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Its good night from Matilda

Its good night from Matilda | 23.06.2006 20:42 | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | Sheffield

Its Goodnight Matilda well not just yet!

Hello here is what has been asked of from the representatives of Yorkshire forward

Further to the Court hearing yesterday and the subsequent conversations, I have now had the opportunity to take my client's instructions.

My client reiterates that it does not wish to have to use bailiffs to evict you and would prefer to agree an exit strategy.

I understand that you intend to hold a meeting on Monday night and my client is prepared to allow for this meeting to go ahead to allow all squatters to be made aware that the possession order has been granted. This is only on the basis however that you confirm that no events involving the public will be held at the building as my clients are extremely concerned as to health and safety issues. We then require your confirmation that the building will be vacated by all no later than 9 am Tuesday 27th June 2006 - the date my client has stipulated they require possession.

Again, these requirements are being driven by my client's serious concerns about the safety of the building and the risks posed to those occupying it.

I look forward to hearing from you.

In the last twelve months, MATILDA have turned an abandoned building into a thriving social centre. For a year we have put on performances, film showings and exhibitions, as well as providing much needed working and meeting space for local artists and activists. So – if you've ever been to a gig / film night / art showing / Thursday social / meeting / bike workshop / clown training or anything else, You desire to come down to Matilda over this weekend and on Monday all day you can sign our guestbook giving your thoughts, feelings and even images. Once completed this guestbook and the diary of Matilda will be given to Councilor Jan Wilson who sits on the board for Yorkshire Forward/Creative Sheffield as well being the Labour leader for Sheffield, on the morning of our eviction.

We hope to see you over the weekend to say thank you for your support over our last year.

The Matilda moles have risen from their shadows and though we shall go back into the darkness for a while we will no doubt meet again soon as our next venue is owned by Yorkshire Forward too! We hope to see you there keep in touch our web page will be updated often also for more news goto Sheffield Indymedia.

Its good night from Matilda


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jan wilson

23.06.2006 23:31

all pointless !!!! complete waste of time why bother.
that fat new labour tory greedy capitalist bint will not take one bit of notice only thing sheffield city council is bothered about is budgets b***s**t and low turn outs

derek underwood
mail e-mail:


25.06.2006 02:25

So that's it then you're just going to leave and put up no resistance just typical of the middle class anachists who dominate the squatting movement these days too fucking scared of confronting the state. Why don't you fight to stay and resist like squatters used to and still do in some places.

Resist man

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dear resist man

25.06.2006 08:41

you know i fully agree with you "resist man" the thing that keeps me away from places like the "matilda" "broomspring centre" "access space" and the like is simply that these places are all about middle class bottle no soul no passion just bolshi lecturing of those with who these extremist vegans/anarchists/middle class politico posers/rebel clowns don't agree.when it comes to the the crucnh these people have no "bottle" all they know is dressing up as silly clowns and holding up placards they are the sort of people who shout "stand and fight" then when you surge to the front and turn around to look behind you they are gone back to their nice little cosy middle class cosy homes.
derek underwood

derek underwood
mail e-mail:

Health And Safety? "Oh, we're terribly terribly concerned"

25.06.2006 10:15

They don't give a fuck about health and safety. They just don't like the idea of anarchists and lefties and hippies and eco-warriors holding public meetings in their building. Why can't they be up-front and wear their true colours on their sleeves. It annoys me that they're kicking you out but to be honest what annoys me EVEN MORE is all the BULLSHIT. All the fucking crap bolloxy excuses. That wouldn't have gone down at school - teacher, I'm afraid I couldn't do my homework, truly I sympathised with your request for me to do it but due to health and safety concerns I was unable to complete exercsise 2b on quadratic equations.

And all this bollox about health and safety is EXACTLY the same bollox that the council are spouting when they demand that the Sheffield Street Piano be removed.

The Piano Liberation Army
- Homepage:

H & S

25.06.2006 19:19

Can't those new labour tossers in sheffield council be put away under health and safety issues. wankers.

orwell turning in his grave

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