Brian Haw Press Release
Parliament Square Peace Campaign | 14.06.2006 12:07 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles | London
Brian Haw and Barbara Tucker both due in court tomorrow 15th June at 10 am Horseferry Road Magistrates Court.
Both have been summonsed on malicious absurd allegations of taking part in an unauthorised demonstration on 26th March 06.
At the time, Brian Haw's demonstration (including Barbara Tucker and any peaceful person!) was exempt from this outrageous SOCPA law.
Brian's summons is being dropped we are told, and a new summons is being issued today alleging he obstructed police from trying to seize (steal) his pretty pink banner stating 'Bliar War Criminal (a Babs Tucker Production)'.
Supporters are welcome outside the court from 9.30am
Emma Sangster, supporter of Brian Haw; 07791 486484
Mr Haw’s solicitors: Bindman & Partners
A. For more on the Court of Appeal decision see:,,1770525,00.html
B. Mr Haw arrived in Parliament Square on 2 June 2001. His placards and banners amounted to both a body of material showing the injustice suffered by people, mainly in Iraq, as a result of this Government's foreign policy and also a huge show of support for Mr Haw's stand for peace and justice by people from all corners of the world.
C. For more information on the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 see: or
D. For more on SOCPA prosecutions see: or
E. For more on the dismantling of Brian Haw’s display by the police see:,,1781182,00.html
F. For more on the criticism of the police for the dismantling of Mr Haw’s display see:,,1783584,00.html
G. For more on the Metropolitan Police Commissioner supplying misleading information see:
The Telegraph, 28 May 2006,
Brian Haw and Barbara Tucker both due in court tomorrow 15th June at 10 am Horseferry Road Magistrates Court.
Both have been summonsed on malicious absurd allegations of taking part in an unauthorised demonstration on 26th March 06.
At the time, Brian Haw's demonstration (including Barbara Tucker and any peaceful person!) was exempt from this outrageous SOCPA law.
Brian's summons is being dropped we are told, and a new summons is being issued today alleging he obstructed police from trying to seize (steal) his pretty pink banner stating 'Bliar War Criminal (a Babs Tucker Production)'.
Supporters are welcome outside the court from 9.30am
Emma Sangster, supporter of Brian Haw; 07791 486484
Mr Haw’s solicitors: Bindman & Partners
A. For more on the Court of Appeal decision see:,,1770525,00.html
B. Mr Haw arrived in Parliament Square on 2 June 2001. His placards and banners amounted to both a body of material showing the injustice suffered by people, mainly in Iraq, as a result of this Government's foreign policy and also a huge show of support for Mr Haw's stand for peace and justice by people from all corners of the world.
C. For more information on the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 see: or
D. For more on SOCPA prosecutions see: or
E. For more on the dismantling of Brian Haw’s display by the police see:,,1781182,00.html
F. For more on the criticism of the police for the dismantling of Mr Haw’s display see:,,1783584,00.html
G. For more on the Metropolitan Police Commissioner supplying misleading information see:
The Telegraph, 28 May 2006,
Parliament Square Peace Campaign
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Remember WHY Brian Haw protests- Blair's coming genocide of Ramadi
14.06.2006 16:24
To support Brian Haw, you had better be seeking your knowledge of Blair's crimes from sources a long way removed from the vile racist output of the BBC and ITN.
Blair's latest genocide is to be Ramadi.
1) shut off all power to the city
2) destroyed all water and sewerage lines entering the city
3) Blockaded all fuel, food, and medical supplies from entering the city.
1) destroy all warehouse storage of food and medical supplies.
2) destroy all hospital facilities that cannot be taken over by HIS troops for their own exclusive use during the genocide.
3) target all emergency services, including ambulances, that attempt to give assistance to the people of Ramadi
4) set hundreds of snipers in position to murder ANY women or child that appears on the streets in search of water, food, or safety.
5) LAUNCH A FULL SCALE ASSAULT where forces will be instructed to exterminate all living things during their sweep through every building.
ASIDE- many of you, brainwashed by the crap fed to you by BBC, Channel 4 News etc., are in need of a serious REALITY CHECK at this point. Every major foreign correspondent working for BBC and ITN in Iraq is also working for MI6, and tasked to help provide propaganda to enable Blair's genocide. The best two examples of this were:
-Ragi Omar reporting crowds of cheering Iraqis when Saddam's statue was pulled down. In reality, the operation was organised by a US psy-op team, with a tiny crowd provided by IRANIAN forces that had invaded Iraq along-side the US (now better know as the Badr Brigades). Ragi Omar was a key part of the psy-op team, and his report was played endlessly on the MI6 operation known as the BBC world service, to 'prove' ordinary Iraq support for Blair's AGGRESSIVE WAR.
-The 'embedded' BBC correspondent during Blair's genocide of Fallujah that gave daily 'eye-witness' reports denying the reporting of atrocities coming from the residents of that doomed city. The gaffe was well and truly blown when the US later admitted the widespread use of chemical weapons, a fact that this 'reporter' had promised his viewers was totally untrue at the time.
Anyway, my point is that you should be reading the statement issued by the defense lawyer for the marines responsible for the cold-blooded execution in Haditha. Here, the lawyer STATES that it is standard US military policy to enter the home, and EXTERMINATE all residents, room by room. He is, of course, totally correct. However, the higher rule states that if the marines forget to execute ALL the witnesses, and other military forces in the area fail to keep journalists away from the scene until the news is stale, PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY will always be used by the political bosses.
The marines that were responsible for yet another war crime in the name of Blair's supreme crime, AGGRESSIVE WAR, were unfortunate. They were NOT involved in a city invasion.
Blair's coming invasion of Ramadi will liberate his proxy US forces from ANY legal risk. Not only can the marines repeat the events in Haditha, they are actually commanded to do so, and the people of Ramadi are told that this horror is exactly what Blair has in store for them. Blair acted to murder any REAL journalist that attempted to document his crimes against humanity during his genocide of Fallujah. Acidents happen, though, and one of Blair's "embedded" journalists accidently caught the execution of a wounded Fallujah citizen in a mosque by a marine. This act of cold-blooded murder was stated by the US government to be a legitimate act of war.
HITLER COULD NOT RISK SUCH IMAGES OF HIS SIMILAR ATROCITIES BECOMING PUBLIC. In other words, Hitler had to be more circumspect than Blair. Of course, Hitler controlled a very small proportion of the world's press at the time. Blair has effective control of the entire Mass Media of the West, and the stooge states that serve the West.
The genocide of Ramadi, like the genocide of Fallujah, actively draws on BNP style racism to encourage those in Iraq that see themselves as 'different' from the citizens of the target cities, to welcome the genocide, or actively participate in it. Hitler again used EXACTLY the same tactic, and the worst crimes against the jews thus occured NOT in Germany, but in those European nations that joined with Hitler's cause, and took his message to heart.
Blair encourages the Iranian forces that control much of Iraq, and the Kurds as well, to indulge themselves in an orgy of 'legal' rape, pillage, torture, and mass murder. For the Iranians in particular, he knows that such acts merely help them dig their own grave. When Blair is finally able to attack Iran, Iraq is intended to have a massive "shoe is on the other foot" transformation, with the currently dominant shia eliminated.
Most of you reading this will later return to the crap on the BBC and ITN. Here Blair is shown as the German people got to see THEIR leader, a harmless civilised middle-aged guy.
Mr Haw protests to show the truth that the BBC and ITN do not show about Blair. Mr Haw protests to show the images of Blair's crimes against humanity that anti-war protestors are told by their MI5 organisers they must NEVER have on their placards. However, Blair's New Reich is not stupid, and they happily exploit the CULT propaganda trick, encouraging Brian Haw's supporters to think that HE is the importance, NOT his cause.
If you care about Brian Haw's right to spread the message, YOU MUST ALSO CARE ABOUT THE MESSAGE ITSELF. If what I have discussed about Ramadi is in any sense new to you, you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself, especially if you waste ANY time watching Channel 4 News, or the BBC, when that time could be VASTLY better spent.
This is not the 1930's. The Internet has changed everything. Your understanding of Blair's crimes against humanity should NOT come from his gatekeepers in the Mass Media. Instead you should seek out information flowing from the victims themselves (the people Blair works so hard to label terrorists in the hope that this will prevent you from seeking their words- Hitler also called his victims 'terrorists').
The enemies of humaity are not blind to the dangers and advantages of the internet. The vast majority of large 'political' sites on the internet are pro-war, racist, and extreme right-wing, funded by large corporations and government agencies. Censorship of the very worst right wing comment is very rare in their forums. Their major mission is to extend the dominance of the Mass Media by attacking the much smaller number of pro-human sites on the Net, especially with the tactic of labelling these sites with that most racist of words 'anti-semitism' (this racist term should always be replaced with "racist against jewish people" or some such, so that EXACT equivalence is created when refering to racism against black people, or chinese, for instance- there is NO master-race, so there is NO requirement for special words).
The sites that fight on the side of humanity are much fewer in number, usually under-resourced, and under constant attack to apply massive amounts of self-censorship to their content, especially their forums. The major mission of their enemies is to eliminate all criticism of Israel, and by extension the pro-Israel leaders and policies currently responsible for AGGRESSIVE WARFARE. Worse, many so-called liberal sites are either fronts, or infiltrated as much as possible by Blair's forces, in order to have maximum affect on site policies (Indymedia's policy of censoring comment by hiding, and by requiring that comments have to be opened in the first place, illustrate this vunerability- neither are required for non-spam comment, and long comments like mine can be handled by partial display, with user action required to read the whole thing).
However, even the less genuine pro-human sites are forced to disseminate news that the Mass Media hides whenever possible, and so are useful starting points. Many pro-human sites seem like 'one-man-bands' and this will mean that the owner has hobby-horses that may clash severely with your own point of view. This can easily be ignored, if the site acts as a first class portal, and daily points you to information that you might otherwise miss.
These are very very bad times. Blair has more power to achieve his goals than Hitler ever dreamt of, and all the advantages of Mass Media control, and 60 more years of reasearch into psychological control and warfare methods. As Blair squeezes the muslims just as Hitler squeezed the jews, Blair introduces ever harsher laws with ever lower evidencial requirements. Thus the muslims become convicted terrorists simply by recording their inevitable outbursts of frustrated anger. And as more of them are convicted this way, more new laws are passed, uping the pressure and completing the circle.
Blair's best people have but one mission when they put themselves in places like this. THAT MISSION IS TO PREVENT YOU FROM EVER SEEING OR THINKING ABOUT THE BIG PICTURE. Worry about Brian, but don't think about WHY he is protesting. You see the exact same pattern repeated over and over here. It is a clever psychological trick. Distract the potential enemies of Blair in a million different ways. Never have them ask instead why a monster with just 20% of the vote behind him can't simply be removed.