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ASBO sentences given to DSEI protestors.

Lumsk | 26.05.2006 13:54 | DSEi 2005 | Indymedia | Repression | London

Indefinite ASBO 's were just one of the sentences given to DSEI protestors at Snaresbrook Crown Court on the 24th May 2006.

A more full account of the court case will be published when those defendants involved have had a chance to consult with their legal council.However it is only right to report that the judge in the case was determined to sentence the protestors with indefinte ASBO's as well as community service orders, and for one person a six month suspended sentence. There was some legal argument as to the legitimacy of imposing an ASBO for such an offence appertaining to the circumstances. and this will continue no doubt through the courts. But suffice to say this appeared to be an opportunity taken by the judge to test the use of ASBO's on people arrested for being involved in protest.



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The ASBO is designed to destroy the concept of WRITTEN LAWS

26.05.2006 17:25

The ASBO, a creation of the Mandelson-Straw-Goldsmith side of the New Reich party, serves several purposes, but the main purpose is to destroy the concept of WRITTEN LAWS that has been created by LAWMAKERS (as the US always calls them- ever wonder why?) in the HOUSES of PARLIAMENT.


Dictatorships works by dishing out law-making power to LOCAL goons, who can then use those powers to supress and exploit their surfs.

YES, Britain has returned to feudal times. There are NO universal rights for ordinary people in the UK any more. Guess what? Hitler created this SAME situation. Stalin created this SAME situation. Mao created this SAME situation. Why? Because it is the situation that dictatorial monsters have to create in order to convert their nation into their playground.

Even here, most of the readership will try to deny what I have said, and seek to understand ASBO's through Murdoch's own propaganda, simply because Blair's propagandists speak a million times louder than people such as myself. Blair lays down the 'anti-social' meme, 'kids-out-of-control' meme, and 'not-enough-people-in-court' meme, and the weak minded population of the UK laps it up. People think they hate Blair, BUT YOU SUCK UP BLAIR'S PROPAGANDA LIKE ITS MILK FROM YOUR MOTHER'S BREAST.

It can be proven, even to the stupidest person, that Blair's abuse of power, and destruction of all political and legal principles within the UK, progresses ever more rapidly from year to year. When we have a clear trend, it becomes appropriate to EXTRAPOLATE this trend, in order to anticipate where we will be in the coming months and years.


At this, most of you look at the graph showing Blair's past achievements, current acts, and future intentions, and state for NO REASON WHATSOEVER that the graph will suddenly trend downwards before the worst eventuality comes to pass. Just like it DIDN'T with Hitler. Just like it DIDN'T with Stalin. Just like it DIDN'T with Mao. And by the way, there was a time when Hitler, Stalin and Mao had the worst of their genocidal and dictatorial actions yet to happen, and the ONLY indication of how completely depraved and evil they could be was shown by an examination of THEIR existing progress and action year-on-year.

You can read today of the successful actions of Blair's goons in Oxford University (shouldn't that be Israel university) as they attempt to ban ALL PROTEST across the whole of the city (yes, you read that correctly). The university is currently building a genetic weapons research lab, as crudely disguised as those sister facilities in Israel itself. (Those that would laughable seek to deny this should consider the connection between university particle-physics labs in the 30's onwards, and fundamental nuclear weapon research).

ASBO's also, but much less importantly, follow the trend of making ALL civil legal issues in to CRIMINAL legal issues when the ordinary citizen clashes with the state, or big business. An ASBO has a CRIMINAL PENALTY (and an extremely EVIL criminal penalty both in degree and consequence) regardless of the circumstance used as an excuse by Blair's goon to issue the ASBO in the first place.

We have seen the same trend in the near universal creation of MASSIVE criminal penalties applying to ordinary people involved in non-profit copyright abuse cases (previously, these were CIVIL matters only). The companies that benefit from these draconian new laws include the vast majority of organisations that produce the daily propaganda for Blair.

When all fairness and reason is stripped from a civilisation, what exactly do you think is going to happen? Ah, but what do you care so long as you can go out and buy that big new plasma TV, and sit back watching Murdoch's crap larger and more life-like than ever before. Amusing that. Why, because old Hitler offered his suckers the promise of fantastical TV services as well, before a little thing like WW2 came along and spoilt it all.


Return to feudalism

27.05.2006 08:45

"YES, Britain has returned to feudal times." - Twilight

Agreed. I support experimentation on animals but I didn't know all animal protest in Oxford had been banned. Worrying.

But feudalism was much easier for our aristocrats. Now they are joined by the financial and business elites. Our employee/employer relations were basically semi-feudal despite contract and employment law. Now it seems some of them prefer more feudalism.



27.05.2006 14:24

"I support experimentation on animals.. " insidejob

Why? Are you sick(in the head)? Would you like to be tortured/experimented on to make killer drugs that make a few rich perverts richer? No, thought not. Educate yourself. Those who support animal torture profit from it. Those who know the truth and are against it make no money from it.


Hit the right target.

30.05.2006 21:44

Hey a
It is a bit daft to so viciously attack someone from the other side who might cross over. And then discredit your case with "killer" drugs and "torture".

There used to be a lab in Cardiff with two lots of Rabbits being experimented on. When someone went in, one lot of Rabbits came forward, and the other lot cowered in the back of their cages. Both lots were being injected with experimental drugs.

The difference was that one trial was run by a man who petted his animals before he injected them. The other trial was run by a man who grabbed and jabbed.

The real thing to get shirty about is the misuse of ASBOs, and the Labour Party's determination to maintain Thatcherite policies to produce lots of Criminals so that there are big rewards for their friends who invest in Privatised Prisons. And how to change Society so it does not produce unmanageable numbers of vicious people.
