hotline number is primarily used for people calling us to locate a station or for people who call in to the show with questions for Mike and Bobby. Our system is in Pensacola, Florida, which is where we are located, and Robert is located in New York. While we can forward emails to his secretary, we cannot forward voicemails.
Farron Cousins
Ring of Fire Radio
316 S. Baylen St.
Suite 400
Pensacola, FL 32502
(850) 435-7092
Email # 2
This is a response from me, Jeff Fisher to Farron Cousins
----- Original Message -----
From: "runningman JF"
To: "Farron Cousins”
Cc: "Patrick Fitzgerald" ;
; ;
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: Ring of Fire Emailing
Are you going to call him and tell him this news?
An American Patriot Jeff Fisher
Footnote: Notice the upper case words. This is a psychological method to see if it causes distress in the writer, Farron Cousins.
Email # 3
From: Farron Cousins

Date: Jun 15, 2006 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: Ring of Fire Emailing
I have the messages saved, but keep in mind that this is a nationally
syndicated radio program, that airs all over the country. I have hundreds
of messages to sort through every single week, so it's not as simple as you
might think. We appreciate your efforts, and I will do all that is
necessary to get the message to Bobby. I don't have his phone number or his office number, so the best I can do is send the information to his secretary and have her forward it on to him. I know it's frustrating, and it's
frustrating for us too, because he is an extremely difficult person to get
in touch with, as you can imagine.
The bolded section is to illustrate an outright contradiction to what is highlighted in red.
The email address

Email # 4
From: runningman JF

To: Farron Cousins

Cc: Patrick Fitzgerald

Date: Jun 15, 2006 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: Ring of Fire Emailing
Come on! You take his calls
but don't have a phone number
That is hard to swallow. Find his
number in New York now!
You appreciate my efforts. Really!
Have you been stabbed, poisoned,
kidnapped, pistol whipped, had a
truck attempt to run over you and
since you probably are woman you
at least didn't have your penis, scrotum
and upper thighs set on fire by a blow
torch because I had information and that
the Mossad wanted to know where my
lover lived so they could kill her like they
did to her family in 1948.
You get that message to Robert ASAP
and tell him to call his cousin at the
Mayo Clinic about this.
An American Patriot who defends twenty-two people first. Jeff Fisher
Regarding the paragraph talking about being hurt in various ways is related to the election evidence. These are the extremes of torture I had to undergo due to my having key information on the AIPAC participation in election issues and issues that led up to 9-11.
The information dated as far back as 1996.
In regards to the woman, she happens to be the first name on the protected twenty-two list. That list came into existence on December 8, 2004 and would force me to make a decision regarding life or death in regards to testifying and providing further proof to the Democratic House Judiciary Committee. Those threats ranged from breaking of bones, auto and boating accidents, a church burning with people locked inside it, kidnapping, and the raping of several woman and children and outright murder on a few people who happened to be associated with me including friends who had Sicilian connections and/or were peace makers for Palestinian Rights.
Email #5
From: Farron Cousins
To: runningman JF
Cc: Scott Millican
Date: Jun 15, 2006 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: Ring of Fire Emailing
First of all, I am a man. And I'm sorry that you don't believe that I don't
have contact information for Bobby. But if I had to forward every piece of
information that tin-foil hat wearing folks like you sent for him, he'd
never have time to do anything else.
On behalf of the entire Ring of Fire staff, we do not want you to contact us
anymore. I personally do not appreciate you getting an attitude with me,
and I don't have to put up with it. And I'm not going to.
Have a great day
Footnote: If he really saved the voice messages, many of them I talk about my giving information to certain members of the House of Representatives, including Congressman Patrick Kennedy. Robert Kennedy’s cousin.
Email #6
From: runningman JF
To: Farron Cousins , Patrick Fitzgerald ,

Cc: Scott Millican ,

Date: Jun 15, 2006 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: Ring of Fire Emailing
This is my last reply to you.
You must be quite a NEOCON/ZIONIST.
You see if you did your homework, I ran for Congress
two years ago to represent Florida's 16th Congressional District.
I am glad you have your attorney present.
He will be quite interested in this.
Mr. Scott Millican, please visit this web blog that is being
closely watched by certain agents in the Department of Justice.
That address is

The phone number to leave a message is (202) 580-8531
Please sir, look at the other email addresses next to
Farron's. (DOJ, US Marshals, FBI, International Courts.)
Do I have to go into more details regarding the Kennedy
Family? If I must I will, but then the world will know too.
I have called Congressman Patrick Kennedy several times
and spoken with Mr. Z. (his name is not to be known) to make
sure Patrick is safe and secure over the past six months.
Don't mess with the Constitution. I am the American Patriot.
I am not going to take Farron's insults, in actuality I am
sending this letter to the Department of Justice and all
around the world. His actions are quite juvenile.
In actuality his actions might be grounds for treason.
I am going to ask formally the FBI and the Department
of Justice if I have grounds to do so.
Since I have already started to place charges of treason on
Congresswoman Maxine Waters and seven other individuals,
one more won't take much longer to do.
To everyone I blind copied I apologize for sending this to you.
Yet since I have real hard evidence regarding the 2000 election
and was told that contacting Robert Kennedy would help.
To the people who are concerned about Peace in Palestine, answers to
9-11, the end of the Iraq War and the Restoration of our Rights
that was taken away from us by the USA Patriot Act. This is what
the election manipulation is all about. I have evidence that links 9-11
to the election fraud that I have to get to a new US attorney now.
I would like to see everyone place this message everywhere.
The Internet, the press, television, radio, websites. Web blogs.... etc.
Fax it to your United States Representative. Call them too.
If any of you need phone # or faxes to Washington D.C.
I can provide that for you.
Mr. Cousins, do you read Indy Media? If you do go to this address
and see how large the real world is!

The world does now that I was trying to contact
Robert Kennedy with evidence.
You have never walked in my shoes
and if you tried you would fail.
Since I also had evidence regarding the 2002 elections
and the 2004 elections I was led to believe that Robert
Kennedy was being truthful and patriotic to the
United States of America.
I am praying that Robert Kennedy still is truthful and patriotic.
I am praying that this man named Farron Cousins
is just making a grave mistake instead.
My experience in the past 688 days tells me that I am correct.
My god! I ran for office for 695 days too. I think I have
a grasp on our nations ills.
Have a nice day!
An American Patriot Jeff Fisher
Email #7
From: Scott Millican
To: runningman JF
Date: Jun 15, 2006 1:56 PM
Subject: RE: Ring of Fire Emailing
Do you work for a voting machine manufacturer?
Email #8
The colour coding for this letter has nothing to do with the guide above
Re: Tinfoil hat, Mr. Cousins?
From: Roger Rancourt


Cc: International Courts , US Marshals ,
Patrick Fitzgerald , "Al- Dr. El-Najjar"
Date: Jun 15, 2006 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: Tinfoil hat, Mr. Cousins?
"On 6/15/06, Farron Cousins wrote:
First of all, I am a man. And I'm sorry that you don't believe that I don't
have contact information for Bobby. But if I had to forward every piece of
information that tin-foil hat wearing folks like you sent for him, he'd
never have time to do anything else."
I'm just rather curious where you get this term "tinfoil" from.....
You call Mr. Fishers evidence and claims pure "tin-foil"...
So what does this term actually mean? Might we examine that for just a minute?

Mr. Fisher has witnessed some very serious crimes, which directly prove the neocons are brainwashing students, teaching election fraud on a regular basis.
Oddly enough they are doing this worldwide, and of course, the ones running it are the Zionists aka neocons....

It seems to me in a quite sure sense, that various people are using the term "tinfoil" to cover up very serious and literal conspiracies.... perpetrated by Zionist Jews/Catholics and their regime...
It seems to me that in actuality, since these crimes are so very serious and blatant that the defense mechanism is to smear virtually anybody who utters them to cover it up.....
After all in no other country could you view this happening below, and not have it vigorously prosecuted including everyone who set the whole thing up...

Footnote by Jeff Fisher-This information/evidence was handed over to John Kerry’s inner campaign circle, which was arranged by Mary Beth Cahill.

" Sembler has become one of the main advisers of the "War to the drug" of Bush, thanks to its Drug Free America Foundation. In a sure sense it takes the old place of "zar" the anti-drug ones of Reagan, William Bennett, member of the Plan for the New Century American (PNAC) that it is passsato instead becoming an expert of the "war to the Islam".
The DFAF pursues the divine dream of the control total, striking itself so that the state controls the urines of every single adolescent American, in order to discover the presence of "drugs".
Mel and its moglie Betty are present on every governmental commission that is taken care of drugs. Ovunque, finances the campaigns against the legalization of the marijuana for medical use.
Today, the single states Americans always stretch more to order the obligatory treatment instead of the jail, for smaller crimes: with beyond two million imprison to you, have exceeded by far the capienza of the public prison institutions, but also private.
Hour, the "obligatory treatment" (propugnato also from someone in Italy) viola the same sense of the therapeutic communities, but it allows the increasing spread of "centers of riabilitazione" for the sake of lucro, in one gigantic festivity of outsourcing, privatization of all, from the war and the torture to the incarcerazione and the riabilitazione.
The commistioni between therapeutic communities, speculation building, arrange poliziesco/carcerario and judges have had recently one carried out much curious.
A judge who regularly sends the small delinquents from the PAR, anti-drug initiatives today in hand to the men of Sembler, has recently condemned a critic of the ambassador. The giudice/amico in fact has emitted a decree that it prohibits to Ray Bradbury, a critic of Mel, to speak about a "penile pump" (omits the translation, also because same I do not know of what features well) that he had uncovered between the refusals of the ambassador and that had put to the auction in net, in order to gain the attention on the malefatte ones of Mel. The provocazione of Bradbury has succeeded in full load, inasmuch as the same Washington Post today speaks about the curious practical of the ambassador.
The DFAF manages in way many skilful own public relation: while Sembler has managed the electoral campaign of the governor of Florida, Jeb Bush - than with its maneuvers to the limit of the illegalità the presidency of just the brother has tax to the United States -, Jeb Bush is in the directive one of the DFAF. Of the directive one of the DFAF it makes part also a sure Walter Loebenberg, founder of the local Museum of the Holocaust. In whose managing committee we find to they time Mel Sembler and its moglie, the lawyer of Mel, Leonard Englander, the former-managing of Straight, Jay Snider, Jan Sher, the moglie of the general executive manager of the Sembler Company. The director to interim of the museum is Bruce Epstein, also he member of the directive one of the Straight."

2003 evidence of the murder of Raymond Lemme and its relationship to the
1998-1999 Choice Point Program

Of course text from further emails we have on top of that, tying the knots together even farther.
"Blass's home computer:
One email sent to Jeb Bush stating that the project at Bay Point was going well and testing was almost complete. Dated March 1, 2000.
Blass's home computer:
Two emails sent to Mel Sembler.
First email was from March 2000 stating he needed more funds toward the creation of a new program.
The second was from June of 2002 stating that testing was finalized in Louisiana and Georgia for the upcoming Democratic Gubernatorial Primary in September. The methodology was to create vote swapping between Daryl Jones and Janet Reno. This was to take place so Bill McBride would be the Democratic candidate facing Governor Jeb Bush."

Yeah you know, I don't really have any time for this. It seems to me it might be time to stop being in denial of what’s happening, non-stop at these Zionist Jewish run schools.
You tell Bobby to call Jeff Fisher back on his phone personally, to arrange for a formal interview. Let Bobby himself decide whether something is "worthy" to air, and you let him air his allegations publicly.
It’s a very simple process, you see and we hold all the evidence. If you do not have him call Jeff himself or tell him to call him then you will be considered covering up a crime. Covering up a crime that jeopardizes the country.
We may at that point decide on other measures of action similar to that already taken with Lori Price. Because one way or another this is all being exposed, Air America Radio can do its duty and help or become collateral damage. We're not going to play around with any games, if they want the story come get it.
National Whistleblower Hotline
